Effective July 1, 2001, the following pricing changes will be in effect for Commision
Junction advertisers (please note all prices are in US dollars):
Commission Junction-s transaction fee is increasing from 20% to 30%
There will be a minimum transaction fee of $.30 per lead or sale.
This means that advertisers paying a commission of $1.00 or less per sale or lead will be
charged a minimum transaction fee of $.30 regardless of the payout amount. Advertisers
paying more than $1.00 per lead or sale will be charged the 30% transaction fee.
Note to Partners: Advertisers signing up between June 1st and June 30th
will have a transaction fee of 30%.
Что это значит:
Рекламодатели будут больше платить
самому CJ, и меньше давать Издателям.
Effective, August 1, 2001, Commission Junction will no longer enable and will phase out
conventional pay-per-click as a payout option within our network.
The acquisition of sales and leads has become Commission Junction-s forte. Just
driving traffic is not enough anymore, as pay-per-click programs do not directly provide
the tangible ingredient fundamental to the success of every business v new customers.
This is our strength and we need to focus our business on delivering it better than anyone
Advertisers currently running a pay-per-click program have 60 days to convert to a
pay-per-lead or pay-per-sale program before we functionally disable this capability. We
will still track and report on all click activity, but advertisers will no longer be able
to use Commission Junction to pay on that activity. All pay-per-click revenue will be
tracked, reported and paid as usual for the next 60 days.
Advertisers and publishers are encouraged to shift resources dedicated to pay-per-click
programs to pay-per-lead or pay-per-sale programs. Our Client Services department is
available to work directly with every customer that would like to consider this as an
option. You can contact Client Services for help with this transition at: publishersupport@cj.com
Что это значит:
С 1 августа 2001 года новые
кликовые программы не будут допускаться, а
постепенно и вовсе исчезнут. Рекламодателям дано
60 дней, чтобы преобразовать кликовые программы в
программы оплаты за действие или за продажу.
Надо напомнить, что после отмены
таких программ на Clicktrade, многие рекламодатели
перешли от него на CJ. Теперь ситуация повторяется.
Впрочем если рекламодателю не нужны никакие "действия"
от может объявить "действием" собственно
заход на его сайт (практически клик) и платит за
это соответственно (то есть очень мало).
Изменения в Соглашении
Introduction v Commission Junction is now using the term "Advertiser" for
"Merchant" and the term "Publisher" for Affiliate. Changes to the
entire Agreement with respect to this terminology change were actually published on the
Commission Junction Web site on May 25, 2001. Additional changes to this paragraph include
referring to sales and leads as "Transactions" and clicks shall be included to
the limited extent that Advertisers still pay commissions to Publishers on a pay-per-click
Торговца теперь велено
величать Рекламодателем, Партнера - Издателем, а
продажи и действия - транзакциями. А хоть груздем
назови, но в печку не клади.
Impact on Members: Effective, August 1, 2001, Commission Junction will no longer
enable and will phase out conventional pay-per-click as a payout option within our
Об отмене кликовых программ как
Section 1 v The last sentence of the 2nd paragraph was amended to clarify
that Commission Junction is not responsible for the practices of its members and content
on its members- Web sites and subscription emails.
Impact on Members: The
changes were clarifications. Commission Junction previously disclaimed liability for the
practices of its members and content on its members- Web sites and subscription emails.
However, this was made by combination of the 2 agreements and through general disclaimers.
Разъяснено, что сын за отца (то есть
CJ за участников и содержание их сайтов и писем) не
Section 2.2 (at 3rd paragraph) v Advertisers are now obligated to give
Publishers 7 days notice of changes to the details of their Program that are contained on
the Information Page that the Advertiser hosts on its Web site.
Impact on Members:
Members will be fully cognizant of changes to the Advertiser-s Program or a particular
campaign (e.g. sale or lead promotion) prior to implementation.
И это хорошо. Теперь об изменения в
своей программе оплаты рекламодатель обязан
предупредить издателя за 7 дней
Section 1, whereby an Advertiser may terminate a Publisher from its Program if the
Publisher is engaged in any illegal activity, including illegal content contained on the
Publisher-s web site or within its subscription emails. In the Advertiser Agreement, the
procedures for terminating a Publisher from the Advertiser-s Program are now detailed.
on Members: Section 2.3 now more accurately reflects legitimate business reasons for
an Advertiser to immediately terminate a Publisher from the Advertiser-s Program and the
procedure for accomplishing this.
Более подробно объяснено - по каким
причинам издателя могут выкинуть из программы
Section 3.1 of the Advertiser Agreement v Commission Junction-s Transaction Fees
have increased, with effect from July 1st for Advertisers, to the greater of:
an amount equal to 30% of the commission or 30 cents. Pay-per-click, which shall be
operational through July 31, 2001, shall be calculated by multiplying the commission by
Impact on Members: There will be a minimum Transaction Fee charged per sale
or lead.
