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Новости Youth Action for Peace

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Новости Youth Action for Peace - выпуск 14

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YAP Info - November Edition


1. News from the International movement
October 2003 CD
February 2004 CD
CD's Vocabulary

2. YAP's international activities
EVS projects
Seminars, trainings, study visits and other activities

3. Life of the movement
Preparing Christmas in Perpetuum Mobile, by Reiny
Making contacts in Asia, by Alfredo
Waslala more than ever, by Alfredo
Feed back on a believe, by Frederic
Kristallnacht Commemoration, by Alex Badinici
Few news from our friends of YAP Italia, by Julien Soyer
Les Palestiniens au quotidien ; on n'en sait jamais assez, by Corinne Grassi

4. Activities of other platforms / organisations
World Youth Festival in Barcelona, 6-14th August 2004
United Nations Environment Programme 'Champions of the Earth' award
Funding from the Global Fund For Women
Photography for Cultures
The European Social Form

5. Food for thought
Memories from a trip to European Social Forum in Florence, Getting There,
Being There.


1. News from the International movement

October 2003 CD

"New comers":

You might all know that YAP's CD took place in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, from
17th to 19th of October. The meeting have been very fruitful, welcoming
World4U from Russia and YAP Romania as new branches of YAP! We are now 12
branches of the same tree !

The CD also welcomed Perpetuum Mobile International from Austria and
Baladna - Association for Arab Youth as new Associated Groups !

A big welcome to all of them, for their work, energy, motivation for
becoming "yapist"!


We also welcomed two new representatives: Elisa Chiodi and Julien Soyer,
both from YAP Italy, will represent YAP respectively in the Liaison
Committee of Council of Europe and EBCO. A big thanks to Frederic Duret and
Peter Barta, the former representatives. Roel Forceville, representative of
the Youth Forum since 2000, saw his mandate extended until the next general
assembly in November 2004. Due to budgetary reasons, the representation of
YAP during the World Social Forum has been cancelled for 2004 ; thanks to
the motivated people who volunteered for representing YAP during the Indian

Internal auditors:

Mariana Bogdan from MTP Oradea - Romania and Santiago Ervina from Casa de la
Juventud de Alcobendas - Spain, and respectively supported by CFD - Germany
and Nuestra Tierra - Mexico, have been elected as internal auditors for a
period of one year.

Financial decision:

The CD decided to mandate the Steering Committee to research, select and
contract an external fundraiser remunerated on percentage basis ; the
Steering will act as a financial monitoring group regarding the
compatibility between the funding source and the YAP ethic. A strategic
planning working group will be created to elaborate a draft strategic
planning to be presented at the CD I 2004, and to be finalised right after

Nico from Solidarites Jeunesses, Mazen from IPYL, Andras and Adina from the
Steering and Gisele the IS are composing it ! Soon in December a first
meeting will take place between them, so more news in the next Info !

Those are some of the important decisions made during the meeting. The
minutes will be sent out around mid December.

February 2004 CD

It will take place in France, hosted by Solidarites Jeunesses, from the 5th
to the 7th of March. The exact place will be communicated later on.

CD's Vocabulary

You maybe noticed that when YAP people meet during several days, some common
vocabulary comes out of the rooms... Here is a non exhaustive "CD
vocabulary", to smile while reminding... (of course, those sentences have no
link one with the other...)

v I did it with my hand:

v Thanks for your contribution!

v We want our money back!!

v I propose to postpone: proposal carried!

v You, guys:

v Close the door!!

v I repeat my question: who volunteers for the report??

v We have already discussed this 5 years ago.

v Correct me if I am wrong, :

v This is not a CD discussion, this is a discussion for Commissions.

v I want to see branches in favour!

v But yet, still:

v Do you have any paper toilet in your room?

v Is this a proposal?

v Speak up!!

2. YAP's international activities

EVS projects

EVS Short Term, by Aniko

The evaluation weekend of Short Term EVS volunteers is coming soon! The
meeting will take place in Budapest, from 27th to 30th November. A group of
25-30 youngsters will enjoy the programme prepared and presented by the prep
team (Meda, Nico, Gisele, Daniela and myself) and Via Pacis. You can read
more about the activity in the next edition of YAP info.

