1st Peace in The Middle East Rainbow Gathering 2006 Turkey
Gathering starts on Equinox 20th March 2006
Solar eclipse on 29th March 13.54
Full Moon is 13th April
On The World Gathering in Turkey last year, it was decided to make a gathering with focus on Peace in the Middle East, to plant seeds of love which will grow and start a tradition of peace gatherings in this torn apart area, to bring the Middle Eastern families together, to heal, learn and celebrate.
The site is on a mountain plateau called BEL, 45 kms north of MANAVGAT. To go there from MANAVGAT take the road towards IBRADI (1kms after the famous waterfall “selale” crossing with signs on the left, passing DIKMEN village). Past the YAYLAALAN village 13 kms later big red writing on the rocks to the left “- BEL-“ Follow signs on the dirt road for 2 kms to reach the gathering site. Welcome Home.
The only public transport is 1 shared minibus that leaves Manavgat everyday at 3.00 PM going to AKCABELEN. This minibus does not start from the bus station but from NOKTA tea house on the street next to the TANSAS supermarket on the center of the city (ask people). DO NOT get on the Yaylaalan bus that leaves there at the same time. Tell the driver you’ll get off at BEL junction after YAYLAALAN. The last part of the road is quite muddy at the moment but will be more suitable for small cars as the weather
The site is about 1.000 meters high and the nights are pretty cold but the season is getting warmer. Do not forget to bring your own thick jumpers, blankets, camping stuff, rainproof material, water containers, bowls and cups. For the whole family also bring bulk organic food, tools and alternative medicine. Be aware of shepherd dogs and far away shop.
We are all coming to something that we make all together.