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СОДЕРЖАНИЕ ВЫПУСКА 1. Как проявить себя в олимпиаде по английскому языку? | |
VIII-я Всероссийская дистанционная эвристическая олимпиада по 2.В помощь учителю: Шекспир "сон в летнюю ночь" Продолжаем печатать адаптированную версию пьесы Шекспира «Сон в летнюю ночь». Произведение можно использовать для домашнего чтения, можно читать и комментировать в классе, инсценировать и т.д. Также неплохо использовать его для аудирования. Если некоторые слова в тексте опустить и предложить ученикам самим найти пропущенные слова, слушая кассету и следя за текстом, то его слушают с большим вниманием. A Royal Couple. Theseus, ruler of Athens. Hippolyta, queen of the Amazons. Four Young Friends: Hermia, unhappy daughter of Egeus. Lysander, the man Hermia loves. Demetrius, the man Egeus wishes Hermia to marry. Helena, Hermia’s friend, who loves Demetrius. The magical Beings: Oberon, king of the elves. Titania, queen of the fairies. Puck, Oberon’s elf jester. Other Characters: Egeus, a nobleman of Athens. Nick Bottom, a weaver and amateur actor.
Here is a tale of magic, of mixed up identities, of winning, losing and winning again. And it all happens in the fairy and elf filled forest near the great ancient city of Athens during the moon bathed nights of summer. For this is a midsummer night’s dream. Long ago there lived a brave hero named Theseus. He had many amazing adventures and then settled down to rule the great city of Athens. But no sooner had he done so, than the city was attacked by a tribe of warlike women – the Amazons led by their queen Hippolyta. Theseus and Hippolyta met in battle and then again over the bargain and table. In both cases Theseus won. First – the war and then Hippolyta’s heart. Of course, she won his, too. Now Theseus and Hippolyta were only days away from being married in a grand royal wedding. Impatient for that day to come the royal lovers passed the time riding in the royal forest near the city. It was there that a party of riders came looking for them on a warm summer day. Theseus seeing them coming explained to Hippolyta: “The older man is Egeus, one of our Athenian noblemen. And the unhappy looking woman with him is his daughter Hermia. It’s not like her to look so sad. “And who are the two young men with them who glance at each other with such anger?” asked Hippolyta. But before he could answer the noble man Egeus saw them and called out, “Happy be Theseus, our great ruler of Athens!” Theseus replied, “Egeus, what brings you here to the royal forest?” “Troubled I feel, my lord. I’ve come with a complaint against my daughter Hermia”. And he waved forward to one of the two young men. “I’m here, my lord”. “You know young Demetrius here. He has my consent to marry Hermia. But this other fellow Lysander…” and Egeus turned his scarlet face in Lysander’s direction. “He has given her rhymes and songs beneath the window in moonlight and all sorts of nonsense. Why sir, he has stolen the heart of my innocent child turning her, an obedient daughter I knew, into a stubborn rebel. If she will not marry Demetrius, the man that I, her father, have chosen I beg you to punish her according to the ancient law of Athens. Either it’s Demetrius or shut her up in a nunnery for the rest of her days”. Theseus waved the unhappy daughter forward, “Hermia, the law and all our customs are on the side of your father. It’s not like you to disobey him. “Sir, I would never be so bald if I were not desperate.” Then Lysander whom Hermia loved despite her father’s wishes rode forward and spoke to Theseus, “My lord, I love Hermia more than Demetrius does and more truly. While Demetrius pledged his love to Hermia’s dearest friend Helena and Helena adores him. Is this proof of his devotion to Hermia? He doesn’t deserve her.” So near to their own wedding day Theseus and Hippolyta pitied them but Theseus had to follow the law. “Hermia, daughter of Athens, the law is on the side of your father and the man he wants you to marry. By the morning of our royal wedding you must choose Demetrius or a nun’s veil”. hen leaving behind the sad young lovers Hermia and Lysander the others rode to Athens. Lysander refused to give up. “In all the books that I have ever read the course of true love never did run smooth. But listen. Hermia, I have a wealthy aunt who looks upon me as if I were her son. She has a house far from Athens where the Athenian law can’t touch us. Let us go there and marry one another. If you love me still, wait at night and meet me in that glade in the woods where I once found you with your friend Helena”. “But look, said Hermia pointing to where her friend was approaching them through the trees. Here comes the fair Helena now. “You call me fair? Helena asked. If only Demetrius thought so. To him only you are fair, Hermia”. “Take comfort, Helena. Tonight Lysander and I will meet here in the forest. And then we will leave Athens forever. Farewell, dear Helena. I wish for you that Demetrius comes to his senses and loves you again”. She kissed her friend goodbye. And then she and Lysander left to meet again that night. After they had gone her friend Helena thought, “It’s not enough that she leaves if Demetrius still loves her. But if I tell him of her plan perhaps he will finally understand that he can never win Hermia’s heart.
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