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Eurovision Евровидение

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  • Στη Βουλγαρία ο διαγωνισμός “Junior Eurovision 2015″ – Πρώτο ΘΕΜΑ
    2015-01-16 16:01 admin
    Στη Βουλγαρία ο διαγωνισμός "Junior Eurovision 2015"
    Πρώτο ΘΕΜΑ
    «Πρόκειται για μοναδική ευκαιρία για τη BNT και για τη Βουλγαρία – να φιλοξενήσουν έναν μουσικό διαγωνισμό με μεγάλο κύρος στην Ευρώπη» δήλωσε η γενική διευθύντρια της Βουλγαρικής Εθνικής Τηλεόρασης Βιάρα Άνκοβα. Η Βουλγαρική Εθνική …

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    Edurne se va Viena para representarnos en Eurovisión – Blasting News
    2015-01-16 16:01 admin

    Blasting News
    Edurne se va Viena para representarnos en Eurovisión
    Blasting News
    Edurne ha sido elegida por RTVE para representar a España en el próximo festival de Eurovisión gracias a la versatilidad artística que caracteriza a la cantante, algo que demuestra y que se ha tomado en serio al recaudar experiencias ante las cámaras
    Edurne representará a España en la 60ª edicion del festival Rumberos.net
    Marta Sánchez, sin rencores con Edurne por 'robarle' EurovisiónCaracol TV.com

    los 43 artículos informativos »

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    Edurne Garcia to sing Amanecer at Eurovision 2015. Manchester United keeper … – Daily Mail
    2015-01-16 16:01 admin

    Daily Mail
    Edurne Garcia to sing Amanecer at Eurovision 2015. Manchester United keeper
    Daily Mail
    The girlfriend of Manchester United goalkeeper David De Gea will represent Spain at the Eurovision Song Contest in May. Edurne Garcia, 29, who has been with the Manchester United star since 2010, will sing 'Amanecer' at the Vienna Stadthalle on May 23, …
    Eurovision 2015: Who are the European contenders so far?Digital Spy UK
    Edurne to sing for Spain in Vienna!Eurovision.tv
    De Gea girlfriend to represent Spain at the Eurovision Song ContestGoal.com
    Manchester Evening News -Sports Mole
    all 34 news articles »

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    Slovenia 2015: get to know the finalists – oikotimes.com
    2015-01-16 17:01 admin
    Slovenia 2015: get to know the finalists
    His songs represented Slovenia at both Eurovision, senior and junior. I.C.E. is popular Slovenian rock group established in 2005. They shot their fame in 2008, publishing single Na liniji. They also had big hits in 2010. and 2013. Rudi Bučar, also our

    and more »

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    Anouk becomes the new coach of The Voice – oikotimes.com
    2015-01-16 18:01 admin
    Anouk becomes the new coach of The Voice
    The singer will replace Trijntje Oosterhuis, which will take a break from filming as she goes on to represent the Netherlands at this year's contest with the song “Walk Along”. The latest season of “The Voice”ended only a month ago with Junior

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    Nuestra representante en el Festival de Eurovisión 2015: Edurne – Blasting News
    2015-01-16 18:01 admin

    Blasting News
    Nuestra representante en el Festival de Eurovisión 2015: Edurne
    Blasting News
    Ya no caben dudas sobre quién nos representará en la nueva edición del Festival de Eurovisión. que se celebrará a partir del 19 de mayo, hasta el día 23 del mismo mes en Viena, día en el que será la final del certamen. Recuerden que antes de esa final, …

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    Edurne representará a España en el Festival de Eurovisión – Blasting News
    2015-01-16 18:01 admin

    Blasting News
    Edurne representará a España en el Festival de Eurovisión
    Blasting News
    La cantante y presentadora Edurne ha sido la elegida para representar a España en el Festival de Eurovisión el próximo 23 de mayo en Viena. RTVE ha vuelto a apostar por el método de selección interna como ya pasara con Pastora Soler y El sueño de …

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    Mario Vaquerizo raja de Eurovisión y plantea un reto – los40.com
    2015-01-16 18:01 admin
    Mario Vaquerizo raja de Eurovisión y plantea un reto
    Nuestro colaborador más loco Mario Vaquerizo ha vuelto al programa para seguir rajando de todo lo que a él le apetezca. El cantante ha querido hablar de Eurovisión y ha dejado claro su opinión a cerca de que Edurne sea la representante. Hablando de …

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    Eurovision Song Contest 2015: Edurne Garcia, girlfriend of footballer David de … – Metro
    2015-01-16 18:01 admin

    Eurovision Song Contest 2015: Edurne Garcia, girlfriend of footballer David de
    The girlfriend of Manchester United goalkeeper David de Gea is set to strut her stuff on the Eurovision stage after being chosen to represent her native Spain. Edurne Garcia, who has been dating David since 2010, will perform the Spanish-language track …

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    Bulgaria invited to host Junior Eurovision 2015 – The Sofia Globe
    2015-01-16 19:01 admin

    The Sofia Globe
    Bulgaria invited to host Junior Eurovision 2015
    The Sofia Globe
    Bulgaria ran second in the 2014 Junior Eurovision contest, and the broadcast of the final was among the most-watched shows on the public broadcaster last year, with more than million viewers watching it on Bulgarian National Television (BNT) and a
    JESC 2015: Bulgaria or Malta to host the show?oikotimes.com

    all 2 news articles »

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