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Английский без правил

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Английский без правил

Добрый день, друзья!

Чтобы уметь тонко вести фривольную беседу, нужно уметь умирать на баррикадах, и оборотная сторона предельной утончённости, свойственной исключительно французской культуре, - готовность ни с кем и ни с чем не считаться, шагая к бездне. Французский девиз “Не снисхожу” для остального мира непрост, и чтобы обладать умом, достаточным для осознания этого факта, нужно обладать глупостью, достаточной для неприятия той чрезмерности, на которую бесстрашия у тебя уже не хватит.


When I was in Paris a short time ago, I went with an English friend of mine to an extremely brilliant and rapid succession of French plays, each occupying about twenty minutes.

They were all astonishingly effective; but there was one of them which was so effective that my friend and I fought about it outside, and had almost to be separated by the police.  

It was intended to indicate how men really behaved in a wreck or naval disaster, how they break down, how they scream, how they fight each other without object and in a mere hatred of everything.  

And then there was added, with all that horrible irony which Voltaire began, a scene in which a great statesman made a speech over their bodies, saying that they were all heroes and had died in a fraternal embrace.

My friend and I came out of this theatre, and as he had lived long in Paris, he said, like a Frenchman:  "What admirable artistic arrangement!  Is it not exquisite?"  

"No," I replied, assuming as far as possible the traditional attitude of John Bull in the pictures in Punch - "No, it is not exquisite.

Perhaps it is unmeaning; if it is unmeaning I do not mind.  

But if it has a meaning I know what the meaning is; it is that under all their pageant of chivalry men are not only beasts, but even hunted beasts.

I do not know much of humanity, especially when humanity talks in French.  

But I know when a thing is meant to uplift the human soul, and when it is meant to depress it.  

I know that Cyrano de Bergerac (where the actors talked even quicker) was meant to encourage man.

And I know that this was meant to discourage him."

"These sentimental and moral views of art," began my friend, but I broke into his words as a light broke into my mind.

"Let me say to you," I said, "what Jaurès said to Liebknecht at the Socialist Conference:  ‘You have not died on the barricades.’

You are an Englishman, as I am, and you ought to be as amiable as I am.

These people have some right to be terrible in art, for they have been terrible in politics.

They may endure mock tortures on the stage; they have seen real tortures in the streets.

They have been hurt for the idea of Democracy.  

They have been hurt for the idea of Catholicism.  

It is not so utterly unnatural to them that they should be hurt for the idea of literature.

But, by blazes, it is altogether unnatural to me!

And the worst thing of all is that I, who am an Englishman, loving comfort, should find comfort in such things as this.

The French do not seek comfort here, but rather unrest.

This restless people seeks to keep itself in a perpetual agony of the revolutionary mood.  

Frenchmen, seeking revolution, may find the humiliation of humanity inspiring.  

But God forbid that two pleasure-seeking Englishmen should ever find it pleasant!"


rapid: ['ræpid] - быстрый, скорый, стремительный;  крутой (о склоне); (фото) высокочувствительный

rapids: - пороги реки, стремнина;  очередь, залп

succession: [sək'seʃ(ə)n] - последовательность; непрерывный ряд; преемственность; наследование, порядок наследования, наследственное право; (с.-х.) севооборот

wreck: [rek] - крушение, авария, гибель, катастрофа (прям. и перен.);  остов разбитого судна; остатки кораблекрушения;  обломки (самолёта, автомобиля и т. п.);  развалины; развалина (о человеке)

naval: ['neiv(ə)l] - морской, флотский, военно-морской

disaster: [di'zaːstə] - беда, бедствие, несчастье

hatred: ['heitrid] - ненависть

fraternal: [frə'təːn(ə)l] - братский

exquisite:  [ik'skwizit], [ek'skwizit] -  изысканный, изящный, тонкий;  законченный, полный, совершенный;  лучший, наилучший, отборный; сильный, острый, резкий (о чувствах, ощущениях); денди, франт, самодовольный хлыщ

pageant: ['pæʤənt] - пышное зрелище; пышная процессия, шествие; спектакль, действо, инсценировка (исторического события); показное, бессодержательное зрелище, пустой блеск; показуха; (ист.) подвижная сцена (для представления мистерий)

chivalry: ['ʃiv(ə)lri] - рыцарство, благородство, отвага

humiliation: [hjuː,mili'eiʃ(ə)n] - унижение


Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1874 –  1936). French And English

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