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Английский без правил

Добрый день, друзья!

Сознание каждого человека устроено так, что он живёт в собственной вселенной, которой не достигают истины из чужих миров (Бердяев). Но бывает так, что душевные орбиты какими-то отрезками близки, людям "по пути". Тогда совершенно не важно, что ты создаёшь: близкий орбитой человек всё додумывает и достраивает в твою пользу. Слабая строка? Неточная мысль? Нет, нет, ты имел в виду другое.

The Exposed Nest

Robert Frost

You were forever finding some new play.

So when I saw you down on hands and knees

In the meadow, busy with the new-cut hay,

Trying, I thought, to set it up on end,

I went to show you how to make it stay,

If that was your idea, against the breeze,

And, if you asked me, even help pretend

To make it root again and grow afresh.

But ‘twas no make-believe with you to-day,

Nor was the grass itself your real concern,

Though I found your hand full of wilted fern,

Steel-bright June-grass, and blackening heads of clover.

‘Twas a nest full of young birds on the ground

The cutter-bar had just gone champing over

(Miraculously without tasting flesh)

And left defenseless to the heat and light.

You wanted to restore them to their right

Of something interposed between their sight

And too much world at once—could means be found.

The way the nest-full every time we stirred

Stood up to us as to a mother-bird

Whose coming home has been too long deferred,

Made me ask would the mother-bird return

And care for them in such a change of scene

And might our meddling make her more afraid.

That was a thing we could not wait to learn.

We saw the risk we took in doing good,

But dared not spare to do the best we could

Though harm should come of it; so built the screen

You had begun, and gave them back their shade.

All this to prove we cared. Why is there then

No more to tell? We turned to other things.

I haven’t any memory—have you?—

Of ever coming to the place again

To see if the birds lived the first night through,

And so at last to learn to use their wings.

До новых встреч!

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