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Аспирант и Соискатель

[aspirant] ``Aesthetic Expression as Historical Narrative - the 20s in the Soviet Union''

Аспирант и Соискатель N 8717 от 2009-04-08
участников 2384 Написать: job.education.aspirant-list@subscribe.ru
Seminar at the Norwegian University Centre in St. Petersburg

``Aesthetic Expression as Historical Narrative - the 20s in the Soviet

Non-written sources, as photography, film, art, architecture and music
have, as a rule, been considered as a problematic field by historians.
In the discourse of modern historiography, however, these sources have
often been put into use as historical narratives, i.e. as forms of
expression that may be analyzed in an historical context, often allowing
a deeper understanding of the historical period they represent.

The 1920s decade in the Soviet Union is, in many ways, a suitable
example for illustrating this through the artistic avantgarde's
interesting - and highly problematic - encounter with the political
reality shaped by Lenin and his successors in the Soviet Communist
Party. Centrally positioned here is film art - by Lenin apocryphally
described as ``the most important of all art'' - where the October
revolution and the Civil War heralded a group of artists, among those
Eisenstein, Pudovkin, Vertov, Dovzhenko and Shub, who were to have a
decisive influence on the development of aesthetic film history.

The seminar aims at discussing how the contemporary art scene in 1920s
Soviet Union did relate to contemporary historical and political events,
using the development of Soviet cinema as example. Cases discussed may
be the films about the 1905 revolution (Eisenstein's The Battleship
Potemkin and Pudovkin's Mother), the films made for the celebration of
the 10 year anniversary of the October revolution (where both Eisenstein
and Pudovkin re-enacted the storm on the Winter Palace), the
contemporary artistic and political commentary provided in Vertov's
documentaries and Esfir Shub's pioneering use of the film and
photography archives of the tsar family for the historical compilation
film History of the Romanov Dynasty.

Further examples will be provided from art history, photography,
architecture and other visual art forms (e.g. the art of the propaganda
poster) and music.

Polina Tsikoreva [administrat***@n*****.ru]

-*Это 226 письмо от данного участника.

архив: http://subscribe.ru/archive/job.education.aspirant/msg/842960

Организатор и руководитель проекта: Славников Дмитрий - slavnik***@c*****.ru

Ответить   Wed, 08 Apr 2009 13:34:51 +0400 (#842960)