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Школа Английского языка Complex Systems in Education
Новости Интернет-Проекта
Complex Systems in Education


Уважаемые Посетители и Учащиеся Интернет-проекта Школы Английского языка Complex Systems in Education (www.complexsystems.net)! Благодарим Вас за регистрацию в рассылке! Мы постоянно ведем работы над Нашим сайтом, и каждые 2-3 дня на нем расширяются разделы, обновляются новости, появляются новые материалы, которые вне всякого сомнения заинтересуют всех изучающих иностранные языки и наших Учеников On-Line в особенности. Сегодня, 25 Апреля мы обновили все основные разделы сайта - загляните к нам и посмотрите, что новенького.


1. Новые Off-Line Словари для Скачивания www.complexsystems.net/downloads/

2. Юмористические Рассказы (Начинающий уровень)
- The Experimental Method
- The Letter-Box Key

3. Рассказы Английских Классиков (Продолжающий уровень)
- Scholarship (from "GreenYears" by A.J. Cronin)
- A Dog and Three Dollars (Mark Twain)

4. Информация для Вебмастеров

Новые Словари для Скачивания

Добавлены Новые Словари в раздел МАТЕРИАЛЫ для СКАЧИВАНИЯ. Вы знаете, что в разделе www.complexsystems.net/downloads/ собраны все самые эффективные и качественные средства интерактивного обучения. Скачав наши программы, Вы можете часами совершенствовать свои навыки в Off-Line и при этом Вам нет необходимости оплачивать доступ в Интернет. Со времени нашей последней рассылки мы полностью переработали раздел СЛОВАРИ для СКАЧИВАНИЯ (www.complexsystems.net/downloads/dictionariesdownloads/index.htm) - теперь Вы можете скачать следующие программы:

Словарь Word Web - Словарь и Тезаурус WordWeb отличается большой лексической базой данных, удобной системой поиска и достаточно простым языком, используемым для объяснения значений слов. WordWeb окажется полезным всем изучающим Английский язык - как Начинающим, так и уже имеющим значительный словарный запас.

Англо-Русско-Английский Словарь - Отличный словарь с возможностью перевода в обе стороны, содержит более 130,000 словарный статей и определений. По объему словарной базы превосходит словари Мюллера и Полиглоссум. Инсталляция словаря очень проста - если он Вам не понравится (что крайне маловероятно), то Вы всегда сможете его удалить - это не будет иметь никаких последствий для Операционной системы.

Карманный Словарь отлично подходит для тех случаев, когда Вам не нужены подробные словарные статьи - результат поиска выдается в виде кратких переводов. Всех, и особенно начинающих, наверное, раздражало: читаете книгу и Вам необходимо быстро найти перевод слова - а вместо лаконичного ответа получаете три-четыре страницы различных переводов. Карманный словарь лишен этого недостатка.

Intermedia Lingvo - неплохой англо-английский толковый словарь. Удобное меню и большая база данных делают его одним из лучших толковых и лингвистических словарей.

Компьютерный и Интернет словарь для Microsoft Word содержит более 3500 Компьютерных и Интернет-терминов.

Словарь Concise Writing состоит из двух частей. Первая часть позволяет Вам определять и исправлять подбор слов. Вторая часть представляет собой компилляцию нескольких тысяч устойчивых словосочетаний, снабженных краткими альтернативными выражениями и реальными примерами. Этот словарь позволяет составлять тексты, безупречные с точки зрения синтаксиса и стилистики.

Translate Now! - удобный в использовании англо-русский словарь. Достаточно в любом окне выделить слово, нажать горячую клавишу и... перевод появится в небольшом окошке. Это окошко можно, также, превратить в натуральный словарь... На данный момент база составляет около 60,000 слов. Не требует инсталляции.

Check-It! - самая быстрая, мощная, настраиваемая и интуитивная система проверки правописания и тезаурус на сегодняшний день. Check It! может при необходимости использоваться как текстовый процессор и имеет все основные возможности MS Word for Windows. Вы можете выбрать один из следующих режимов проверки: обычный, в реальном времени, пакетный, ускоренный, а также проверять содержимое буфера обмена. Тезаурус включает в себя более 30,000 слов и устойчивых словосочетаний. В обычном режиме проверки программа указывает ошибочные слова и выдает подсказки в соответствии с контекстом (стандартных средствах проверки MS Office последняя возможность отсутствует), при проверке в реальном времени неправильно набранные слова автоматически корректируются или помечаются как ошибочные. Существует масса возможностей настроек программы, позволяющих полностью подстроить ее под Ваши требования. Если Вам приходится часто редактировать англоязычные тексты или писать сочинения, то эта программа будет Вам значительным подспорьем.

