Как-то на днях зашел на
один из американских форумов и
наткнулся на несколько постов, как мне
кажется, растущих из одного куста. Но
насколько они откровенны, или это
интрига? Если да, то на что направлена?
Hi! I'm from New Jersey next to New York. I
read here of so many people that hate americans, makes me sad.
Not all americans are arrogant and think of money. We like to
go to the movies, watch tv, talk to friends and care and love
our families just like anyone else. I don't like arrogant
people and people that are materialistic myself. We don't
think we are better than anyone else, we are interested in
learning about other cultures. I met a russian guy recently
liked him immediately he is here just for 4 months and for the
first time had to courage to give a guy my phone number. He
called me the next day and we met at the library in my town
not far from where he is staying. I liked him so much, he was
all over me and wanted to have sex immediately, I told him I
had to get to know him, I just don't have sex with anybody no
matter how much I like them. I think he got disappointed and
has never called me again and hardly answers my emails he said
he is too busy and has no time for girls. Broke my heart. He
said he's going to see me before he leaves to Russia. I wonder
if he had that misconception about americans. Anyway, I like
russian people and I would love to visit your country. In the
future maybe even adopt a child. That would be very nice.
Don't hate us we are just like you.
To Someone Who Has An Idea:
I feel silly putting this out there but I need some advice. I
met a Russian online while seeking a pen pal. I find we like
many similar things: interests, outdoors, walking, ideas,...
It's a situation, however, where neither of us would probably
ever meet. I am broke (no money). He is surviving on what
little money he has. Plus, I am a divorced mother of one. I do
not believe he has ever been married. I know he is single,
We write almost every day. Certainly our friendship will be a
true one. He also has been a complete gentleman. He has not
ever flirted or given me any idea that he may want to be more
than friends. He has even joked a few times; he is always so
matter-of-fact or serious. We mostly discuss our cultural
differences, stories, books, photos of our perspective
homeland. The problem, well, my problem, is that I know the
reality of the situation - lack of money, distance, etc.
However, I think I am really falling for this guy. I have no
idea what he looks like, not really. And, I don't care. But, I
don't know what to do. I know what NOT to do, and that is to
tell him how I feel.
If anyone has any suggestion of what I can do to prevent
myself from having dreams and daydreams about this guy I would
be grateful. I have met different types of men through the
years and have never felt like this about any of them. Maybe
it is the safety of the distance between us. I don't know.
I have been reading a lot about Russia's culture and I can't
find anything about ettiquette for friendships or
relationships. I am happy that he writes and enjoys writing to
me. I know that usually men have friendships with other men,
not with women. So, I that just enforces the idea that we have
a true friendship growing.
I would just like to stop spending so much time thinking about
I would appreciate someone's opinion, especially if the
response comes from an older Russian. (We are both in our
Т.е. американские девушки (женщины)
сохнут по русским парням? А Вы
говорите ....
Постоянная участница
форума из San Antonio (Техас) довольно часто
выкладывает интересные материалы для
изучающих английский. Один из
последних постов поясняет, что
означает и откуда взялось выражение
"dog days".
*1 : the hot sultry period of summer between early July and early
September in the northern hemisphere
2 : a period of stagnation or inactivity
Example sentence:
With the steamy dog days upon us, air conditioners are selling like
Did you know?
Dogs aren't the only creatures uncomfortable in oppressive heat, so
why does a dog get singled out in "dog days"? The dog here
is actually the Dog Star, which is also called "Sirius." The
star has long been associated with sultry weather in the northern
hemisphere because it rises simultaneously with the sun during the
hottest days of summer. In the ancient Greek constellation system,
this star (called "Seirios" in Greek) was considered the
hound of the hunter Orion and was given the epithet "Kyon,"
meaning "dog." The Greek writer Plutarch referred to the hot
days of summer as "hēmerai kynades" (literally,
"dog days") and a Latin translation of this expression as
"dies caniculares" is the source of our English phrase.
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газеты и журналы в разделе Чтиво, Аудиокниги
(Harry Potter and the Order of
the Phoenix, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, The Cod Da
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