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Дневник инвестора

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Дневник инвестора unit04

Дневник инвестора.

Начало положено!

     После тщательного перебора десятка этих претендентов пришла обобщающая мысль, что как ни крути - это все кот в мешке. Только практическая проба даст результат. Поэтому отбросил все дешевые по дизайну сайты и особо подозрительные по данным регистратора. И выбрал только три. Для начала и трех достаточно:

Fast Percent

     Скриншоты их сайтов - ниже.

Естественно, для начала читаю их правила и соглашение:

Rules & Agreements
The HYIP.BIZ Inc is NOT a licensed bank or security. All information you receive is unsolicited, the information and materials contained herein are not to be regarded as an offer, nor a solicitation for investments in any jurisdiction which deems non-public offerings or solicitations unlawful, nor to any person to whom it will be unlawful to make such an offer or solicitation. This information is not intended to be, nor is it to be construed as, an offer to sell securities, anything pertaining to a Security Offering, or a solicitation of any offer concerning the information described. We do not invest in Licensed Securities, we are not a licensed bank or security and we do not offer securities. 

You acknowledge that you are acting as an individual and not on behalf of any other entity. When making a spend, you MUST understand that no implicit guarantee is provided and the Admin is in no way liable for any losses that may occur. Although funds are generated from an outside source to keep the program functioning it is IMPORTANT that you know because of the laws regarding online investing and securities we MUST inform you that we have designated this as a Gold Game and not an investment program. Don't post bad vote on Public Forums and at Gold Rating Site without contacting the admin of our program FIRST. Maybe there was a technical problem with your transactions, so please always CLEAR the thing with the admin. You must be at least 18 years of age to participate in this program. This program is a private business transaction between you and HYIP.BIZ Inc., exempt from the U.S. Securities Act. All information is unsolicited and confidential and you agree to keep it private, confidential, and protected from any disclosure. Past performance will not be used as a guarantee for the future performance of our program. You agree to hold all principals harmless of any liability and will be spending at your own risk. You agree to only spend money that you can afford to lose. By spending to this program, you give up the right to hold the company accountable for any losses you may incur.

Anti spam policy 
We will not tolerate SPAM or any type of UCE in this program. SPAM violators will be immediately and permanently removed from the program.

This program is not available to the general public and is open only to qualified private Club Members. This program is a PRIVATE BUSINESS TRANSACTION exempt from the U.S. Securities Act of 1933 and all amendments; and, you acknowledge and agree under penalty of perjury that you have not relied on this Act or any other related regulations from any other jurisdictions. You acknowledge that you are acting as an individual and not on behalf of any other entity. We are NOT a licensed bank or security. All information you receive is unsolicited, private encoded communications of privileged, proprietary, and confidential information for you only and you agree to keep it private, confidential, and protected from any disclosure. Moreover, the information and materials contained herein are not to be regarded as offer, nor a solicitation for investments in any jurisdiction which deems non-public offers or solicitations unlawful, nor to any person to whom it will be unlawful to make such offer or solicitation.

You must be at least 18 years of age to participate. You agree to hold all principals harmless of any liability. You are investing at your own risk. You agree to only invest money that you can afford to lose. Past Performance is no guarantee for the same future performance. Absolutely NO SPAMMING of information about this program or our web site. Violation of any of these rules will remove you permanently from the program. By participation in our program, you agree, acknowledge, and accept this disclaimer and agreement. We are always allowed to modify these rules & agreement at any time, without asking our members. By spending to this program, you agree, acknowledge, and accept this rules and agreement.

     Вобщем, предупреждают, что они нелицензированные и не подпадают под закон об акциях 1933 года. И в случае чего не гарантируют возврата и просят никуда не жаловаться. Ну и вы должны быть совершеннолетние. Можете потратить в наш проект только то, что можете себе позволить потерять! Вот так-то - кто не рискует, тот не теряет.

     Слева на сайте - статистика проекта:

Started         Nov 26, 2005
Running days 91
Total accounts 659
Active accounts 207
Total deposited $ 27,256.12
Total withdraw $ 4,835.28
Visitors online 37
Members online 4
Last update  Feb 25, 2006

     Три месяца они уже работают, всего вложено 27 тыс.долларов. Выплачено около 5 тыс.

     Регистрация проста - необходимо ввести свое имя, е-мейл, номер в e-Gold, придумать логин и пароль и код для снятия денег. Сразу пришло письмо с уведомлением о регистрации. Легким сомнением у меня пронеслось - чего это они открыто пароль мой воспроизвели? Мало ли в инете кто мое письмо увидит... Но я особого значения этому не придал.

Dear Maxim Max,

Thank you for signing up with us. To make a
deposit, you can login here :

Login: Maxbiz356
Password: ghjcnj22

After you login, you will find links on the
left hand column. Click on the "make a deposit"
link, and choose an investment plan.

The Investor plan pays 4% daily for 30 days
non-compounding and the Profit Blaster plan
pays 4% compounded so you get a 224% return
at the end of 30 days.

After you choose a plan and enter the amount
you wish to invest, click on the deposit button.
You will be redirected to the e-gold payment
gateway and if the payment is successful, your
deposit will be activated instantly.

Visit us now on http://www.hyip.biz to make a

Best Regards
Chris Reynolds
CEO, Hyip Biz Inc

     Затем я перевел со своего счета e-Gold 10$ на этот открытый счет и осталось только ждать. Через месяц эти 10 баксов должны превратиться сложным процентом (4% в день) в 22 бакса. Поглядим.

     Продолжение следует...

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