MBA Consult Company would like to invite you to join the
Chicago Graduate
School of Business Moscow presentation to learn
more about one of the leading business schools in the world.
We are pleased to announce that representatives of the Chicago GSB Full-Time and
Executive MBA programs will be visiting Moscow on October 3, 2002. Associate
Dean Donald C. Martin and Managing DirectorExecutive M.B.A. Program
Europe Glenn Sykes warmly welcome you to this event. In two separate rooms
members of the Full-time and Executive MBA Admissions Board will give their
respective presentations, and Chicago Alumni will be there to answer questions
about the MBA Program experience.
Thursday, October 3, 2002
Registration: 6:00 p.m.
Presentation: 6:30 p.m.
Attention! Location of meeting has changed from Marriott Grand Hotel to
Marriott Royal Aurora Hotel!
Petrovka Str. 11/20
Attendance is limited. Please register
online or by sending your
information (name; age; program, you are interesting in; contact details) in
reply to this letter.
We look forward to meeting you soon! In the meantime, you may like to visit
Chicago GSB web pages for information on the degrees and application procedure: