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За 2004-10-09

[TC] Re: TV тюнер.

9-Oct-2004 08:46 you wrote:
> Здравствуйте.
> Не поможете ли подобрать TV тюнер.
> Требования: цена примерно 80 долларов, чтоб программа интерфейс хорошо
> джосилась,
> был удобный пульт дистанционного управления.
Мы во Львове, то пользуем avermedia tv stiudio,
Вроди всё нормально, что правда пользуем программы сторонних изготовителей.
ТАк что выбор за вами.

   "Andrij Stegnitskiy" 2004-10-09 18:21:40 (#242117)

[TC] Re[2]: перепрошивка биоса

Здравствуйте Рахманкулов Гирфан!
В своем письме Вы писали о программе SANDRA.
Подскажите нет ли у Вас руссифицированной справки по ней и не сможете ли вы
её выслать?
Буду очень признателен.
С уважением, Демьянов Владислав.

   2004-10-09 17:03:52 (#242098)

[TC] Fw: Re[4]: вопрос о винчестере.

> Здравствуй, alex-helper <alex-help***@u*****.net> > Не могли бы вы мне с
закачкой помоч:
> > мне нужна програмка, та которая обманывает биос?
> > У меня винт виден как 32 ГБ, я его ограничил джампером.
> > Так вот не дадители прямую ссылочку?
> > Спасибо.
> Если вы следили за разговором с самого начала то не могли не заметить что
> писал о необходимости для регистрации у производителя иметь полную
> информацию о диске, включая серийный номер. Это раз.
> Второе - даже если я зарегистрируюсь у них может быть сделано так что
> я вам не вышлю а буду качать на свой комп. тогда возникает третья проблема
> под ДОС дискета - 2,4 Мб, СД - 4,8 Мб, виндовс 10 Мб. Что вам надо? Какой
> язык? Как вы будете с английским бороться. если вы зарегистрироваться не
> смогли!?
> вобщем подумайте напишите. да надеюсь понятно что под винловс, это в
> если ваш сегейт идет вторым не системным.
> забудьте вот потрудился
> http://www.seagate.com/support/disc/download/dwse_en.exe
> должна быть прога создающая из под виндуса две ДОС дискеты на английском
> удачи
> Рахманкулов Гирфан

   2004-10-09 12:50:19 (#241999)

[TC] Fw: Re[4]: вопрос о винчестере.

