Unity is a multiplatform game development tool, designed from the start to ease creation. A fully integrated professional application, Unity just happens to contain the most powerful engine this side of a million dollars.
Kaspersky KryptoStorage securely protects your personal files against unauthorized access and data theft using cutting-edge transparent encryption technology and allows deleted files to be permanently erased from your computer.
Astronauts, cosmonauts, and a very limited number of people have experienced eating space food due to the unique processing and packaging required for space travel. This book allows anyone with a normal kitchen to prepare space food. Since some of the processing such as freeze dehydration, and packaging cannot be accomplished in the normal kitchen, many of the recipes will not produce the food that would be launched in space, but will prepare food similar to what the astronauts would eat after they had added the water to the food in space. Many of the space foods are prepared to the point of ready to eat, and then frozen and freeze dried. Food preparation in this book stops at the point of ready to eat before the freezing and dehydrating takes place.
Cracking the TOEFL IBT 2009 Edition (Book with CD)
Publisher: Princeton Review Pages: 608 Format / Quality: PDF + OGG "audio" Language: English ISBN-10: 0375428550 ISBN-13: 978-0375428555 Size: 72 MBs
The TOEFL has undergone major changes in recent years. It is now completely computer-based; it's longer; and it has mandatory Speaking, Listening, and Writing sections. Cracking the TOEFL iBT provides the most comprehensive information available about how to succeed on the exam, complete with an audio CD and full transcript, full-length practice test, and scores of drill questions.
NiceLabel Suite is a fully-featured, modular labeling solution for label design, integration and professional printing requirements. A wide range of options make NiceLabel Suite a perfect and easy-to-use, wizard driven tool for any labeling requirement, including RFID, compliance labeling and more.
NiceLabel Suite includes NiceLabel Pro – fully-featured Label Design Software. NiceLabel Pro includes a complete database support, user and document security and integration options. A wide range of features and options make the NiceLabel Pro a powerful, but easy-to-use tool for any labeling requirement.
Данный курс расчитан на тех кто хочет научиться торговать на валютных рынках. Компания CMS Forex предлагает обучающий материал на данном диске и видеоуроки. На диске находится уникальный программный комплекс VT Trader для торговли на форекс.
LimeWire is a fast, easy-to-use file sharing program that contains no spyware, adware or other bundled software. Compatible with all major platforms and running over the Gnutella network, LimeWire's open source code, is freely available to the public and developed in part by a devoted programmer community.
Serv-U Basic Web Client is an HTTP-based file transfer client available for use by all Users on a Serv-U File Server. The Basic Web Client is a perfect solution for novice computer users and organizations with a need to provide a simple method of transferring a few files between your users. Because it uses the HTTP protocol to communicate with Serv-U, the Basic Web Client avoids some of the headaches associated with using the FTP protocol in a secured environment or through the limited support of FTP in today''s common web browsers