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Новости Youth Action for Peace

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Новости Youth Action for Peace - выпуск 10

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YAP Info - September 2003

Welcome to the September edition of the YAP info! This, as you can see, is
the electronic newsletter sent from the International Secretariat every two
months, with the idea to keep branches, partners and interested individuals
up-to-date about what is happening in the YAP world.

This month's Info is perhaps a little smaller than usually, YAP branches and
organisations are probably chaotically recovering from
summer-workcamp-exchanges time..! Still, within these lines, you will see
updates new on YAP volunteering projects and other activities like seminars,
trainings and exchanges. You'll share the good new from JAVVA and the
changes in Solidarites Jeunesses; finally you'll have an overview about the
activities of other platforms and organisations, which you may find of
interest for yourself and your members. As usual, comments, contributions or
ideas for the info are more than welcome. Happy reading!

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1.News from the International Movement

 The Next CD

 New Email address at the IS

2. YAP's International Activities

 EVS projects

 EVS Short Term 2003

 EVS in Mexico

 EVS Russia

 EVS in the Balkans

 EVS in Middle East

 Volunteering in YAP Office

 EVS Unity in Variety. No Discrimination

 Seminars, trainings, Study visits and other activities

 Arte Diem: Peace through Arts 2003

 Culture of Peace; 10 Days in September

 Intercultural Youth Dialogue II : Post 11 September

 Training for Lobbying, Public Relations and Campaigning

 Seminar on Peaceful Self Determination

 Alternative Economy Seminar

3. Life of the Movement


 Solidarites Jeunesses' changes

4. Activities of Other Platforms/Organizations



 3. TRAINING COURSE "NGO SUSTAINABILITY" Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1-7




5. Food for Thought

 A late night green room meeting in Cancun, or the real WTO negotiations.

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1. News from the International Movement

 The Next CD

The next Committee of Directors will be in Cluj, Romania from 17 to 19
October 2003. The Seminar Electronic Communication YAP Romania applied for
to their National Agency on the 1st June was rejected. Therefore, delegates
and representatives of branches, associated groups and partners of YAP will
have to look for alternative funds to cover their travel expenses!

The CD preparation is going well, in collaboration with the IS and YAP

According to the CD I 2003 in Brussels, an extray day will take place, the
16th, dedicated to the Financial Commission ; the 17th will see the
Education & Development and the Youth Exchanges Commissions; 18-19th are the
pure CD days!!

After the eruption of Etna in Sicily during CD II 2002 and the peace
demonstrations in Brussels during CD I 2003, let's hope for nice event for
the CD II 2003 in Cluj !

 New Email address at the IS

Yes, finally the International Secretariat of the movement changed its email
address and you can from now on reach us at yapis@yap.org. We will be
checking the old one (yapis@xs4all.be) for some months still ; the website
remains the same www.yap.org.

2. International YAP Activities

 EVS projects

 Short Term EVS 2003
 By Aniko

After a long, silent and uneventful spring and summer (of course I am
writing about the short term EVS 2003 project only) the last few weeks I
received more applications than in the first five months of my term. The
result: this year we exchanged 30 volunteers approximately -- still have a
lot of possibilities for youngsters with less opportunities to participate
in spring workcamps.

The workcamp season has almost finished, the volunteers will go back home
soon, and hopefully they can hardly wait for their evaluation week-end which
will take place somewhere in Hungary on the last week-end of November. All
we need is an enthusiastic and dedicated prepteam. You all received the call
for prepteam a few days ago, please have a look at it and apply as soon as
possible (the deadline is 28th September).

 EVS in the Middle East 2003

The EVS project finishes in August for 8 volunteers, who passed by the IS in
Brussels before going back home. It was very nice to see each other, speak a
little bit, and have nice time in the city. 2 of them are still in
Palestine, working in Hebron and Jerusalem.
We'll have a final evaluation, hopefully all together in November, and
unfortunately according to them, in Belgium.. I don't know why but they all
wish to do it in Italy or Spain (and even offered to host it !). What's
wrong with Belgium, guys?

