Idjom na link v osnovnom menju =[Members Area]
V centre ischem link poslje teksta =Ready to cash out?
zahodjim po linku na stranjicu pokupki servisov =[ Visit your Redemption page].
Jeslji u nas zarabotano boljeje 1$ to pojavitsja v centre menju s tekstami=
Earnings transfer to Digimoney Account
Redemption Amount: $1
Your earnings will be transfered to your Webmoney account only after transfer
succesfully completed.
Click on the link below to start transfer.
I nazhimajem na link =
>>> Click here to start transfer <<<
Attention! Do not click on the button below or your redemption will not be
POsje pojavljenija teksta Sorry but you have invalid Digimoney ID (DMID)
specified in your acount info.
Please go to "Account Info" page and enter your registered DMID in the
required field and try again.
» Account Info
( nado vnjesti ispravljenija nomera DIGIMONEY)
Ja zashol po menju [ Account Info]
i ochutjilsja na stranjice s tekstom i uvidjel chto vmesto ID
digimony u menja napisan nomer schota.
Payment method: Digimoney
* Your Digimoney ID (DMID):
[ View the verification status of Your ID ]
If you don't have a Digimoney account
you have to Register now to complete this field
Moi ID okazalsja
menjajem i vokoshko poslje
* Your Digimoney ID (DMID):
pishem :898861453339
Poslje vseh ispravljenij povtorjajem operaciju snjatija i teperj
poslje nazhatija na link
I nazhimajem na link =
>>> Click here to start transfer <<<
mi okazivajemsja na stranjice
Start Digimoney Transfer
Important Note!
We make payments via Digimoney payment system only!
Your Digimoney ID (DMID): 898861453339
Your Digimoney LZ-purse number (that belongs to you DMID): nado vpisatj schot
akkaunta LZ40699138630
Amount to transfer: 1,01
zhmjom na [Continue)
Vidajotsja kontroljnaja stranjica s tekstom
Confirm Digimoney Transfer
Your Digimoney ID: 898861453339
Your Digimoney Z-purse number: LZ40699138630
Amount that will be transfered to your purse: 1.00
Digimoney commission: 0.01
Total amount that will be charged from your account in this system: 1.01
Jeslji mi soglasni togda nazhimajem na [CONFIRM]
V rezuljtate uspeshnih deistvij chitajem na sljedujushchej stranjice
Digimoney transfer completed succesfully
$1.00 has been transfered to Your Purse number LZ40699138630.
Thank You.
V akkauntje Digimoney vidjim chto nam zachisljilji 1$
01.01.2005 12:17
From '
Jeslji mi zhelajem snjatj djenjgi i konvertirovatj na WMZ togda idjom
na menju
Jeslji eto ustraivajet nazhimajem na [Continue Exchange]
V novom oknje vidjim
Automatic Exchange of Electronic Currency Service
Exchange LZ (Digimoney) to WMZ (Webmoney)
(Reserve: 0.00 WMZ (Webmoney))
Exchange order parameters
KAK vidjim njet v naljichiji WMZ znachit nado posmotretj druguju valjutu.
eslji eto ustraivajet nazhimajem na [Continue Exchange]
Automatic Exchange of Electronic Currency Service
Exchange LZ (Digimoney) to WME (Webmoney)
(Reserve: 24.62 WME (Webmoney))
Exchange order parameters
V okoshko
You pay [pishem naprimer ]=1.00 (summu prodazhi)
V okoshko From DMID: pishem svoi nomer digimoney
V okoshko To WME purse number pishem nomer WME na WMZ
i v okoshko=E-mail (pishem nash E-mail adres)
i zhmjom na knopku (Continue)
V novoj stranjice chitajem
Automatic Exchange of Electronic Currency Service
Exchange LZ (Digimoney) to WME (Webmoney)
(Reserve: 24.62 WME (Webmoney))
Exchange order parameters
You pay 1.00 LZ
You get 0.69 WME
From DMID 898861453339
To WME purse number E366506154372
Automatic Exchange of Electronic Currency Service
Exchange LZ (Digimoney) to WME (Webmoney)
(Reserve: 24.62 WME (Webmoney))
Exchange order payment
A bill is sent to Your Digimoney account number 898861453339.
Bill parameters:
ID of the bill: 6502367
Your DMID: 898861453339
The bill is exposed from purse: LZ73272190371
Name of the bill: exchange order #27352 from
Bill amount: 0.99* LZ
* - the Digimoney Fee not includes
For completion of exchange You need to pay this bill within a 24 hours.
Nazhimajem na [ Login to Digimoney]
i avtorizirujem vhodjashchuju platjozhku vhodja v akaunt paroljem Digimoney.
V otkritom okoshke digimoney pod menju tekstom
All Incoming Bills
nazhimajem na link exchange order....
otkrojetsja platjozhka
Properties of incoming bill
vnjizu dlja podtverzhdjenija platjezha nazhimajem na [pay to bill]
Otkrojetsja okno (Send money)
Nazhimajem na knopku (SEND)
[OK]- [ok] i zakrivajem vsje okna digimoney.
=Please [ Login to Digimoney] to pay a bill.
When bill is paid press "Continue" button. =
POslje nazhatjija na (continue)
V novom oknje chitajem
Automatic Exchange of Electronic Currency Service
Your transaction status
Exchange transaction #27355 of 1.00 LZ (Digimoney) from 898861453339 to WME (Webmoney)
(E366506154372) has completed on 01/01/2005.
Thank You for using our service!
Ostajotsja zaitji v WME i posmotretj zachisljilji lji djenjgi.