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Russia's Defence Minister has offered his
thanks to the Royal Navy for saving the lives of seven Russian
submariners. This report from Damian Grammaticas
Among Russia's high
command there is genuine gratitude for the British
rescue effort. Without British help it's
clear the seven Russian submariners would have perished
at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.
At an official reception the Defence
Minister Sergei Ivanov presented Commander Ian Riches and two of
his men with engraved Russian naval wristwatches. Mr Ivanov is
now asking President Putin to give state
honours to the British team. It was their Scorpio submersible,
flown in from Prestwick that cut through the nets and cables entangling
Russia's mini-submarine.
The seven Russians had been trapped inside
for three days. Suffering from hypothermia
and a lack of oxygen they'd appeared doomed.
Commander Riches said when he saw the mini-submarine bob
to the surfacethe
feeling of elation was out of this world.
Russia's government has ordered an investigation into why the
submarine became trapped, and why Russia's Navy couldn't rescue
its own men.
Damian Grammaticas, BBC, Moscow
high command
the small group of people who lead a country’s military forces
it's clear
it is certain
died (usually in a sudden or violent way)
state honours
official awards given to people for things that they have done
a vehicle designed to be used underwater
if you have hypothermia then your body temperature has become
unusually low
here, certain to die
bob to the surface
gently rise to the top of the ocean
the feeling of elation was out of this
the happiness he felt (at the success of the rescue mission) was
better than anything else he had felt before
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