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Человек с Бульвара (обзоры дилетанта) Кальмар и кит

От Женьки: Сегодня у нас эксперимент - обзор на английском. Я честно пытался перевести текст на русский язык, но отступился, поняв, что в состоянии лишь напортить. Итак:

Кальмар и кит
/Squid and the Whale/

Жанр: драма
Производство: США
Год выпуска: 2005
Продолжительность: 81 мин

Режиссер: Ной Баумбах/Noah Baumbach
В ролях: Джефф Дэниелс/Jeff Daniels, Лаура Линни/Laura Linney, Джесси Эйзенберг/Jesse Eisenberg, Оуэн Кляйн/Owen Kline

оценка 5 из 5

Brooklyn. 1986. The Berkman's family in the midst of the divorce. Clearly, divorce theme is overdone by the cinematography but Baumbach is giving us a fresher and more interesting look on the situation that tearing the family apart. The head of the household Bernard ( played by Jeff Daniels) is a writer that hasn't got a recognition in a long time and trying to support his family by teaching in local college. When his wife, Joan ( Laura Linney) gets a second wind as a writer and starts getting offers from publishing houses, he gets jealous and becomes a sore loser. Two sons, Walt and Frank, dealing with a family disaster each in their own way. That's in the nutshell. But Baumbach takes us to a deeper level of relationships so we can relate and understand the characters he created. For me, it is hard to grasp the concept of divorce. Maybe for the reason, I was brought up in the normal, nondysfuctional family. So, what's making me to connect with Frank, Walt, Joan and Bernard when we have so little in common? A human side of it. There is no wrong, there is no right when it comes to family.
Bernards is a small tyrant and suppressed his wife with his ego for many years. She is, on the other hand, is a rebel without a cause, waiting for her time to tee off. And then come the boys who are clever beoynd their years. . It is just bare emotions. There is no masking at all. They lay it straight as they feel. It is amazing to watch them to fall in and out of love with their own parents. But the resentment is too strong and they are too young to hide it.
The fact that director based the movie on his childhood memories creates a bond between the viewer and the characters. The movie is a triumph for Baumbach.
Acting on all parts is superb but without giving up too much of plot, I have to say the Kline Junior stole the show. The movie doesn't solve the problems of the world, neither it doesn't solve the Berkmans'. There are a lot of unanswered questions but I don't think we need the answers.

И еще От Женьки:
Для тех, кто испытал затруднения с английским, вкратце сюжет: все смешалось в семье Беркманов. Родители разбежались, дети страдают. Обычная семья, обычный развод. Грустно. Больно. И, наверное, все как в жизни.
Надо сказать, что мне интереснее всего была линия отца – его метания, поиски самого себя, попытка сближения с детьми.
Ближайшие ассоциации – фильм почему-то напомнил мне «Семейка Тенненбаум» (Royal Tenenbaums) и «Водная жизнь» (Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou). Есть и книжные ассоциации – «Мир по Гарпу» и «Семейная жизнь весом в 158 фунтов» Джона Ирвинга и, прочитанная одновременно с фильмом, «Мужчина и женщина в эпоху динозавров» Маргарет Этвуд.

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