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Odessa Post. News and Reviews

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Picture of Odessa

railway smart part,  railway station, Stalin palace socialism, Photo, Odessa

The railway station which has been built up after the Second World War in the spirit of a Stalin palace socialism, costs on a fork of ways to a smart part of Odessa

square near the station, beginning of Pushkin street, Photo, Odessa

You see square near the station, a fountain, underground passage and the beginning of Pushkin street. Photo. Odessa

railway station, church of St. Pantelejmon, Pantelejmonovsky farmstead, Photo, Odessa

If to begin acquaintance to Odessa from railway station from the area near the station the type on church of St. Pantelejmon, traditional point of a stop of the pilgrims going through Odessa in the Sacred earth opens.. Photo. Odessa

Please, leave the comments and messages at the Odessa Forum VeseliyMakler

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