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Рассылка проекта "BIGCATS.RU - правда о больших кошках!" Protect Big Cats: End Internet Canned Hunts

Страница черной истории:
На съемках "Полосатого рейса" убили старого льва Ваську. В последний съемочный день Васька, несмотря на свою дряхлость, блестяще сыграл эпизод, где он гоняет по палубе всю команду. Но вот засыпать (по сценарию его усыпляют и уносят) лев не желал даже после гигантских порций димедрола. И тогда было решено его убить - все равно ведь скоро бедняге помирать. В кадре фильма несут уже мертвого Ваську...
Big Cat Rescue собирает подписи под петицией против охоты через интернет. Подписи собираются тут http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/422394638?ltl=1151442589!!!
Ниже все более подробно, но на буржуйском:


The Internet has emerged as a new vehicle for hunters to remotely kill wild animals with little more than the click of a mouse.

In canned hunts involving big cats -- bobcats, lions, and tigers are often sold to fenced-in hunting farms where hunters pay big money to brutally kill them. But now, a new technology has emerged where over the Internet, a person can point, click, and shoot these beautiful animals via mounted rifle cameras, without ever leaving the comfort of their computer.

Thankfully, legislation has been proposed in the House to formally outlaw this horrifying new trend in canned hunting. Rep. Tom Davis (R-VA) has introduced the Computer-Assisted Remote Hunting Act (H.R. 1558) which prohibits computer-assisted hunting in which the "hunter" remotely aims and fires a weapon to kill an animal.

Help end this shockingly inhumane method of killing big cats. Urge your U.S. Representative to support an end to Internet hunting.


Protect Big Cats: End Internet Canned Hunts

Dear Representative,

Please sign on as co-sponsor of HR 1558, a bill to prohibit computer assisted Internet hunting.

Without a doubt, the vast majority of your constituents would agree that this new technology based form of animal cruelty has no place in our social norm. Hunting organizations and animal advocates alike can certainly agree that this practice bears no resemblance to sport, it violates the ethics of "fair chase", and is a bizarre extension of the distorted reality of video gaming.

What are we teaching people, and what dangerous precedents are we setting for our younger generations by allowing people to point, click and kill? Will we then be surprised when the next highway snipers are somewhere behind a computer far distant from the scene of the crime? Allowing this kind of animal abuse makes the reality of killing and death no more than a two dimensional form of entertainment. The only people that can possibly benefit from this activity are the providers of "canned hunts" who then exponentially extend their market for an already questionable business.

I care about animal welfare, and I believe that the treatment of animals, children, and the disadvantaged all reflect deeply on the values of our society. I will only support legislators who show compassion for animals.

Thank you for demonstrating your prompt support for this important bill to end Internet killing.

More information http://www.bigcatrescue.org/hunting

Visit The Humane Society of the United States for more info on this topic. http://www.hsus.org/wildlife/wildlife_news/pay_per_view_slaughter.html


Собственно вот подписываемся. Кто может перевести все это - было бы неплохо. Особенно общую информацию по последним двум ссылкам.

BIGCATS.RU - правда о больших кошках!
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