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Germany: World's most powerful X-ray laser set to show 'molecular movies'

Germany: World's most powerful X-ray laser set to show 'molecular movies'
2017-08-31 22:28
The European XFEL, the world’s largest X-ray laser, is being readied to start running its first experiments in September, near Hamburg. The official opening ceremony of the €1.2-billion ($1.4-billion) X-ray Free Electron Laser is taking place in Schenefeld, near Hamburg, on September 1. Technicians were seen applying the final touches on Thursday. Over 200 times more powerful than its analogues in the US and Japan, the European XFEL X-ray laser, firing with a record breaking 27,000 pulses per second, and using an advanced Large Pixel Detector, is expected to produce so-called “molecular movies” for the first time in science history. These will show chemical reactions at a molecular level. The European XFEL will therefore provide scientists with some of the most detailed images of molecular structures. The 3.4 km long facility, most of which is located in underground tunnels, was created in cooperation between Russia and 11 European states — Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK. More than 60 user groups answered a call for proposals issued in early 2017 for access to the two instruments at the research facility in Schenefeld. International committees of experts evaluated the proposed projects based on scientific merit and technical feasibility. The first 14 groups of scientists have now been selected and invited to carry out their ambitious research projects at the facility from September.

Госдума увеличит наказание за «мелкое» киберворовство
2017-09-01 11:06
Госдума намерена серьезно усложнить жизнь мелким киберворишкам. Их собираются привлекать к уголовной ответственности. Соответствующий законопроект нижняя палата рассмотрит уже осенью.

Аксаков: база биометрических данных — исключительно для желающих
2017-09-01 12:54
Банки будут распознавать своих клиентов по сетчатке глаза и отпечаткам пальцев, причем, дистанционно. Соответствующий законопроект Госдума рассмотрит осенью. Говорит председатель Комитета ГД по финансовому рынку Анатолий Аксаков.

В Берлине открылась крупнейшая в мире выставка бытовой техники
2017-09-01 13:04
В Берлине на площади в почти 160 тысяч квадратных метров разместилась самая большая в мире выставка бытовой электроники. 1 сентября она открыла свои двери для посетителей. Здесь представлены и цифровые бытовые приборы, и «умные» технологии.

Germany: Timelapse shows just how the world's most powerful X-ray laser was built
2017-09-01 14:16
A timelapse released on Thursday shows the construction of the European XFEL X-ray Free Electron laser near Hamburg, which took over 8 years and funding from 11 countries to complete. The official opening ceremony of the €1.2-billion ($1.4-billion) X-ray Free Electron Laser is taking place in Schenefeld, near Hamburg, on September 1. Technicians were seen applying the final touches on Thursday. Over 200 times more powerful than its analogues in the US and Japan, the European XFEL X-ray laser, firing with a record breaking 27,000 pulses per second, and using an advanced Large Pixel Detector, is expected to produce so-called “molecular movies” for the first time in science history. These will show chemical reactions at a molecular level. The European XFEL will therefore provide scientists with some of the most detailed images of molecular structures. The 3.4 km long facility, most of which is located in underground tunnels, was created in cooperation between Russia and 11 European states — Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK. More than 60 user groups answered a call for proposals issued in early 2017 for access to the two instruments at the research facility in Schenefeld. International committees of experts evaluated the proposed projects based on scientific merit and technical feasibility. The first 14 groups of scientists have now been selected and invited to carry out their ambitious research projects at the facility from September.

Germany: World's most powerful X-ray laser inaugurated in Schenefeld
2017-09-01 20:00
Donors to the European XFEL, the largest and most powerful X-ray laser in the world, joined German Minister for Education and Research Johanna Wanka in Schenefeld on Friday for an official inauguration. «It’s a superb centre, not just for Germany or the region, but rather for the world — and also for Russia» said Wanka. «Russia has been intensely involved — it was the second largest donor — and we have cooperated very well together. This will be shown in how many young Russian trainee scientists will carry out research here» she added. The construction of XFEL started in early 2009, costing a total of amount to €1.22 billion ($1.45bn), according to official accounts. Eleven countries contributed to the project: Russia, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland.

Russia: «Whoever leads in AI will rule the world» — Putin at National Knowledge Day
2017-09-01 21:29
Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke about the importance of artificial intelligence while speaking to students at the country's national Knowledge Day, during his working visit to the Yaroslavl Region, Friday. Putin said, «Artificial intelligence is the future, not only for Russia, but for all humankind. It comes with colossal opportunities, but also threats that are difficult to predict. Whoever becomes the leader in this sphere will become the ruler of the world». His speech was part of an open lesson where Putin held a discussion with Russian students. The event was attended by teachers and students from 16,000 schools.

«Московский патруль»: Как выбрать мастерскую для гаджета
2017-09-01 22:14
Ремонт после ремонта — в программу «Московский патруль» обратился клиент одного из сервисных центров, который утверждает: после визита мастера его гаджет не то, что не стал работать лучше. А наоборот: окончательно вышел из строя. Случай, как показывает практика, далеко не редкий. Можно ли добиться возврата денег после оказания некачественной услуги? И много ли в сфере ремонта техники аферистов?

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