Beautiful 404 Error Page with modern animated background and beautiful graphics. It is easy to use for developers. Everything is commented and written according to best coding practices.
Kill IE6 is a bold little template to show off to those visitors of yours that are living in the past. Join the present and help kill off IE6 and it’s horrible rendering, Kill IE6 makes it easy
SJ Lotte - A completely new design is used specifically for the restaurant, hotel or tourism... With responsive web design layout, this template will convince any dimensions of popular display devices. With this, we integrated both Content and K2 component into the core, allowing you to choose between simplicity and cleanliness of default Content component, OR sophistication and power of K2!
CodeCanyon - Google Traffic Pop for WordPress v1.0 | 60,9 KB
Take full advantage of Google’s 500 million plus user base by giving your visitors an alternative to ads that also create value for you. By clicking +1 on your content they share it with everyone and they get to view your content uninterrupted: a great alternative to those who have content they cant charge for but want added value from it. Requiring them to +1 before reading / viewing / downloading etc will add thousands of new visitors and links to your sites! More +1’s = more traffic = more money!
This widget allows you to display when the next episode of your favorite series will air. The data is collected from thetvdb database. The script will only do one api call per day and store all data in the database to speed up the script. Selecting new series has been made very easy by adding a custom admin page. All styling is done via an external css file so the widget can be edited very easy. The latest version also includes support for shortcodes. You can use the shortcode ‘tvseries’. In between the tags you type the name of the series you want to display. The option ‘episode’ is used to pick what episode will be displayed. The possible options are ‘last’, ‘next’ and ‘both’. For example, to display the last episode of supernatural you use: [tvseries episode=last]supernatural[/tvseries].
CodeCanyon - xCommenter Wordpress Auto Comment SEO Plugin v1.2.2 | 0,98 MB
Your website has a lot of image intensive content and take up a lot of resources when loading up? Your boss and your clients consider the pages fluidity a serous matter? With WP Image Lazy Load plugin, no more need to sacrifice your beautiful images quality! Family galleries, portfolios, news reports with a lot of photos. This plugin provides a better user experience by delaying the load of images in (especially long) web pages. Images outside of the visible portion of the page that the user is viewing wont be loaded before the user scrolls down to them. The plugin can now supporting all wordpress images even those from plugins, sidebars, theme featured images… Just make sure your images are standard img tag and are not dependent on some advanced javascript event like for Slider Plugins. Also make sure that your theme is not based on an advanced framework that use any image preload mechanism!
Your website has a lot of image intensive content and take up a lot of resources when loading up? Your boss and your clients consider the pages fluidity a serous matter? With WP Image Lazy Load plugin, no more need to sacrifice your beautiful images quality! Family galleries, portfolios, news reports with a lot of photos. This plugin provides a better user experience by delaying the load of images in (especially long) web pages. Images outside of the visible portion of the page that the user is viewing wont be loaded before the user scrolls down to them. The plugin can now supporting all wordpress images even those from plugins, sidebars, theme featured images… Just make sure your images are standard img tag and are not dependent on some advanced javascript event like for Slider Plugins. Also make sure that your theme is not based on an advanced framework that use any image preload mechanism!
Online videos are here to stay. More online video is consumed today than ever before. In fact, the numbers have more than doubled in 2012. Whether you need a powerful a publishing platform, a simple video gallery for your site, a flexible video CMS or everything in between — it all comes standard with PHP Melody.
Multiple image uploader that is easy to install and use. The demo only allows to upload images smaller than 200kb. Please note that the images in our demo have been uploaded by viewers and may contain nudity or disturbing images. If you like our updates then please consider re-purchasing the item.
CodeCanyon - DOCman PayPal Paid Downloads v3.2.1 We’ve released the most advanced and yet flexible component for selling files with DOCman and Joomla and we’re happy to share it with the Joomla! Community. This component will help you sell downloads / have Pay Per Download on your site. You don’t need to do anything else, just install the component and start earning money. Stop loosing customers because of third party applications that your users has to fight with, with our component there is no need for registration or providing sensitive information.
ThemeForest - BUILDER - Responsive HTML Template | 6 MB
Powerful site template designed in a clean and minimalistic style. This template is very flexible, easy for customizing and well documented, approaches for personal and professional use. BUILDER has been coded in HTML5 & CSS3 and jQuery. It has a solid flexible responsive layout that scales from 320px to 1260px width all Bootstrap features. Follow me to be notified for future updates!