Увеличение комиссии в пользу
самого CJ с рекламодателей с 20% до 30%. Если же
транзакция меньше доллара, то с рекламодателя
всё равно возьмут 30 центов
Sections 3.2 and 3.5 of the Advertiser Agreement and Section 3.4 of the Publisher
Agreement v Commission Junction reserves the right to make payment to Publishers for an
Advertiser-s commissions upon receipt of funds from the Advertiser. The Publisher shall
have a cause of action directly against the Advertiser for non-payment if Advertiser fails
to pay to Commission Junction funds for properly earned commissions.
Impact on
Members: Commission Junction will assess whether to extend credit from time to time to
an Advertiser on a case-by-case basis. This may mean that payment to a Publisher for
commissions earned from a particular Advertiser is delayed or withheld. As before,
Commission Junction may terminate its Advertiser Agreement with an Advertiser for
non-payment. Now, the Agreements affirmatively acknowledge a Publisher-s right of action
against an Advertiser for non-payment.
Не совсем понял. Если у
рекламодателя кончались деньги на счету в CJ, то CJ
мог от случая к случаю кредитовать такого
нерадивого рекламодателя и платит за него
издателям из своих средств. Теперь у издателя
появилось право самому судится с рекламодателем,
что особенно ценно для советских издателей.
Теперь они смогут поехать , например, в штаты (конечно
за свой счет) и судится там с давно исчезнувшей
фирмой за недоплаченные $20 (кто ещё не понял - это
сарказм такой).
Section 3.4 of the Advertiser Agreement and Section 3.3 of the Publisher Agreement v
The paragraph regarding a "return period" for visitors has been deleted.
on Members: Commission Junction may in the near future enable an Advertiser to
establish a zero return policy for visitor referrals by Publishers. Currently, the Service
requires the Advertiser to set a minimum of 1 day for return and up to 5 years as a
Не совсем понятно. Отменен "период
возвращения". Похоже, что ненадолго.
Section 3.4 of the Publisher Agreement v Commission Junction has inserted that a
Publisher-s account may be deactivated with immediate effect if it has a negative
balance and the Publisher fails to make payment for the outstanding balance.
on Members: Previously Commission Junction would have to give a 30 day notice in order
to terminate a Publisher-s account for non-payment if the Publisher had a negative
balance (e.g. due to charged-back commissions).
Если у издателя отрицательный
баланс (ну переплатили ему) и требуют вернуть
деньги, а он не возвращает, то его аккаунт
удалят немедленно.
Section 3.5 of the Advertiser Agreement v Language was inserted to clarify that
Commission Junction may off-set debits to an Advertiser-s account with credits from
earnings the Advertiser may make in any of its Commission Junction accounts as either a
Publisher or partner (e.g. referring other Advertisers).
Impact on Members: This
was a clarification of the accounting treatment that Commission Junction applies to the
Advertiser Account, which is a "memo account" within the accounts of Commission
Не совсем понятно. Разъяснено, что
если Рекламодатель должен за рекламу, то CJ может
кредитовать его счет из средств рекламодателя на
других его счетах. То есть если рекламодатель -
ещё и издатель, то деньги снимут с его счета
Section 3.6 of the Advertiser Agreement and Section 3.5 of the Publisher Agreement v
The Chargeback Provision was modified to provide for the possibility for Advertisers to
recover previously paid out commissions where a Publisher did not properly earn the
commission because of non-compliance with the Publisher Agreement or the terms of the
Advertiser Agreement.
Impact on Members: Advertisers will now have an explicit
right to recover unearned commissions in circumstances where "fraudulent" or
other non-compliance behavior was not discovered until after the Chargeback Period. The
normal Chargeback Period closes after the 40th day from the end of the month in
which the transaction occurred.
Рекламодатели теперь имеют право
вернуть "нечестно" заработанные издателем
комиссионные и в том случае, если плохое
поведение издателя не было обнаружено до
окончания Chargeback Периода. Обычно Chargeback Период
заканчивается после 40-ого дня с конца месяца, в
котором произошла сделка.
Section 5.1 v Language stating that members- email addresses are not to be
considered "Confidential Information" was deleted. Members agree that their
email addresses and certain basic account information may be given to other members in
order for those members to solicit them with respect to their participation in the
Commission Junction Network. Commission Junction-s Privacy Policy was updated and
incorporated into the Agreements.
Impact on Members: This is a clarification to
Commission Junction-s use of a member-s email address and certain basic account
information descriptive of the member-s business, and a formal incorporation of the
Commission Junction Privacy Policy, as modified to address the use of members- email
Удалено положение о том, что
адрес e-mail участника CJ не является
конфиденциальной информацией. Фактически он и
сейчас не будет являтся таковой информацией, но
обещают раздавать его только по делу. Например
адрес издателя дадут рекламодателю. Короче спама
будет не меньше чем раньше.
Section 6.2 of the Advertiser Agreement v The second paragraph was amended to change
the due date for payment after termination of the Agreement of a negative account balance
from 30 days to 10 days.
Impact on Members: Advertisers have 10 days (versus 30
days) to pay an outstanding balance upon termination of the Advertiser Agreement
Рекламодателю дают 10 дней (ранее
было 30) чтобы заплатить долги после завершения
соглашения с рекламодателем.
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