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Eurovision Евровидение

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Conchita Wurst becomes a catwalk model for Jean Paul Gaultier: `She is ... - The Independent

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  • Conchita Wurst becomes a catwalk model for Jean Paul Gaultier: ‘She is … – The Independent
    2014-07-11 00:07 admin

    The Independent
    Conchita Wurst becomes a catwalk model for Jean Paul Gaultier: 'She is
    The Independent
    Wurst – who famously won the 2014 Eurovision Song Contest – was given the prestigious closing spot, a fashion honour usually bestowed on the designer favourite or most famous model. Previous high-profile names to have been given the same slot include …

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    Eurovision’s Conchita Wurst star of Paris fashion – The Malay Mail Online
    2014-07-11 01:07 admin

    The Malay Mail Online
    Eurovision's Conchita Wurst star of Paris fashion
    The Malay Mail Online
    French designer Jean Paul Gaultier (right) appears with Eurovision Song Contest winner Conchita Wurst at the end of his Haute Couture Fall/Winter 2014-2015 fashion show in Paris July 9, 2014. — Reuters picPARIS, July 10 — Eurovision winner Conchita …

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    Conchita Wurst sorprende a Karmele Marchante: Quiere verle en … – TeleCinco.es
    2014-07-11 02:07 admin
    Conchita Wurst sorprende a Karmele Marchante: Quiere verle en
    Era un mensaje de Conchita Wurst, animándola a seguir intentando ir a Eurovisión: "Pelea por tus sueños y por aquello en lo que crees. Algún día te veré en el escenario de Eurovisión. Me encantaría cantar el "Tsunami" contigo algún día, este es mi

    y más »

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    ‘No other music event like this’, Sergej says – Eurovision.tv
    2014-07-11 02:07 admin

    'No other music event like this', Sergej says
    It's two months since this year's Eurovision Song Contest journey in Denmark, that we were all a part of ended. Do you miss all the euphoria, energy and creative chaos? You do have many years of experience behind you, but still any symptoms or side

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    14 things only the Irish love – Irish Independent
    2014-07-11 02:07 admin

    Irish Independent
    14 things only the Irish love
    Irish Independent
    night on Twitter, we've practically adopted the poor fella. It was as if Junior Tourism Minister, Michael Ring, was dispatched to the steppes of Kazakhstan with a big net after he landed back on Earth, because Hadfield ended up in an Irish tourism

    and more »

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    Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2014 | Italia | Rai Gulp | Partecipazione – TVblog.it (Blog)
    2014-07-11 02:07 admin

    TVblog.it (Blog)
    Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2014 | Italia | Rai Gulp | Partecipazione
    TVblog.it (Blog)
    Dopo essere ritornati a gareggiare all'Eurovision Song Contest dopo una lunga assenza durata precisamente dal 1997 al 2011, la Rai ha deciso di mandare un artista rappresentante dell'Italia anche per quanto riguarda la versione junior del famoso …
    Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2014 | Rai Gulp | Italia partecipazioneSoundsblog.it (Blog)
    Ufficiale: l'Italia debutta nello Junior ESC, in onda su Rai GulpEurofestival NEWS
    Eurovision: L'Italia parteciperà alla versione Junior (con RaiGulp)melty.it
    DavideMaggio.it -informazione.it (Comunicati Stampa)
    all 7 news articles »

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    09/07/2014Eurovision’s Conchita Wurst star of Paris fashion – Expatica France
    2014-07-11 03:07 admin
    09/07/2014Eurovision's Conchita Wurst star of Paris fashion
    Expatica France
    Eurovision winner Conchita Wurst on Wednesday closed Jean Paul Gaultier's haute couture show at Paris fashion, resplendent in a black and red vampire-themed gown. Gaultier said he meet the bearded Austrian transvestite two years ago, joking that he …

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    RTVE achaca a un malentendido los ‘oight points’ de Eurovisión – El Mundo
    2014-07-11 04:07 admin

    RTVE achaca a un malentendido los 'oight points' de Eurovisión
    El Mundo
    RTVE achaca a un malentendido durante el 'directo' la confusión de la presentadora, Carolina Casado, al anunciar en directo la puntuación de España en el certamen de Eurovisión y mencionar "oight points", en lugar de la correcta pronunciación inglesa
    RTVE achaca a un malentendido los 'oight points' de España en El Norte de Castilla

    los 32 artículos informativos »

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    TVE explica los ‘oitpoints’ de Carolina Casado en Eurovisión – Qué.es
    2014-07-11 04:07 admin

    TVE explica los 'oitpoints' de Carolina Casado en Eurovisión
    La cadena estatal ha achacado a un malentendido durante el 'directo' la confusión de la presentadora, Carolina Casado, al anunciar en directo la puntuación de España en el certamen de Eurovisión y mencionar 'oitpoints', en lugar de la correcta …

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    Esc Junior 2015 su Rai Gulp, European Song Contest per i cantanti in erba – CineTivu
    2014-07-11 04:07 admin

    Esc Junior 2015 su Rai Gulp, European Song Contest per i cantanti in erba
    Rai Gulp manderà in onda il Junior Eurovision Song Contest che andrà in scena il prossimo 15 novembre dal Malta Shipbuilding di Marsa. Dopo l'Eurovision Song Contest, arrriva dunque anche la manifestaione dedicata ai giovani cantanti in erba che si …

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