> ниже с их сайта пояснения, как всегда на английском поставь переводчик и
> почитай
> How to use DiscWizard Starter Edition
> To download DiscWizard Starter Edition (DWSE) you must first have access
> a functional PC with Internet access.
> The minimum download size is 2.4 MB and the video requirement needed to
> the utility is 800x600 resolution.
> Bootable Floppy Version
> Download the DWSE diskette creator file to your hard drive.
> Locate the downloaded file. Select the file, and run the executable by
> double-clicking it.
> You will need (2) two blank 1.44 MB floppy diskettes.
> Insert the first blank floppy when prompted and follow the on screen
> directions. At the prompt press "C" and insert the second blank floppy to
> complete the DWSE boot diskette creation.
> Bootable ISO CD - Windows XP CD burning software
> Unfortunately, as stated in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article Q279157:
> "The CD-RW recording feature that is built in to the Windows XP shell does
> not support the creation of an International Standards Organization (ISO)
> image. To create an ISO image in Windows XP, you need to install a third
> party utility that supports this feature."
> Bootable ISO CD - creating with Roxio Easy CD creator
> Download the DiscWizard Starter Edition .ISO file to your hard drive.
> Locate the downloaded file. Select the file, and then open the file by
> double-clicking it. Roxio Easy CD Creator will then launch.
> Insert a blank CD-R in the drive.
> At the record CD Setup screen select "Start Recording". Follow the on
> prompts to complete the DWSE boot CD creation.
> You may also create the boot CD by using the "Open this file from its
> current location" option instead of downloading the file to your hard
> Bootable ISO CD - creating with Ahead Software Nero version 5.5.24 or
> Download the DiscWizard Starter Edition .ISO file to your hard drive.
> Open your Nero Burning ROM software.
> If the Nero Wizard opens by default then close it (click the close wizard
> button). Otherwise skip this step.
> Click Cancel when the New Compilation window opens. Once this cancels you
> should be at the main Nero Burning Window.
> From the pull down menu at the top of the Window, choose File > then
> Burn Image. This will open a file-browsing box.
> Choose the DWSE_EN.ISO file (after navigating to the location you
> it to) then click the Open button.
> Now the Write CD window will open. Click the Write button.
> Once the CD has completed writing you can discard the log file, close
> and reboot from the CD. Be sure you BIOS is set to boot from CD, otherwise
> you will just boot as normal.
> More detailed steps with screen shots can be found on Ahead software's web
> site.
> You may be able to create the bootable CD using software other than Roxio
> Easy CD Creator or Ahead Software's Nero. Check with your software
> manufacturer for more information on creating a CD from an ISO image file.
> This is an .ISO image file. Do not burn the file to the CD as a simple
> file. It must be treated as an .ISO image or it will not run the program
> properly.
> How to use DiscWizard Starter Edition
> Download the latest version of DiscWizard Starter Edition.
> Boot to the DiscWizard Starter Edition floppy diskettes or CD.
> From the DWSE main menu, select the "setup your hard disc" option.
> Select the hard disc you want to install then click next.
> When prompted, select the operating system you plan to use or install.
> At the option menu, select "Easy Installation" and follow the system
> prompts. Easy installation makes configuration selections for you and will
> automatically install the default partition for that particular operating
> system. After a few "final warnings", the drive will be partitioned and
> formatted, and become accessible as a logical drive letter after
> Press ENTER to continue.
> If you require custom settings, select "Advanced Options". For "advanced
> options" You will also be prompted to choose what type of partition you
> depending on what the operating system supports. After a few "final
> warnings", the drive will be partitioned and formatted, and become
> accessible as a logical drive letter after rebooting. Press ENTER to
> continue.
> If a Dynamic Drive Overlay (DDO) is required, DiscWizard Starter Edition
> will give very important instructions for booting to the computer. You
> be given an option and instructions for creating an Ontrack Boot Diskette
> (requires a floppy with the OS on it). You will then be prompted to remove
> the diskette from Drive A: and press RESET or CTRL-ALT-DEL to reboot.
> After re-booting, place the Windows Startup diskette or Windows operating
> system in the computer when prompted and start the install process.
> How to repair a DDO using DiscWizard Starter Edition
> Download the latest version of DiscWizard Starter Edition.
> Boot to the DiscWizard Starter Edition floppy diskettes.
> At the main menu select "Maintenance Menu".
> Select "Update Dynamic Drive Overlay" and follow all system prompts to
> DiscWizard Starter Edition to recreate the Dynamic Drive Overlay (DDO).
> Remove the diskette and reboot to the hard drive.
> The Seagate Technology blue banner should appear.
> After the system has stabilized, you can create a special boot diskette
> could be useful in the future if your system is prone to virus infections.
> At the DiscWizard Starter Edition Maintenance Menu, select "Create Ontrack
> Boot Diskette".
> Check all of your diskettes for viruses with a recent version of a virus
> scanning software package. Please note that boot sector viruses can infect
> all diskettes, not just bootable diskettes. If your system rebooted to a
> "non-system diskette" prior to the DDO error, the chances are high that a
> virus may have caused this problem.
> What to do if DiscWizard does not boot
> DiscWizard Starter Edition requires at least 800x600 resolution.
> Occasionally Disc Wizard Starter Edition's (DWSE) video mode does not work
> with some video cards. If DWSE hangs during boot or comes up as a gray
> screen instead of the Disc Wizard interface you can alter the video mode.
> (These instructions only apply to the floppy versions of the utility.)
> Take the DWSE floppy disk #1 to another computer that is already running
> Windows (or any operating system with a text editor).
> Open Notepad (Start > Programs > Accessories > Notepad).
> Choose File > Open from the pull down menu at the top of Notepad.
> Browse to the DWSE floppy disk #1 (A: ).
> Open the file DM.bat.
> Change the line "call dwse /ve:32 NOMOUSE" to "call dwse /ve:31 NOMOUSE".
> Choose File > Save from the pull down menu at the top of Notepad.
> Exit Notepad and take the floppy back to the system you are trying to
> install the hard disc drive into.
> Reboot and use DWSE as normal.
> If the instructions above did not resolve your issue, try the following
> suggestion.
> When booting up with our bootable Discwizard Starter Edition diskettes,
> may encounter the following scenario:
> You insert diskette #1, which then prompts you to insert diskette #2 which
> should bring you to the main menu of DiscWizard Starter Edition, but
> you get to a DOS prompt or get into a loop that keeps prompting you to
> insert diskette #1 and so forth.
> To fix this issue:
> Reboot with diskette #2.
> You will then be prompted to insert diskette #1.
> You should now be booting into the DiscWizard Starter Edition main menu.
> DiscWizard Starter Edition Maintenance Options
> Please see our document on How To Use DiscWizard Starter Edition
> Options.
> Другая страничка, что дает эта дискета
> How To Use DiscWizard Starter Edition Maintenance Options
> Create an Ontrack Boot Diskette
> This option will create an Ontrack Boot Diskette that can be used to
> boot a system installed using the Dynamic Drive Overlay.
> Upgrade DiscWizard Starter Edition
> If you have a hard drive installed using a previous version of the Dynamic
> Drive Overlay, you can upgrade by automatically updating the Dynamic Drive
> Overlay and by writing new MBR (Master Boot Record) boot code to all
> on your system.
> Update Dynamic Drive Overlay (DDO)
> This option will allow you to update the DDO on all of the drives in your
> system that requires it. You can use this option to upgrade from an older
> version of DDO, modify the DDO switches, or replace a corrupted DDO.
> Remove Dynamic Drive Overlay
> This option will remove the DDO from the selected drive. You can use this
> option if your system is using software that cannot coexist with the DDO.
> You may use this option if you have moved drives to a system with a BIOS
> that supports translation, eliminating the need for the DDO. If your BIOS
> can support the drive as it is installed, the DDO will be uninstalled
> nondestructively.
> You will get a warning if uninstalling the DDO will be data destructive.
> Always make a backup of your data before uninstalling a drive.
> Convert Drive Format
> This option will convert all drives on a system to use the DDO if they
> installed using another hard drive partitioning software. Always make a
> backup of your data before converting a drive.
> How to repair a DDO using DiscWizard Starter Edition
> Download the latest version of DiscWizard Starter Edition.
> Boot to the DiscWizard Starter Edition floppy diskettes.
> At the main menu select "Maintenance Menu".
> Select "Update Dynamic Drive Overlay" and follow all system prompts to
> DiscWizard Starter Edition to recreate the Dynamic Drive Overlay (DDO).
> Remove the diskette and reboot to the hard drive.
> The Seagate Technology blue banner should appear.
> After the system has stabilized, you can create a special boot diskette
> could be useful in the future if your system is prone to virus infections.
> At the DiscWizard Starter Edition Maintenance Menu, select "Create Ontrack
> Boot Diskette".
> Check all of your diskettes for viruses with a recent version of a virus
> scanning software package. Please note that boot sector viruses can infect
> all diskettes, not just bootable diskettes. If your system rebooted to a
> "non-system diskette" prior to the DDO error, the chances are high that a
> virus may have caused this problem.
> Update MBR Boot Code
> This option will update the part of the MBR that contains the boot code.
> the MBR boot code becomes corrupted or is replaced by another utility,
> system may not boot and the Dynamic Drive Overlay will not be loaded.
> Re-writing the boot code will correct these conditions in most cases.
> Backup or Restore MBR
> This option will create a backup of the MBR and store that copy on the
> drive. You can restore a backed up MBR using this option.
> DiscWizard 2003 cannot rebuild the MBR or a corrupted DDO. This must be
> done with our DiscWizard Starter Edition DOS-based utility.