 EVS in Mexico

Unfortunately the European Commission has rejected the EVS project we
introduced on the 1st of June deadline. BUT we will probably reintroduce the
project on the 1st of November and this time, it will be approved !!!

 EVS Russia

Unfortunately the European Commission has rejected, for lack of funding, the
EVS project we introduced on the 1st of June deadline. BUT we will probably
reintroduce the project on the 1st of November and this time, it will be
approved !!!

 EVS in the Balkans

The application has been approved!!!! The project built on the partnership
between YAP and the SEEYN network aims to place 10 volunteers, half of which
would come from Western Europe into the Balkans, and the other half moving
from the Balkans into Western Europe. The EVS is planned to begin in March
2004, and more details will become available when we prepare the project

 EVS in the Middle East 2004

The application has been approved!! Following the tradition of the past
years, IPYL and other organisations in the Middle East will host EVS
volunteers again in 2004. There will be 9 hosing projects in Jerusalem and
Hebron available for 13 volunteers for a period of 6 months each. The
hosting projects will be organisations such as The Princess Basma Center For
Disabled Children, Burj Al Luq Luq Center Society, Old City Rehabilitation
Committee, Youth Development Department - Arab Studies Society, IPYL. The
EVS project will begin between mid December and January 2004, we are still
organising it. The description will be sent out beginning of October to the
YAP branches ; if you're interested in the project, please contact your
national branch !

 Volunteering in YAP Office

Megan left the International Secretariat last month after 7 and a half
months working in the Brussels office. The IS was very lucky to have her in
its walls, with her positive inputs, her creative skills and her sunny
communication. Thank you Megan for sharing those 7 ? months with us !!

The new EVS placement at the IS is available from the 1st of December 2003
for a one-year period.

The project description has been sent out to the branches and the deadline
to send your application if you're interested in joining the IS team for a
year is the 10th of October. So you still have time to think about it and /
or to contact former volunteer to know the truth about the IS work and

Refer to the YAP branch in your country for more information, project
description and application forms.

 EVS Unity in Variety, No discrimination

The project has been rejected for that round: The main reason is that a lot
of the Hosting Expression of Interest (HEI) were missing from the hosting
organisation part. We think that the general idea of the project, its
objectives, its theme, and the way it is composed did not enter in the
'rejection discussion'.

So the International Secretariat will reintroduce the project on the 1st of
November deadline. So far, MTP Oradea, Via Pacis, YAP Italy, Casa de la
Juventud, YAP Romania and YAP Germany will be part of that centralised

Reintroduced on the 1st of November, the project could begin on the 1st of
April 2004. It would gather 15 volunteers in 11 different hosting projects
in Belgium, Spain, Romania, Hungary, Germany and Italy. The former prepteam
seems also willing in taking part to this 'new' project.

More news about that beautiful project in the coming months. And fingers

 Seminars, trainings, Study visits and other activities:

 Arte Diem - Peace Through Arts 2003, "Exchanging the change ... or ...
modifying the transformation..."
 By Alfredo

Arte Di What?

Ah ...!!!

Ar-te Di-em?

 ... What to say about it ... It's only try to think about it and the skin
turns chicken one :

For the lovers of the numbers I must say we were 51 participants, coming
from 20 Countries, passing 21 days together...

For the lovers of the feelings I must say we discuss, we create and we laugh
full-time and personally I let out some tears saying goodbye to some
participants on the airport ...

For the lovers of percentages I would say 93% of the participants are
satisfied or very much satisfied with the results of Arte Diem.

For the lovers of the out comings I will like to say that several Arte
Diem's participants are saying "this experience has changed my live" and now
they are posing themselves change their studies, their job, their city ...
make a change in their lives...

For the lovers of the statistics I would say since Arte Diem's ended I
receive a daily average of 5/7 e-mails from Arte Diem's e-group...

