Vasco - ThemeForest E-commerce OpenCart Template | 5,99 MB Vasco is a clean and modern template made for OpenCart. It uses beautiful Nivo Slider to present your featured products on the home page in order to decrease user’s clicks and increase your sales. The theme is kept throughout in warm and elegant colours and is a fantastic option for e-stores wanting to sell online. All the files + step-by-step installation guide are included and it will take you less than 10 minutes to install vasco.
Vasco theme has just been updated. I fixed some of the bugs reported by its users and also added nivo slideshow module, so now to add/ edit/ delete a slide you don’t need to edit any html. All you have to do is log in to your admin panel and upload your slides, add links and set settings.
Рамка для самой любимой женщины с красными розами - Поздравляю и я тебя люблю 1 PSD, 2PNG | 2421х3661 | 300 dpi | 100 Mb Автор: ОксанаА Примечание: 2 варианта использования рамки, слои отдельно.
Вашему вниманию представлены обои на экран монитора. В это собрание вошли яркие HQ обои на всевозможные темы. Данный сборник состоит из картинок широкого спектра диагоналей на разные разрешения рабочего стола.
Wedding Hearts CS4 is a 3d gallery where you can display up to 15 place holder, plus text.This file is suitable for wedding of course but also fo any kind of special event, birthday, renewal... Resolution 1280X720, 30 fps, 16 bit pc. 3 ready colored project, Pink, Red, Blue. Easy replace place holder by text, and control the most important effects of all place holder text & background from one layer.