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The first evidence to show the destruction
of deep sea coral reefs has been filmed by scientists. The
scientists involved hope their work will help preserve these
habitats that are found all over the world. This report from
Ania Lichtarowicz:
The footage reveals images of animal species never seen
before, but it also shows the complete destruction of the
corals caused by deepwater trawling.
The reefs, which lie a kilometre below the ocean surface, are literally
bulldozed leaving almost nothing behind. This is alarming
scientists as the reefs are breeding grounds for many
fish, without them stocks
will plummet. Dr. Jason Hall-Spencer from the
University of Plymouth collected the images. He says that
these reefs must be protected to preserve newly discovered
wildlife and to safeguard future fishing
Dr. Jason Hall-Spencer
"If you want to have fish to eat in the future and you want
to have jobs for fishermen in the future then we need to ensure
that there's something there to catch. So if you destroy the
habitat in which these fish feed and breed then you're going to
destroy sustainability
of that fishery. So the whole idea really is to protect small
parts of the ocean for the benefit of the industries that rely
on the ocean."
The deep water reefs are not only found
around the west European coast, from Norway, around Scotland,
Ireland and right down to Spain, but have also been seen in
African waters. Now the scientists have the evidence to show
just how devastating
deep sea trawlers are to marine life, they hope to be able to
prosecute companies that damage the reefs. This they
say can be done easily using satellites to
track where these large boats go and to ensure
they're not destroying wildlife that's almost five thousand
years old.
Ania Lichtarowicz, BBC
The footage
the film that was recorded (the length of film is often measured
in feet - 1 foot = 0.3 metres)
a kind of fishing using a large net pulled along the bottom of
the sea
literally bulldozed
as if destroyed by a bulldozer, a vehicle used to move large
rocks and knock-down buildings
shocking and worrying
breeding gounds
areas where, in this case, fish reproduce
stocks will plummet
the number of fish will fall a great deal and very quickly
the ability for an industry to continue
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