There is a song deep inside you. You are born to sing a song and you are preparing. You are moving around in the stage with your dresses, holding a mike but you are forgetting to sing, you are keeping silent. Till that time you will be restless, until you can sing that song which you have come on the stage to sing. Doesn't matter if you feel a little out of tune for one minute or two. Go ahead! Sing!
Сутра с утра
There is a song deep inside you. You are born to sing a song and you are preparing. You are moving around in the stage with your dresses, holding a mike but you are forgetting to sing, you are keeping silent. Till that time you will be restless, until you can sing that song which you have come on the stage to sing. Doesn't matter if you feel a little out of tune for one
minute or two. Go ahead! Sing!
Глубоко внутри вас есть песня. Вы рождены, чтобы спеть песню, и вы готовитесь. Вы двигаетесь по сцене в своих одеяниях, держите микрофон, но забываете петь, вы храните молчание. Вы будете испытывать беспокойство до тех пор, пока не сможете спеть ту песню, для которой вы вышли на эту сцену. Не важно, если вы на
минуту-другую сфальшивили. Продолжайте! Пойте!