[TC] Непонятное письмо

Всем, добрых писем!
С недавнего времени ко мне приходят письма такого содержания
PP Sevice
De?r client , y?u h?ve 1 upd?te t?day !
De?r Cust?mer, We h?ve upd?ted our pr?tection f?r the s?fety of y?ur
acc?unts may own and sh?w us s?me inf?rmation about the appe?rance of y?ur
Ple?se upd?te y?ur inf?rmation quickly so th?t y?u can use the new fe?tures.
If you do n?t upd?te y?ur inf?rmati?n within 8 h?urs, we will cl?se it!
y?u can do with y?ur p?yp?l acc?unt ? We'll review y?ur acc?unt in less th?n
8 h?urs. Ple?se upd?te all y?ur informati?n in ?rder to c?ntinue to use our
services sm?othly.
Activ?te Y?ur Acc?unt
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