For the lovers of the emotions I would say that that e-mails make me realise
that Arte Diem Exchange is over but Arte Diem Feeling will be still going on
for a long ... long time...

 Culture of Peace in Russia; 10 Days in September
 By Shashi

Between 4th and 14th of September tiny but extremely ambitious group of
international volunteers (swiss Mattias, Italian Elizabetta and south Korean
Soyen plus Russian Shashi, with the support of not too big gang of other
locals) made it all possible. As it was promised in February, 2003, the
peace education tool-kit workshop came true - four days we were collecting
and revising what we are able to do in the audience of Russian
schoolchildren of the age of 12 to 17 and with students of 18 to 21 in the
field of creative conflict management, issues of discrimination and also
some basic awareness of modern violence and its origins.

During 4 days we four had 9 lessons with school children and 4 - with
university students. The entire event took place in Nizhni Novgorod, the
third major city of Western Russia, and was overlapping with two other
projects - Volunteers For You Photo Exhibition (international World4U
workcamp) and a Week of Tolerance (local students initiative in Nizhni
Novgorod State University).

According to our preliminary conclusion that was a strong and very teaching
experiences for all of us, not less than to those whom we were "educating".
The constellation of characters made our adventure a great fun. We were
living in a small very rustical house in one of the city outskirts and
explored Russian ways of cooking, cleaning, and travelling by public
transportation, and, particularly, punching the ever blocked bath tube.
Buckwheat, pasta, Korean noodles and vodka made our stay together spiced up
and never boring, and the city of Nizhni Novgorod, studied thoroughly while
we were running around from one school to another and from one one round
table to another, made us feel at home in the vast and strange land of

On the results of our pilot events we plan to make a short manual describing
in details how and what were we doing, our advices and observations made
during the whole process (incl. our own feelings and subjective
perceptions/judgements :-))

Special testimonials go to the:

- Guys from Christian Library Youth Club, a small youth NGO that financed
our stay in Nizhni,

- Guys from Students Union of NN State University who didn't let us be bored
at all,

- Bjarne Vestergaard for his unexpectedly strong and invaluable impact on
Matt and Shashi and the entire Peace Edu project all together,

- Johan Galtung for himself even if we never met in person,

- Youth Action for Peace that was an inspiration of it all.

 Intercultural Youth Dialogue II : Post 11 September

 21-25 September 2003, Nazareth

The seminar is about to start!!! 22 EU participants and 22 Med participants
will discuss, think, reflect on the aftermath of September 11th from a
cultural, religious and social perspectives, while emphasizing the role of
the media in shaping the nature of conflicts in the world. The current
situation in Israel and Palestine makes us, organisers and participants,
reflect a lot on the pertinence of organising such an event in this moment.
We strongly believe that the Seminar should take place as planned and that
it will be a big success for all the actors ! As you can imagine, the
picture we get on TV is quite different than the everyday reality; Nazareth
is the most peaceful and quiet place in Israel in this moment since the
second Intefada started three years ago. One participants cancelled
participation due to the situation, but even three days before the begining
we found interesting and motivated person to attend the Seminar !! good

Wish us good luck for this very challenging seminar! Inch'allah !

 Training for Lobbying, Public Relations and Campaigning, Strasbourg,
March/May 2004

The application made to the European Youth Foundation for a "Training for
Lobbying Public Relations and Campaigning" has been accepted and this
activity will take place in the European Youth Centre in Strasbourg on 28th
of March - 4th of April 2004.

A call for prepteam will be send out by the International Secretariat by the
end of the year. Keep an eye on it !

 Seminar on Peaceful Self Determination, Moscow, February 2004.

In April, an application was made to the European Youth Foundation for a
seminar on Peaceful Self Determination, to take place near Moscow, Russia in
February of 2004. Accepted as well !!

We still need to coordinate and will come back to you with precise dates and
conditions, and a call for prepteam. But if you would like to know Russia in
the middle of the winter, start thinking about it.

