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Junior 2013: What to expect from tonight? - Eurovision.tv

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  • Junior 2013: What to expect from tonight? – Eurovision.tv
    2013-12-05 23:12 admin

    Junior 2013: What to expect from tonight?
    What can you tell about the team working on the Junior Eurovision Song Contest production? The team created by NTU is very professional. It's a good mix of the best Ukrainian and international specialists. This year we have the Executive Producer Roman 
    [VIDEO] Malta wins Junior Eurovision Song ContestMaltaToday
    Junior Eurovision is 'doable'Times of Malta
    Malta wins Junior Eurovision Song ContestAysor
    Panorama.am -Escdaily
    all 32 news articles »

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    В этом году на белорусский отбор Евровидения подали под сотню заявок
    2013-12-05 23:12 admin

    Но те, на кого и делали ставку – Георгий Колдун с лирической балладой, Виталий Воронко с аккордеоном за шесть тысяч евро, чемпион мира по тайскому боксу Виталий Гурков – не прошли в финал. Более того, в кулуарах рассказывают, что некоторых артистов отговаривали от участия в конкурсе. Вот так мы получили список финалистов, из которых выбрали самых интересных на свой взгляд. …

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    Poland returns to Eurovision after two-year break – Eurovision.tv
    2013-12-05 23:12 admin
    Poland returns to Eurovision after two-year break
    Polish broadcaster TVP confirmed on its website to re-join the Eurovision Song Contest in 2014, after a two-year break. The announcement comes just weeks after Portuguese broadcaster RTP announced its come-back next year in Copenhagen, and on the 

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    Heavy Metal in Latin: Arxplendida, Swiss Entry to Eurovision Song Contest – Firedoglake
    2013-12-05 23:12 admin
    Heavy Metal in Latin: Arxplendida, Swiss Entry to Eurovision Song Contest
    Latin nerds and metal heads may clash in the schoolyard, but damn, they rock in combo. With metal gaining acceptance in the Eurovision Song Contest–Azerbaijan's debut ESC 2008 entry is legendary, and Latin having been the reigning language back in ye 

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    Revamped Norwegian final set for 15th March – Eurovision.tv
    2013-12-06 00:12 admin

    Revamped Norwegian final set for 15th March
    Producer Stian Malme is pleased: "It will be 55 years since Norway first entered the Eurovision Song Contest, and I believe that the Norwegian National Selection is still vital for showcasing new, Norwegian music. Our goal is to give our viewing
    NRK lifts the lid on Melodi Grand Prix 2014EuroVisionary

    all 3 news articles »

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    Berlusconi, a Mafioso, and a dead dictator: toasted by our Republic – MaltaToday
    2013-12-06 00:12 admin
    Berlusconi, a Mafioso, and a dead dictator: toasted by our Republic
    Labour now wants to loosen the restrictions on the national awards and open them up to a wider number of beneficiaries: Joseph Muscat's choice of an 11-year-old winner of the Junior Eurovision contest perhaps betrays his dim view of the awards, but the

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    Michael D. Kennedy: A nonviolent revolution in Ukraine – The Providence Journal
    2013-12-06 01:12 admin

    The Guardian
    Michael D. Kennedy: A nonviolent revolution in Ukraine
    The Providence Journal
    Even the 2004 Eurovision song contest winner, Ruslana, used her singing energy to keep the protesters in good spirits, and then after the crackdown, ushered the injured to sanctuary in St. Michael's Cathedral. Pop music mixes with religious devotion in
    Ukraine police crack down on anti-government, pro-Europe protests in KyivDeutsche Welle

    all 3,346 news articles »

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    Belarus’ Junior Eurovision Representative gives press conference – TVR
    2013-12-06 01:12 admin
    Belarus' Junior Eurovision Representative gives press conference
    Today was perhaps one of the busiest days of the whole Eurovision week. Today's schedule included make-up, sound check, stage rehearsals, a second viewing of the recorded performances and a press conference. Alexandra, who is to announce the votes, 

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    Отбор на «Евровидение 2014»: Сара Окс обвиняет организаторов
    2013-12-06 01:12 admin

    Национальный отбор Беларуси на международный конкурс песни «Евровидение 2014» в очередной раз сопровождается конфликтами

    Продюсеры российско-украинской певицы Сары Окс, которая по результатам оценки белорусского жюри не вошла в число пятнадцати финалистов, не верят в объективность жюри, которое занималось отбором претендентов на финальную часть в январе следующего года.

    Директор проектов Ольга Кас, представляющая интересы певицы, отмечает: в результате закрытого прослушивания было оставлено, по мнению экспертов, 15 лучших. Но примечательно, что три артиста представляют продюсерский центр одного из членов жюри Алены Ланской. А это, по мнению Ольги Кас, явное свидетельство «продвижения» своих лю…

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