Словарь DICT - весьма интересная и полезная штука. Это клиентская часть англоязычного толкового словаря. Теперь в любой момент Вы сможете узнать что означает то или иное слово... Удобно. Полезные настройки и Список баз данных может обновляться через Интернет. Не требует инсталляции. К сожалению, пока не работает через firewall...

Словарь Сленга - самый полный Off-Line словарь. Рекомендуется регулярно общающимся с иностранцами (преимущественно, американцами и австралийцами), а также читающими соответствующую литературу.

Очень мощный Тезаурус и Толковый словарь, позволяющий искать: по 100.000 синонимам и 120.000 корневым словам. Возможен поиск: определения, синонимы, антонимы, части слов, редкие сочетания и т.д. Очень удобный инструмент для студентов и сотрудников инофирм, регулярно составляющих документы на английском языке: сочинения, изложения, эссе, письма и т.д.

Очень хороший Толковый словарь Делового Английского языка, который пригодится сотрудникам компаний, которым приходится регулярно вести деловую переписку. Удобная система поиска и встроенный тезаурус позволяют быстро находить необходимое слово или словосочетания.

Любой из этих СЛОВАРЕЙ можно СКАЧАТЬ по адресу:

(Начинающий Уровень)


Mr. Jones, a teacher of physics at a boys school, was fond of the experimental method in physics and often told the boys to use this method as often as possible. One day Mr. Jones came to school on a new bicycle which he had bought in London, The bicycle had a pair of pneumatic tyres. The pneumatic tyre had just been invented at that time, and none of the pupils had ever seen it.

At the physics lesson the teacher decided to show the pupils the new invention. He took them into the school yard and said: "Now, children, who can tell me what is there inside this tyre that makes it so hard and yet so elastic?"

The boys gathered round the bicycle and examined the tyres. "Perhaps there is cotton-wool inside", said one of them. "No; I think there must be a lot of steel springs inside", said another. "You are both wrong", said Mr. Jones.

Suddenly the third boy who was standing beside the bicycle cried out, looking very happy: "I know what it is. There is wind inside!"

Mr. Jones smiled and said: "Well, Tommy, that is fine indeed! You are nearly right: there is air inside. But how did you find it out?" I used the experimental method, said the boy. "I stuck a nail into the tyre and some wind came out of it".

For the first time in his life Mr. Jones did not like the use of the experimental method.


The summer was very hot. It was very stuffy in town and Stephen Blake decided to go to the seashore for his summer holidays. He booked a railway ticket, packed his things and was about to start for the station when he remembered that he must ask the housekeeper to post him all letters he would receive. She promised to do that.

Stephen Blake rested very well. The weather was fine. The sea was calm. He spent much time oil the seashore, got sunburnt and felt fine. The only thing that worried him was the fact that he had not received any letters. He thought it strange and phoned his housekeeper to find out why she did not post him his letters. The housekeeper answered that she had no key to his letterbox. Stephen Blake apologised and promised to send her the key.

On the same day he put the key into an envelope, wrote down his address on it and posted the letter. Another month was .passing, Stephen Blake had a nice time on the seashore. He swam in the sea, sent boating and fishing, but did not receive any letters.

When his summer holidays were over, he returned home. The housekeeper met him very warmly, but Stephen was very angry with her. She could not understand why he was so angry. Stephen Blake asked why she had not sent him his letters. The poor woman explained to him that she could not get the key as it was in the locked letter-box together with the letters.

(Продолжающий Уровень)

SCHOLARSHIP (from "Green Years" by A.J. Cronin)

Robert Shannon will be able to continue his studies only if he gets the scholarship founded by Sir John Marshall, but his best friend Gavin becomes his rival.

It was the first day of the Easter Holidays. I was going fishing with Gavin. The last pleasure I allowed myself before beginning to prepare for the Marshall. We met early in the morning. Gavin was waiting for me. Impossible to describe the silent joy of our meeting... We walked side by side through the quiet village to the lake.

"No fishing until evening, I am afraid", Gavin murmured. "No wind and the day is too bright".

Until the sun went down, Gavin and I sat on an upturned boat, outside his father's fishing hut. We spoke very little. At seven o'clock, after Mrs. Glen, the woman of the cottage, had given us some tea and boiled eggs and milk, we pushed the boat into the water. I took the oars. When we were far from the shore, Gavin spoke, hidden by the growing darkness.