 Alternative Economy Seminar

An application was made for a seminar on alternative Economy, 'Alternative
Economy as a strategy for Sustainable Development in Europe and Latin
America'. This was planned to take place in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, in
February 2004.

Unfortunately, the application was not accepted for this round and we will
reintroduce it on April of 2004, having the activity taking place in October
2004, same venue (!).

This will take the form of a Youth Exchange, to look at sustainable
alternatives for the current economical system.

3. Life of the Movement

 By Seb (EVS volunteer in JAVVA)


In the last YAP info, we were talking about the recognition of JAVVA as a
Youth Organisation of the French Community of Belgium.

Well, we are very happy to tell you the recognition is now accepted ! !

For us, it is the recognition for the work done since the creation of JAVVA,
but it is also the way for us to develop our activities:

Some words about the workcamps JAVVA 2003: All of our volunteers sent all
over the word are very happy about their experiences, so, thank you dear
partners !

In Belgium, we had also very good workcamps. Nice teams of volunteers (many
girls, many girls, but:), good atmosphere, and: big sun ! ! Yes big sun in
Belgium, it was a hard summer:

Now we prepare the traditional meeting week-end with all our volunteers.

So, that's all !

 Solidarites Jeunesses' changes

 By Lee

1. The National Assembly of Solidarites Jeunesses took place in
at the end of August. With less participants than usual (a tiring season and
the French economic crisis, making it difficult for participants to pay the
train fare both contributed), it was nonetheless a success. The atmosphere
was both festive and studious, which is what it is all about...

2. There have been quite a few changes in the team of the National
Secretariat, so here is the current state of things (as of the end of

Roel Forceville : General Secretary
Marta Boada : Secretariat / Accountancy
Nicolas Aguilar : Workcamp exchanges
Marie-Laure Lacroix : Long-term volunteer exchanges (incoming)
Kamire Cherbal : Long-term volunteer exchanges (outgoing), replacing
Delphine Cedolin
Lee Winterbone is also leaving at the end of September and the post
"Training and Associative Life" is currently vacant!

4. Activities of Other Platforms/Organisations


The mission of the seminar is to enhance networking and the common
activities of the Voluntary Service organisations throughout Europe and the
involvement of the organisations in the regions where the network has been
less developed, in international voluntary service structures. The seminar
aims at providing a space to meet and develop all-inclusive networking and
wider co-operation for the voluntary Service organisations in all the
regions of Europe beyond different platforms, structures and networks.

The seminar will take place in Kostelecke Horky, Czech Republic, 27th
November- 1 December 2003.

Participants from Western Europe are very welcome in order to have a balance
with Eastern countries already involved. For further information, please do
not hesitate to contact the secretariat of CCIVS ccivs@unesco.org.

APLLICATION DEADLINE: 19th of September 2003.


Extended deadline: Monday, September 29th, 2003

CARE International and the European Youth Forum believe that it is very
important for youth leaders and youth activists from NGOs in SEE to have the
opportunity to meet with partner organisations from other European
countries, in order to find out more about the youth NGO reality in other
parts of Europe, to develop networks and to plan possible future

Study Visits are part of the Balkan Youth Project (BYP). The BYP offers
through this element the opportunity for the youth NGOs from the SEE region
to apply for grants to carry out short-term study visits to identified
partner organisations in the European Union. These study visits will consist
of delegations of 4 persons from youth NGOs from the Kosovo and Macedonia to
visit partner NGOs in the EU countries for a period of one week (including
travel days).

Each study visit will consist of 4 youth activists from Kosovo or Macedonia,
who will visit their counterparts in the EU countries. The activists
applying for the study visit can come only from one organisation.

Applicants should send their application forms to CARE International BH/C
(attention: Darko Paranos), tel/fax: +387 51 211 309; 214 146,

 3. TRAINING COURSE "NGO SUSTAINABILITY" Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1-7


The objective of this training course will be to empower youth NGOs in
Bosnia and Herzegovina and to improve information-flow and co-operation
between youth NGOs within the country.