 EVS in the Middle East 2003

Finally !! The final evaluation of the project will take place the 21 and
22nd of November in Brussels (and not in the Waterman for the ones who
know...). It seems that all the volunteers will attend it, since most of
them are back home since some months already. Unfortunately Moira, from SCI
Italy and part of the prep team, won't attend it, but will come to Brussels
some days before to join Silvia and Virginie for the preparation of the
meeting. Adli from IPYL, as well part of the team won't make it either,

Everybody is requested to bring music & pictures, fresh news, constructive
criticism, motivation, smiles, advices, ..!!

The report, as soon as edited, will be available at the IS.

 EVS in the Middle East 2004

You know that the deadline to send volunteers applications for those
projects is 17th of November (2003!). We have so far very few
applications... As a reminder, you should know that there are 13 hosting
placements in Jerusalem and Hebron. They will start mid January 2004 for a
duration of 6 wonderful months!

If you need the project description to convinced yourself, you will find it
in any YAP partner, as well as the application form (to be sent at the IS by
the sending organisation.

As for any EVS centralized project, a preparatory team will follow the group
of volunteers as well as the hosting projects during the whole project; we
already have 2 applications (2 women!!); the deadline to send your
application for being part of that wonderful team is so far: The 20th of
November! Extension may be considered. In case, more info will follow.

For Palestine, guys, no time anymore to think: just act !

 Volunteering in YAP Office 2004

You probably don't know her... we don't know her either yet... but she is
Karin, from Austria (Grenzenlos) and she will share one year with us at the
IS. She will have time later on to introduce herself to all of you.

By the way she is not in Brussels yet, she will get on board on the 3rd of
December. But welcoming messages will for sure be appreciated from now on !

 EVS in the Balkans 2004

You already know that the EVS project in cooperation with SEEYN has been
approved by the European Commission.

EVS South East Europe will start mid March 2004 for a period of 6 months: 5
young volunteers from Serbia and Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Macedonia and Croatia will volunteer in Italy, France, Portugal while 5
young volunteers from Italy, France, Portugal and Spain will do just the
same in: the Balkans.

A prepteam will be set up, composed by YAP and SEEYN coordinators, and will
follow the volunteers and the well being of this exchange project.

Call for prepteam members and of course call for volunteers will be send out
soon to the participating countries.

 EVS Russia, Mexico and Unity in Variety 2004

All those centralised projects were rejected once (or more) by the EC and
according to the CD decision in Cluj (Romania), they have been reintroduced
on the 1st of November deadline, with fingers crossed from all YAP!!

An answer is expected in February 2004, and more news will come afterwards.

Seminars, trainings, study visits and other activities

Intercultural Youth Dialogue II, Nazareth 21-26 September 2003

For each of us, the seminar was a strong experience during those 5 days. 50
people, half of them from European countries and half of them from Turkey,
Israel and Palestine shared ideas, shocks, discussions, feelings, dances,
argile's, tears, : in historical Nazareth. Of course it was not easy
everyday, nor for the participants, nor for the team and the organisers, but
at the end, we all learned a bit more about: Tolerance.

Lots of the participants decided to spend some time in Palestine afterwards,
in order to put an image on what have been discussed between the wonderful
walls of Saint Gabriel hotel. The seminar and the visit of Jerusalem and
Palestine have been, I know, the beginning of a strong personal involvement
for some of the participants !

You can find the final report of the Seminar, as well as many pictures from
it on www.baladnayouth.org.

That seminar was the follow-up of a similar event organised last year and
Baladna will try to organise the third version of it next year. We'll keep
you updated about it.

 Training for Lobbying, Public Relations and Campaigning, Strasbourg, 28th
March - 4th of April 2004, by Gisele

The "Training on Awareness raising, Public Relations and Lobbying" aims at
providing the participants with communication tools such as:
- Awareness raising (with the general public on a specific topic)
- Public Relations (with the general public and the political
decision-makers on the organisation and its activities in general)
- Lobbying (with the political decision-makers on a specific topic) through
professional inputs, but also by encouraging them to share the knowledge
they already posses themselves.