"I understand you are sitting the Marshall, Robie?" I was greatly surprised. "Yes How did you know?" "Mrs. Keith told my sister", Gavin paused, breathing heavily. "I am trying for it too". I looked at him in silence. I was shocked and confused. "But Gavin You do not need the money!" Gavin frowned. "You'll be surprised." He spoke slowly. "My father has had trouble in the business". He paused. "He has done so much for me... now then he is worried, I would like to do something for him."

I was silent. I knew that Gavin adored his father; and I had heard whispers that all was not well with the Mayor's business. Yet his words came as an unexpected blow. "All the cleverest boys in the country are competing," he continued. "One more won't make much difference. Besides there is the honour of the town. It is twelve years since a Levenford boy took the scholarship." He drew a deep breath. "One of us must win it". "You may be the one, Gavin", I said in a low voice; I knew he was a fine scholar.

Gavin replied slowly. "I would like to win for my father's sake. But I think you have a better chance". He paused. "If you win, will you go on to be a doctor?" Gavin was the only person on earth to whom I could tell the truth. I said: "I wish with all my heart to be a medical biologist, you know, a doctor who does research". There was a long pause. "Yes", Gavin said thoughtfully. "It is bad that we have to fight each other over the scholarship. But, it will not affect our friendship, of course".

Yet I felt a sudden sadness in my heart. I thought: "Gavin and I One of us must be defeated".

A DOG and THREE DOLLARS (Mark Twain)

I have always believed that a man must be honest. "Never ask for money you have not earned", I always said.

Now I shall tell you a story which will show you how honest I have always been all my life. A few days ago at my friend's house I met General Miles. General Miles was a nice man and we became great friends very quickly.

"Did you live in Washington in 1867?" the general asked me. "Yes, I did," I answered. "How could it happen that we did not meet then?" said General Miles. "General", said I. "We could not meet then. You forget that you were already a great general then, and I was a poor young writer whom nobody knew and whose books nobody read. You do not remember me, I thought, but we met once in Washington at that time." I remember it very well.

I was poor then and very often I did not have money even for my bread. I had a friend. He was a poor writer too. We lived together. We did everything together: worked, read books, went for walks together. And when we were hungry, we were both hungry. Once we were in need of three dollars. I don't remember why we needed these three dollars so much, but I remember well that we had to have the money by the evening.

"We must get these three dollars," said my friend. "I shall try to get the money, but you must also try." I went out of the house, but I did not know where to go and how to get the three dollars.

For an hour I was walking along the streets of Washington and was very tired. At last I came to a big hotel. "I shall go in and have a rest," I thought. I went into the hall of the hotel and sat down on a sofa. I was sitting there when a beautiful small dog ran into the hall. It was looking for somebody. The dog was nice and I had nothing to do, so I called it and began to play with it. I was playing with the dog, when a man came into the hall. He wore a beautiful uniform and I knew at once that he was General Miles. I knew him by his pictures in the newspapers.

"What a beautiful dog!" said he. "Is it your dog?" I did not have time to answer him when he said, "Do you want to sell it?" "Three dollars", I answered at once. "Three dollars?" he asked. "But that is very little. I can give you fifty dollars for it." "No, no. I only want three dollars." "Well, it is your dog. If you want three dollars for it, I shall be glad to buy your dog." General Miles paid me three dollars, took the dog and went up to his room.

Ten minutes later an old man came into the hall. He looked round the hall. I could see that he was looking for something. "Are you looking for a dog, sir?" I asked. "Oh, yes! Have you seen it?" said the man. "Your dog was here a few minutes ago and I saw how it went away with a man," I said. "If you want, I shall try to find it for you."

The man was very happy and asked me to help him. "I shall be glad to help you, but it will take some of my time and..." "I am ready to pay you for your time," cried the man. "How much do you want for it?" "Three dollars," answered I. "Three dollars?" said the man. "But it is a very good dog. I shall pay you ten dollars if you find it for me." "No sir, I want three dollars and not a dollar more," said I.

Then I went up to General Miles's room. The General was playing with his new dog." I came here to take the dog back", said I. "But it is not your dog now - I have bought it. I have paid you three dollars for it," said the General. "I shall give you back your three dollars, but I must take the dog back", answered I. "But you have sold it to me, it is my dog now." "I could not sell it to you, sir, because it was not my dog." "Still you have sold it to me for three dollars." "How could I sell it to you when it was not my dog? You asked me how much I wanted for the dog, and I said that I wanted three dollars. But I never told you that it was my dog." General Miles was very angry now. "Give me back my three dollars and take the dog," he shouted.

When I brought the dog back to its master, he was very happy and paid me three dollars with joy. I was happy too because I had the money, and I felt I earned it. Now you can see why I say that honesty is the best policy and that a man must never take anything that he has not earned.

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