The training course in Bosnia and Herzegovina will last for 5 days
(excluding travel days). The activity will bring together around 30
participants from different youth NGOs in BH. This should provide enough
time for the participants to get to know each other and exchange experiences
and information about the different youth organisations inside the country.
The training course also provides a good basis on which to establish
partnerships and closer future co-operation.

The programme for the activity will be developed by the training team
according to guidelines that have been developed by the BYP Steering Group.
The key objectives for the Training Course in BH will be NGO financial and
organisational sustainability development.

NOTE: The training course will be carried out in the local languages!!!


Applicants from Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia,
Montenegro and Serbia (that are not nominated by a Youth Forum member
organisation) should send in their application form to CARE International
BH/C (attention: Darko Paranos), tel. +387 51 214146, fax +387 51 213853,

e-mail: dp.carebl@blic.net.

Applicants from other European countries and applicants nominated by a Youth
Forum member organisation should send in their application form to the
European Youth Forum (attention Mateja Prosek), tel. +32 2 230 6490, fax +32
2 230 2123,

E-mail: Mateja.Prosek@youthforum.org.

 4. Lauching of a new Partnership website between the CoE and the EC

To find out what's new, and to assist you in finding tools and opportunities
for addressing your training needs, to support new generations of young
people and youth trainers in Europe in your organisation, just take a look
at the new website www.training-youth.net, the result of the Partnership on
European Youth Training between the Council of Europe and the European
Commission, since its inception almost 5 years ago!

The new website includes a growing number of materials and information for
the public. Among others, you will find all course reports and
documentations starting from 1998 when the first Partnership training
courses were held; a regularly updated News section; an Online Flipchart
where youth NGOs, trainers and youth workers can post and search
information; a Discussion Forum for interested users; information on
upcoming training courses as well as all the T-Kits and Coyote Magazine
issues, downloadable free of charge.


Have you ever switched off the news because it is always the same old mess
somewhere far away?

Have you ever imagined yourself to be in their position?

Have you ever just closed your eyes hoping others will take the lead or
things will simply pass? Have you ever thought of taking action when others
are standing by?

Have you ever thought of cycling through the Middle East with 300 women?

Why not?...

A group of enthusiastic women from Europe, US and Middle East are currently
organising an ALL-WOMEN cycling tour to raise awareness for the difficult
situation women and children find themselves in the Middle East. Deprived of
so many things we take for granted, they are struggling to stay alive under
the constant burden of fear.

By cycling through the Middle East with a diverse group of women, we will
show solidarity and will make a difference. The money we will raise will
fund projects for women and children affected by the situation in the region
and fund youth projects on tolerance, understanding and peace

By cycling through the Middle East with a diverse group of women, we will
show solidarity and will make a difference. The money we will raise will
fund projects for women and children affected by the situation in the region
and fund youth projects on tolerance, understanding and peace.

The project will take place in April 2004 and will consist of a 6-days
cycling tour through Lebanon, Syria and Jordan and a final conference in
Amman. Parallel to this there will be a Cyprus bike ride, which will involve
women from Turkey, Cyprus, Israel and many other places.

We can use all the help you can give us by raising funds, get the media
involved and just making a difference. For more information check out our
website at www.followthewomen.com.

Have you ever followed the women?

Maybe its about time now..


 "Youth, Europe, The Future. The Role of Europe in the World Arena and New
Variants of Globalisation"

APPLICATION DEADLINE : 20th September 2003 !!

The newly established Polish Youth Council, in collaboration with the Round
Table of Student Organisations (OSOA) in Poland, is organising this
international youth conference, which topics are:

1. "From the Integration of States Towards the Integration of Societies. The
Role of Young People in Building Alliances between Europeans".

 2. "The European Union After the Big Change - a leader or egoist? The
External Aspect of Enlargement".

 3. "From Risk Management to Ethical Foreign Policy. European Values and the
World of Today".

 4. "Responsible Globalisation and the Power Shift. The Third Sector in
Europe Meeting the Challenges of Tomorrow".


