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Профессиональные видео системы

NewTek обеспечил победу "Аватара" в номинации Оскара "Лучшие виртуальные эффекты"

18 - 07 - 2010

В марте 2010 года, после получения Оскара за лучшие эффекты команда фильма "Аватар" выразила благодарность компании NewTek за поддержку в реализации фантастического мира. Роб Пауэр, руководитель департамента виртуальных эффектов для "Аватара" отметил неоценимую роль решения NewTek LightWave 3DR при создании виртуальной среды Пандоры.

Решение LightWave 3D было использовано при формировании 3D макета окружающей среды, освещения в кадре и общей атмосферы. Функциональные возможности данного решения максимально облегчили перенос персонажей в мир Пандоры.

Команда фильма "Автар" разработала новый процесс виртуализации съемок, которые коренным образом меняют все существующие сегодня представления о создании кинофильмов. Ранее создание визуальных эффектов происходило после съемок, увеличивая время и стоимость выпуска фильма. Современные технологии, в том числе и решение LightWave 3D , позволяют совмещать процесс съемок и виртуализации. Данные технологии максимально облегчили творческую работу режиссера Джеймсома, позволяя погружаться в новый фантастический мир в ходе съемок.

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Компания Tannoy обновила серию студийных мониторов Reveal

18 - 07 - 2010

Новые модели 501A, 601A и 601P похожи по дизайну на прежние, но выпускаются в черном корпусе имеют фазоинвертор на передней панели, в отличие от тылового фазоинвертора у старых моделей - такая конструкция позволяет использовать их в маленьких контрольных комнатах и располагать рядом со стенами.

Устройство самих динамиков (5" у 501A и 6,5" у 601A и 601P) тоже усовершенствовано: минимизировано смещение диффузора и скорректирован подвес, что улучшает линейность звучания, а частотный диапазон твитеров расширен до 30 кГц, таким образом, уменьшены фазовые искажения на частотах ниже 20 кГц.

Как и у старых моделей, углы кабинетов у новых мониторов скруглены для уменьшения дифракции, а форма волноводов ВЧ-драйверов спроектирована так, чтобы расширить зону оптимального прослушивания.

Модели 501A и 601A оснащены встроенными усилителями мощностью 60 и 90 Вт соответственно, а для работы пассивного монитор 601P требуется усилитель мощностью 50...100 Вт (RMS). далее

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RTS Intercom Systems создает стратегический альянс с IntraCom

18 - 07 - 2010

Leading intercom manufacturer RTS has
announced the formation of a strategic alliance with IntraCom Systems,
developers of voice communications systems for mission critical markets.
IntraCom’s core product is VCOM™, the leading IP software matrix
intercom system for professional communications, which runs on standard
computer and network infrastructure and is based on a client/server
architecture. RTS has partnered with IntraCom to develop a platform that
intelligently marries each company’s intercom systems, offering the market
unprecedented interoperability, flexibility and value. далее

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Серверы Omneon теперь порддерживают спецификацию XDCAM® HD Recording совместимую с RDD9 MXF

18 - 07 - 2010

Omneon Inc. today announced that the Omneon Spectrum™ media server and MediaDeck™ server system now support XDCAM® HD recording compliant with RDD9 MXF interoperability specification. This enhancement to the Omneon media servers' interoperability not only allows RDD9-wrapped content to be recorded directly to either server system, it also enables content from the Spectrum or MediaDeck server system to be dropped as files into a Sony MPEG Long GOP device — camera, deck, or editor — for immediate use or placement on removable storage.

"Omneon's support for RDD9 formats reduces production turnaround times required for the most demanding applications such as news and sports," said Takashi Honda, general manager of XDCAM Engineering, Professional Solutions Group at Sony. "Material can be moved freely among workflow elements without translation, transcoding, or rewrapping, streamlining operations while at the same time reducing complexity and cost."

"While Omneon server systems always have supported playback of RDD9 material, this enhancement ensures that other elements in a Sony XDCAM HD workflow can process Spectrum and MediaDeck server recordings natively," said Mark Cousins, product line manager for media servers at Omneon. "In addition to simplifying the overall workflow, this capacity gives operators confidence in the format compatibility of content throughout the broadcast workflow." далее

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Видеомикшер JVC's KM-H3000 доступен с бесплатной опцией мультиэкрана

18 - 07 - 2010

Уже доступен к отгрузке в PV SYSTEM !