   2004-10-09 12:44:07 (#241998)

[TC] Re: TV тюнер.


Original Message SE> Просьба выслать на личку название устройства,

Лучше выслать в лист, т.к. тема интересная.

   Vladimir Dovydenkov 2004-10-09 11:33:51 (#241960)

[TC] TV тюнер.

Не поможете ли подобрать TV тюнер.
Требования: цена примерно 80 долларов, чтоб программа интерфейс хорошо джосилась,
был удобный пульт дистанционного управления.
Просьба выслать на личку название устройства, если, конечно, вы высоко оцениваете
его удобства для пользования незрячим человеком.

С уважением.

   "Slava Evstigneev" 2004-10-09 08:42:57 (#241920)

[TC] Re[2]: Re2: сортировка почты

Привет всем!
В аутлуке попробуйте так:
1. Сервис - Правила для сообщений - Почта
2. открывается окно: Создать правило для почты , в котором три под окна
3. в первом подокне можновыбрать действие типа : Искать сообщения
содержащие .....
4. Во втором подокне то деиствие которое вы хотите сделать с этими письмами:
переместить \ скопировать в заданную папку и другие
5. третье под окно называется описание правила, которое появляется
автоматически, при выборе в первых двух окнах, и в этом тексте есть типа
гиперссылки, при выборе которой открывается новое окно
6. например у вас в третьем под окне появилось
Искать адресатов ...... и переместить в папку
тогда выбрав гиперссылку в новом окне надо по одному ввести необходимые
адреса есть возможность выбора из адресной книги
анвлогично в другом окне выбрать папку там есть кнопка создать
вообщем все
Рахманкулов Гирфан

   2004-10-09 00:45:12 (#241839)