 Delegates: 5 delegates from each of 25 member countries of the enlarged EU,
18-30 years of age, mandated by either the respective National Youth Council
or the local bureau of ESIB - the National Unions of Students in Europe.

Observers: delegates from EU and non EU European countries, 18-30 years of
age, actively involved in youth associations / organisations, interested in
European issues. ESSAYS OR WRITTEN CONTRIBUTIONS are most welcome by the
planning team!

Guests: by special invitation.

For further inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Mateusz Dyrek
of the Polish Youth Council at conference@zsp.org.pl or by phone: +48 502
718 347

 5. Food for thought

 A late night green room meeting in Cancun, or the real WTO negotiations.

The draft text that was released yesterday has been strongly condemned by
third world countries and NGO's. Late last night a number of countries were
brought in to a late night green room meeting which started sometime after
midnight and lasted about 5 hours. The US and EU are trying to break down
the G21's resistance and tear apart the coalition which has been keeping the
negotiations focused on Ag and Development issues. They have split off in to
meetings so that the EU/US are meeting with Malaysia, India, China, Kenya,
Mexico, South Africa, and Brazil apart from the broader negotiations.

During an NGO press conference today Walden Bello said "Before the
Ministerial, Supachai promised that there would be no Green Rooms in Cancun,
but the green rooms have taken place and now the number of participants has
been cut down to just 9 countries. This is a deterioration of the process
from what was promised. " Green Rooms are the closed meetings where the EU
and US use high pressure tactics, bribes, and threats to force less powerful
countries in to submission. In a statement by African Parliamentarians they
said our "trade experts were barred from the green room. We view this as an
underhand tactic to coerce our Ministers towards a pre-determined and
desired outcome that secures the interest of the United States and European
Union while our countries' interests remain on the parking lot." Walden went
on to say " It's important to make negotiations public because the political
power games can't be exercised if the process is transparent."

As tensions rise very little reliable information is coming from the WTO and
delegations directly to the press. Walden went on to say "There is so much
secrecy in the negotiations that it is only the NGO's who are saying what is
happening in the negotiations. " This is because a number of delegates are
leaking information to sympathetic NGO's and some prominent NGO
globalization activists have been brought on as advisors to their country's

Amazingly the new draft declaration which was issued yesterday is actually
worse than the previous declaration. It does not meet the demands of the G21
or other groups of developing nations and worse it opens up new negotiations
on 'Singapore Issues' which include intellectual property, investment, and
services. The African Parliamentarians declared "We condemn the move by the
United States and the European Union to use the so called Singapore issues
to distract the attention of this Ministerial Conference from making
tangible commitments particularly on the trade distorting agricultural

The G21 countries which are demanding agricultural reforms in the WTO have
repeatedly stated that they will not allow forward movement on any other or
new issues in the WTO negotiations until agricultural subsidies, dumping,
and export subsidies have been addressed.

The results of the 5th Ministerial is still very much up in doubt. Maude
Barlo of the Council of Canadians said " The rules they are making here
affect the lives of every person in the world. The right to health care, the
right to food security, and the right to water."

Right now the developing nations are furious and are very openly talking
about walking out of the meetings. This would be a major shift in WTO
negotiations and it would mark a major failure of the WTO Ministerial. On
the other side there are rumors that the US might leave the WTO all together
and move on to only negotiate direct nation to nation trade deals.

Only the US and Europe have the ability to walk away from the WTO. If this
unlikely turn of events comes about then it would mean then death of the
WTO. As activists we will have to turn our attention to fighting the dozens
of free trade deals the US has been negotiating on the side.

Thanks to everybody who have collaborated in this edition!

Editor: Virginie Touzeau

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For further information contact the International Secretariat at

Youth Action for Peace

Av. du Parc Royal 3, B-1020 Brussels, Belgium

Tel.: 0032 2 478 94 10; Fax: 0032 2 478 94 32


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YAP в России http://www.world4u.ru

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