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Flying nymphs on the stage and disenfranchised pupils in the school: heavy days of future ballerinas of the nineteenth century

Flying nymphs on the stage and disenfranchised pupils in the school: heavy days of future ballerinas of the nineteenth century
2016-11-28 07:45 Grey
Matilda Kshesinskaya — famous dancer, a graduate of the St. Petersburg ballet school.Spectacular performances, stunning costumes, fluttering nymph – that draws the imagination of the ballet of the XIX century. ... далее -

Dream job: she attends trendy restaurants London and get money for it
2016-11-28 07:45 Grey
Sophie hardy, an official inspector of the food.Sophie hardy got a job, about which many people do not dare to dream: she’s having the most fashionable and expensive restaurants in ... далее -

Traumjob: das Mädchen besucht die angesagte Restaurants in London und bekommt dafür Geld
2016-11-28 07:46 Grey
Sophie Hardy, der offizielle Inspektor Nahrung.Sophie Hardy hat einen Job, von dem viele nicht zu träumen Wagen: Sie Essen in den angesagtesten und teuersten Restaurants von Großbritannien und bekommt Geld ... далее -

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