Лексиум (анонсы блога профессионального web-мастера) Как БЫСТРО увеличить число окошек в экспресс-панели Opera
Not so long ago, faced with the fact that not all can expand express panel opera.
The problem was in finding a way to express the panel configuration file opera — speeddial.ini
The path to the file settings express panel opera turned downright personal.
How to be when the standard file path settings express panel opera lead to a dead end?
Here we, oddly enough, help yourself browser opera .
1. Poke this link in the window that appears in search box
write one word — «speed».Once this word is written on the page below will appear several more fields.
We are interested in the field «Speed Dial File».
Path to the configuration file Express panel opera — speeddial.ini registered in this field!
2. We arise in this field and make it a triple left click. Voila! Path to the configuration file Express panel opera stand out!
3. Now on your keyboard (if you suddenly did not know this trick), yet the path to the settings panel express opera still selected , press simultaneously two keys Ctrl and C (Ctrl-C).
Pressed? Wait, that chtoto happen? And everything has already happened) The path to the settings panel Express opera already copied to the clipboard!4. Now what to do with it? Of course, the same use! Now zadachka complicated.
You're running under Windows?
Simultaneously press two buttons Win (aka Start, it is also key Microsoft) and R ( Win-R ).
key win looks like, and usually, the keyboard is at the bottom left between the Ctrl and Alt
If you press right, you will have a window that says «Run».Under this window enter (just type in, rather than copy-and-paste from this page!) The word «notepad» (without quotes) press spacebar , and then press Ctrl and V (Ctrl-V). Was such a long line.
Now click «OK». Here it is! Here content Configuration File Express panel opera — speeddial.ini
5. Go to the end contents of the file express panel opera — speeddial.ini
and appends these 4 lines:
[Size] Total = 30 Rows = 5 Columns = 6
Fit in? Now simultaneously press Ctrl-S and close, first application «notepad» (the very thing which was added 4 lines in the configuration file express panel opera — speeddial.ini), followed him close the browser and Opera. Again launch browser Opera.
Done! Now, in the Express bar opera entire 30 windows.
Whew! Fast and easy! The most difficult thing in all this — it's time to press two buttons at once ... Well, yes, I have no doubt that with this you just right)))
PS Configuration File Express panel opera — speeddial.ini, appears only after putting in the Express Bar Opera at least one site. Prior to this (such as immediately after installing the browser Opera) file setting panel Quick opera — speeddial.ini not be found.
PPS There are people who have managed, I will not write how to disable Express panel opera and do not know how to enable Express panel opera back.If you're among those people who poke this link in the window that appears in search box write a single word — «speed». Once this word is written on the page below will appear several more fields.
We are interested in the field "Speed Dial State ".
If this box is 0, fix it on 1, click the Save button at the bottom of the page, restart the browser Opera, and Express toolbar in your browser opera working again!