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Радио The Voice of Russia: научный сотрудник ИМЭМО РАН Игорь Игоревич Хохлов комментирует переход лидерства в Аль-Каиде к Айману Аз-Завахири

Радиостанция The Voice of Russia: политолог Игорь Игоревич Хохлов комментирует переход лидерства в Аль-Каиде к Айману Аз-Завахири

Радио The Voice of Russia: научный сотрудник ИМЭМО РАН Игорь Игоревич Хохлов комментирует переход лидерства в Аль-Каиде к Айману Аз-Завахири

кандидат политических наук, научный сотрудник Института мировой экономики и международных отношений Российской академии наук Игорь Игоревич Хохлов

Добрый день, мои уважаемые подписчики. Вас приветствует постоянный ведущий крупнейшей в мире политической рассылки на русском языке Национальная и государственная безопасность кандидат политических наук, научный сотрудник Института мировой экономики и международных отношений Российской академии наук Игорь Игоревич Хохлов.

Прослушать интервью Игоря Хохлова на радиостанции The Voice of Russia

Egyptian Islamic theologian Ayman al-Zawahiri has been selected by al-Qaeda as bin Laden’s successor. Al-Zawahiri was bin Laden’s personal advisor. The US authorities have offered a $25mln reward for information leading to al-Zawahiri’s whereabouts.

The al-Qaeda terrorist network is appointing new leaders following bin Laden’s death. Ayman al-Zawahiri has been a staunch supporter of radical Islamists since younger days. At age 14 he joined Muslim Brotherhood and went on to lead a group of Islamic Jihad radicals. Simultaneously, he received qualifications as a surgeon and provided medical assistance for Afghan mujahideens in the early 80s. Back then, his activities were sponsored by the US and Pakistan in the name of helping so-called fighters against Soviet troops in Afghanistan.

Al-Zawahiri served a prison sentence in connection with the assassination of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat in 1981. On getting out of prison in 1985 he merged with bin Laden’s al-Qaeda and since then their names were numbered one and two on the list of al-Qaeda leaders. In 1996, al-Zawahiri attempted to establish a link with Chechen gangs in Russia’s North Caucasus. He was arrested by Russian border guards and spent six months in prison. In the late 90s al-Zawahiro organized a joint fatwa with Osama bin Laden under the title “World Islamic Front Against Jews and Crusaders”. According to US special services, he was one of the masterminds of the explosions at the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in which more than 200 people were killed.

Undoubtedly, there could be a better choice for bin Laden’s successor. Ayman al-Zawahiri is a charismatic personality, cunning, merciless, cynical and tough-minded, with years of experience behind him. Even though the Pentagon chief Robert Gates thinks otherwise, he is a good match to bin Laden. Although the US is sure that he will end in the same way as bin Laden, international terrorist activities are unlikely to dwindle over the next few years.

Oriental expert Igor Khokhlov had this to say as he met with a Voice of Russia correspondent.

"The US vows to kill bin Laden’s successor and will do so sooner or later. However, the cowboy-type policy of shooting all bad guys and leaving the good ones won’t work here. Al-Qaeda branches are scattered all over the world with no direct ties to their leadership. They are staying in touch via the Internet or through emissaries."

Underlying terrorism is poverty, unemployment and dire circumstances, Igor Khokhlov says. For this reason, Russia’s policies in the North Caucasus, aiming at eliminating terrorist underground and improving social and economic conditions are the right move. When where is hope for a better life, radical ideas vanish on their own. This applies to Afghanistan, Pakistan, Africa and all other regions infested with al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups.

Научный сотрудник Института мировой экономики и международных отношений Российской академии наук Игорь Игоревич Хохлов комментирует смену руководства террористической сети Аль-Каида.

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