JVC Professional’s multi-format digital vision mixer offer robust and reliable production switching at an affordable price, perfect for small studio, playout, venue and OB requirements. The KM-H3000 is a powerful twelve-input three-key SD/HD-SDI mixer and now comes with a free multiviewer function. далее

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Harris Corporation продемонстрировал экономически эффективные, увеличивающие прибыль АВ решения на InfoComm 2010

18 - 07 - 2010

Combining its market-leading broadcast and IT technology, Harris provides powerful AV solutions for markets such as retail, restaurants, stadiums and arenas, educational and government institutions, corporations and others — enabling them to implement efficient media workflows that create potential new revenue streams. Harris will display the following solutions at InfoComm 2010:

Digital Signage/Digital Out-of-Home
Comprising the Harris® InfoCaster™ digital signage system and the Punctuate™ business and advertising management application, the Harris digital out-of-home offering enables users to ingest, schedule and distribute dynamic, targeted content. Three new InfoCaster hardware platforms are available that deliver smaller, more cost-efficient form factors, yet are packed with power and functionality. The new designs range from tabletop mount (DS500, with a single HDMI output) to rack/wall-mount versions (DS1100 with dual DVI outputs and 2RU DS4100 with quad-channel outputs). The InfoCaster system can scale to provide solutions from single-display digital signage to enterprise-wide networks encompassing large numbers of locations. Each screen is individually programmable and targetable to tailor media campaigns and maximize advertising revenues.

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EVS-OpenCube представит последние решения на базе MXF на IBC 2010

18 - 07 - 2010

OpenCube, a leading specialist in MXF-based technology and part of EVS group, will be at IBC2010 in Amsterdam from September 10 to 14, where it will present its latest tape ingest and workflow digitization solutions for TV, studios, post-production and D-Cinema.


EVS-OpenCube will introduce its next generation of OpenCube servers, offering producers and operators an efficient and cost-effective way of streamlining studio and D-cinema digitization processes. далее

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EVS анонсировал IPDirector интегрированный с Avid I-News NRCS

18 - 07 - 2010

EVS today announced that it continues to expand its production workflow capabilities with a new integration between its content production management system, IPDirector, and the Avid® iNEWS® newsroom system. Full communication between these systems is made possible through MOS protocol support and the introduction of a new ActiveX browser for iNEWS clients. EVS will demonstrate this integration during the NAB show, at the EVS stand in the Central Hall (C9508).

With the speed and reliability of EVS Instant Tapeless Technology and the efficient control of newsroom operations with iNEWS, this new integrated workflow offers enhanced capabilities to newscasters. далее

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Sony представил новые OLED видоискатели для камер HD

18 - 07 - 2010

Included in this plan is the launch of two versions of a 7.4-inch OLED model, HDVF-EL70 for studio cameras, and HDVF-EL75 for portable cameras. Sony is also introducing two five-inch LCD models, the HDVF-C550W high definition and DXF-C50W standard-definition viewfinders.

“These new viewfinders are designed for use with many of the camera systems across our entire product line – either SD or HD – to give our customers the most flexibility,” said Chris Marchitelli, senior product manager for CineAlta and Production Systems, Sony Electronics. далее

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Первый в мире HD 3D камкордер Panasonic доступен для предзаказа

18 - 07 - 2010

Panasonic has today announced that the World’s first HD3D Camcorder offering SD Media Card recording available in the market, the AG-3DA1, is now available for pre-order.

The AG-3DA1 is the world’s first fully integrated HD3D camcorder, offering the ability to film in HD3D and to store captured content on a standard SD media card.

Carmen Mendoza, Panasonic’s Broadcast Marketing GM said: “We are very impressed about the interest shown by our industry professionals since 3D was announced. As a single rig camera offering recording direct to an SD Media Card, it vastly simplifies 3D content capture, which will help to bring down remaining barriers to 3D filming.” далее

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Panasonic продлил акцию по подарочной версии ПО для NLE EDIUS Neo 2 Booster при покупке камкордеров

18 - 07 - 2010

Users can take advantage of Grass Valley editing software bundle with Panasonic purchases until September 30th 2010

Wiesbaden - 15. February 2010 - Following strong market interest Panasonic Professional Broadcast & IT Systems (PBITS) Europe has announced that it is to extend its Grass Valley™ EDIUS® Neo 2 Booster nonlinear editing software bundling promotion. The software will continue to be bundled for free with purchases of selected camcorder models until 30th September this year.

Owing to strong market interest, the promotion will now run beyond its original end date of 30th April for a further five months. The editing software will continue to be included free with purchases of Panasonic professional AVCCAM tapeless camcorder models AG-HMC71EU, AG-HMC151EU, and AG-HMC41EU and with the AG-HMR10EU recorder. далее

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