The idea of the training came from the associations involved in YAP and
their needs to find tools and methodologies to better diffuse their ideas
and beliefs. Indeed, we do many activities but we have to find a more
efficient way of using the contexts created to promote what we believe in.

The programme will include elements such as communication, image and PR, how
to make good public presentations, Institutional communication and
decision-making processes in public institutions (local, national,
international), essentials in publications, relations with the mass media

A call for a prep team has been sent out about 2 weeks ago. Due to
networking efficiency and thanks to our Educational Adviser for that
activity, the call has been spread far over YAP borders and believe it or
not, we have received about 80 requests, and among those about 60

After a hard selection process (thank you Emese), the team is now composed
of 5 people, with among them Balazs Hidveghi (Educational Adviser, CoE) and
Emese Bokos (Steering member). The three other persons have still to
confirm... so secret is kept until further notice :-)

The team will meet around December/January, and a call for participant will
follow. But feel free to already share the information among your active

 Seminar on Peaceful Self Determination, Moscow, April 2004

The right of self-determination for peoples has been widely accepted as a
basic human right ever since Wilson introduced it. In recent years however,
it seems that more and more peoples are claiming this right, often resulting
in open violence and war. The example of the war in ex-Yugoslavia is still
very fresh, but also ongoing conflicts like in Basque country, Northern
Ireland and Palestine continue to dominate the media. However, there are
also examples of more peaceful processes for independence

 As an International Peace organisation, YAP recognises the right of
self-determination, but at the same time it is clear that the world risks
falling into chaos should everyone claim it. In this sense, this seminar
aims to develop criteria to support a claim for independence or not, and to
develop common strategies to involve the young people participating in our
(international) activities in the debate about this topic.

 The programme will include workshops, plenary sessions, lectures, and
debates. Some outside experts and guests will be invited, but mostly the
seminar depends on the inputs of the participants themselves.

This for some words about the content of the Seminar. A call for prepteam
will be send out next week; you will receive more news in your inboxes about
it very soon!

 Alternative Economy Seminar, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, 19-25th September

Through wars and an increase in human rights violations and exploitation of
people, those who are not amongst the 'happy few' are paying a high price.
In this sense, the partial achievement of one of the most basic ideals,
enhanced global cooperation, has created the most profound global challenges
for young people in YAP and similar social movements at this moment.

 While in Western Europe we are confronted with these negative effects on a
daily basis through newspapers and TV, it is also true that the
environmental decay and (extreme) poverty caused by this globalisation are
barely considered by the average young person in Europe as something that
affects him/her directly. In Latin America, on the other hand, young people
are living with this reality on a daily basis, and are looking for
alternatives. In this youth exchange, we wish to give the participants the
opportunity to exchange their own realities with each other, and to explore
together more sustainable alternatives for the current economical system.

 With this seminar, we wish to reflect on this issue and to work on
alternative economy principles we could start to apply on our organisations
and in our daily lives. We also hope to deepen the idea behind being a
"responsible citizen" and raise awareness about the impact our actions have
on a global level.

This is the basis of the Seminar! The place will be... Puerto Vallarta, the
best place to talk about very serious subjects in a wonderful environment!
Remember that this activity has been applied for last 1st of November, we
still have time to look for flight tickets!

 Arte Diem or another way to understand diversity, Straden, Austria
21/8 -10/9/2004

After Hungary, Romania, Spain: Arte Diem will take place in August 2004 in
Austria. The application have been introduced on the 1st of November
deadline to the European Commission, so it is maybe too soon to talk about
the project deeply, but just you to know that during next summer you might
participate to an exchange during three weeks on thematic such as
neo-liberalism, anti-racism and xenophobia, using arts as communication
tools and cooperating with a refugee centre.

Many other activities have been discussed during the CD of YAP last October;
you will have fresh news about them in later editions of the Info.

Окончание в следующем выпуске.

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