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В сегодняшнем номере рассылки "Курсы английского: изучение английского онлайн" мы продолжим тему

"Классификация Phrasal verbs."


английская грамматика

Уроки английского языка


Познакомьтесь со значениями английского словосочетания “bring smb / smth up”.

Bring smb / smth up, (a) educate; rear: She has brought up five children. If children are badly brought up they behave badly. (b) vomit: ~ up one’s dinner. (c) call attention to : These are facts that can always be brought up against you, used as evidence against you. These are matters that you can ~ up in committee. (d) (mil) summon to the front line: We need to ~ up more tanks. (e) ~ for trial: He was brought up on a charge of drunken driving. (f) cause to stop suddenly: His remarks brought me up short /sharp / with a jerk.

Какие из значений (a),(b),(c),(d),(e) или (f) использованы в следующих предложениях?

1.     I thought you brought up a very interesting point at the end of the lecture

2.     Her mother died in childbirth and she was brought up by her father.

3.     The war is going badly. We need to bring up more soldiers.

4.     The journey was so bumpy that the baby couldn’t help bringing up her breakfast.


Упр.2 Закончите предложения одним из приведенных ниже словосочетаний. К какому типу относятся полученные phrasal verbs?


away with       on with     down on       up to      back on         up against          

in with             out of            away from

a.   We’ve run _________ sugar. Could you buy some more?

b.   Please don’t let me disturb you. Carry ___________ your work.

c.   We must try to cut ________ the amount of money we spend. We just can’t make ends meet.

d.   Keep _____ me! I’ve got a terrible cold, and I don’t want to give it to you.

e.   When I look _______ my childhood, I realize what a happy time it was.

f.     She’s such a snob. She looks ____ people who have to work for their living.

g.   The only people she looks _____ are her grandparents.

h.   Children grow __________ their clothes so quickly. It costs a fortune to clothe them properly.

i.     The government have come _______ a big problem in their economic policy. The unions won’t co-operate, and management doesn’t approve of what they’re trying to do.

j.     Face _______ the facts, Joey, and stop living with your head in the clouds. You’ll never get anywhere if you don’t work at it.

k.   The antique table is very beautiful, but it doesn’t fit _____ the rest of the furniture, which is modern.

l.     He tries to get ______ doing nothing around the house by charming everyone, but they’ve all learnt his tricks.

Ответы ( урок английского языка)


1-c; 2-a; 3-d; 4-b.


 a-out of; b-on with; c-down on; d-away from; e-back on; f-down on; g-up to; h-out of; i-up against; j-up to; k-in with; l-away from.


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