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Eurovision Евровидение

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Eurovision rights campaigner arrested in Azerbaijan - gulfnews.com

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  • Eurovision rights campaigner arrested in Azerbaijan – gulfnews.com
    2014-08-06 07:08 admin

    Eurovision rights campaigner arrested in Azerbaijan
    Eurovision rights campaigner arrested in Azerbaijan. Laywer says there were no legal grounds to detain the activist. AFP; Published: 18:40 August 3, 2014; Gulf News. Baku: A prominent human rights campaigner in ex-Soviet Azerbaijan has been arrested …
    Eurovision human rights campaigner arrested in AzerbaijanBusiness Recorder

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    Maltasong winners will be allowed to sing different song in Eurovision – MaltaToday
    2014-08-06 07:08 admin
    Maltasong winners will be allowed to sing different song in Eurovision
    PBS CEO Anton Attard said that a main reason behind this decision was so that the competition can “make use of the same stage that the Junior Eurovision will take place on, which will be larger than what we're used to.” Another reason is that it will

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    Politiker efter Eurovision-bommert: Vi skal nok betale regningen – TV2
    2014-08-06 07:08 admin

    Fyens Stiftstidende
    Politiker efter Eurovision-bommert: Vi skal nok betale regningen
    … været opmærksomme på?, lyder det Sophie Hæstorp. Eurovision Sophie Hæstorp, der er formand for for regionsrådet i Region Hovedstaden, er rystet over bundlinjen på det projektselskab, der stod bag Eurovision 2014, men hun skal nok betale
    Eurovision blev over tre gange så dyrt som planlagtNORDJYSKE
    Wonderful Copenhagen: DR sprængte Eurovision-budgetFyens Stiftstidende
    DR afviser blankt skyld for Eurovision-efterregningKristeligt Dagblad (abonnement)

    all 116 news articles »

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    This is the story of the massive deficit of the 2014 Eurovision Song Contest – EuroVisionary
    2014-08-06 08:08 admin
    This is the story of the massive deficit of the 2014 Eurovision Song Contest
    The 2014 Eurovision Song Contest ended up being three times as expensive as planned. The parts involved are currently throwing mud at each other and very few media are able to understand what is going on. DR is being blamed for wanting a too …

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    El popular concurso Eurovisión costó tres veces más de lo … – EntornoInteligente
    2014-08-06 09:08 admin

    El popular concurso Eurovisión costó tres veces más de lo
    Emol / COPENHAGUE.- La realización del popular concurso musical Eurovisión tuvo un costo mucho más alto de lo presupuestado este año, ya que alcanzó los 15 millones de euros (20 millones de dólares), es decir, tres veces más de lo que se había …

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    Ruth Lorenzo: “Este mundillo te puede volver subnormal muy … – elEconomista.es
    2014-08-06 09:08 admin
    Ruth Lorenzo: "Este mundillo te puede volver subnormal muy
    Ruth Lorenzo, cantante que representó a España en el festival de Eurovisión 2014, ha mostrado su lado más personal en El Mundo. La cantante no habló solamente de música, sino también de sus amistades, la gran mayoría gays. La cantante cree que los …
    '¿Conchita Wurst? Al que no le guste, que no mire'El Mundo

    los 2 artículos informativos »

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    Federica and Gaia in Għaxaq concert – Times of Malta
    2014-08-06 09:08 admin
    Federica and Gaia in Għaxaq concert
    Times of Malta
    The two rose to fame earlier this year, with Cauchi winning the Junior Eurovision Song Contest and Falzon the RAI talent show Ti Lascio Una Canzone. There is a sense of intrigue to the general genre of the concert, one which the organisers are

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    El Festival de Eurovisión cumple 60 años y para celebrarlo, cambia … – RTVE
    2014-08-06 10:08 admin

    El Festival de Eurovisión cumple 60 años y para celebrarlo, cambia
    El Festival de Eurovisión celebra su 60ª edición y los miembros de la UER están dispuestos a que este aniversario no pase por alto. Por eso, después de 10 años con el logo que todos conocemos, han decidido cambiarlo. Que nadie se asuste, porque como …
    Eurovisión cambia de logo, 10 años despuésVerTele
    Eurovisión cambia su logotipoEl Norte de Castilla
    Eurovisión cambia de logotipo después de diez añosecodiario
    los 5 artículos informativos »

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    Eurovision 2014: oltre 39mila presenze, boom di pernottamenti – Eurofestival NEWS
    2014-08-06 10:08 admin

    Eurofestival NEWS
    Eurovision 2014: oltre 39mila presenze, boom di pernottamenti
    Eurofestival NEWS
    La spesa vale l'impresa, nel caso dell'Eurovision Song Contest. Se infatti le cose non sono andate come sperato sul fronte delle uscite, l'edizione 2014è stata un trionfo sul fronte degli introiti, confermando ancora una volta come l'ESC sia tutt
    Segui Fai Informazione suinformazione.it (Comunicati Stampa)

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    Eurovision star Dana ‘punched by her elderly sister’ at Christian conference – Irish Mirror
    2014-08-06 10:08 admin

    Irish Mirror
    Eurovision star Dana 'punched by her elderly sister' at Christian conference
    Irish Mirror
    Former Eurovision winner Dana has claimed she was attacked by her elderly sister in a toilet in America. The 63-year-old reported Eileen Bradley, 70, to security and the police on Wednesday afternoon after the alleged incident at a conference centre in

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