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Английский Разговорный Клуб

Английский Разговорный Клуб
2010-10-22 10:42 admin

Английский Разговорный Клуб

В эту пятницу, 2010.10.22, как обычно, в семь часов вечера мы встречаемся в нашем Английском Клубе на Арбате.
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В группе, которую веду я, будут обсуждаться две темы:

If you believe in evolution it is only because you chose to believe instead
of thinking by yourself!

1) We mustn't believe in science, in professors! They have proved that they
would confirm everything their masters want them to.
2) No sane person will ever subsidize experiments for creating any life. So
nobody really believes that the life appeared by itself.
3) Genes actually are programs like computer programs. The idea that
programs can be written with method of random mutations and selection is
obviously absurd.

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