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Kylie Minogue "Red Blooded Woman",

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выпуск 123 ( 2004-06-21 )

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Сегодня в выпуске:
Kylie Minogue "Red Blooded Woman"
Eminem "Eminem Freestyle"
Manu Chao "La vie à deux"
Slayer "Bloodline"
Юлия Савичева "Believe me"


В Москве впервые выступит звезда мировой музыки Шер. Для российских зрителей - это последняя возможность побывать на концерте певицы. Шер уже объявила о своем уходе со сцены и называет свой гастрольный тур прощальным.
Бритни Спирс отменила своё текущее турне. Около двух недель назад во время съёмок очередного клипа Бритни повредила ногу. Врачи советуют певице обездвижить ногу хотя бы на 6 недель, после чего Бритни предстоит от 8 до 12 недель физиотерапии. А пока почитателям таланта певицы возвращают деньги за билеты.
Группа Prodigy выпускает в сентябре новый альбом. Он будет называться "Always Outnumbered, Never Outgunned". Лидер группы Liam Howlett пошутил по этому случаю: "Запись нового альбома не заняла семь лет, мы закончили его за год. Первые шесть лет я играл в гольф". А на октябрь уже запланировано турне группы.
Легенда стиля R&B певец Рэй Чарльз умер 10 июня в возрасте 73 лет после долгой борьбы с болезнью печени. Рей Чарльз ослеп в шесть лет из-за глаукомы. Ему удалось собрать 13 премий Грэмми, в том числе награду за вклад в искусство. В мае прошлого года он выступил на своём десятитысячном по счёту концерте.

Дни рождения: 21 июня
Kathy Mattea (1959)
Mark Brzezicki (Big Country) (1957)
Joey Kramer (Aerosmith) (1950)
Joey Molland (Badfinger) (1948)
Ray Davies (The Kinks) (1944)

Artist:   Kylie Minogue
Title:     Red Blooded Woman
Album:   Unknown

Count backwards 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Before you get too heated and turned on (this guy)
You should've learned your lessons all them times before
You've been bruised, you've been broken
And theres my mind saying think before you go
Through that door it could lead to nowhere (this guy)
Has got you all romantic crazy in your head
Do you think I listen, no I don't care

Cause I can't focus I can't stop
You got me spinning round, round, round, round (like a record)
I Can't focus it's too hot (inside)
You'll never get to Heaven, if your scared of getting high

(Boy, boy) Let me keep freaking around, I wanna get down
I'm a red-blooded woman, what's the point of hanging around?
(Boy, boy)
Don't wanna keep turning it down, when this girl wants to rock with you,
(Boy, boy)
Let me keep freaking around, I wanna get down
I'm a red-blooded woman, what's the point of hanging around?
(Boy, boy)
Don't wanna keep turning it down, when this girl wants to rock with you

My conscious saying, get down off the streets
It's too dangerous and deadly (this guy)
Has got you talking around and circles can't you see,
All for the sake of sexy (lovin it)
Then there's my sense saying stop before you fall
I dont wanna pick you up again (this guy)
Has got you all romantic, crazier each day
Do you think I listen, there's no way

Artist:   Eminem
Title:     Eminem Freestyle
Album:   The Streetsweeper Vol. 1

[Eminem - talking]
I'd be a horrible mixtape DJ
I would be really fuckin bad
This is motherfucking Eminem!
Or just Eminem
Whatever you want to call me
And your listenin to the motherfuckin easy listenin sounds, or whatever
Clear your fuckin ear wax out
This is motherfuckin DJ Kay Slay
The Drama King and it goes a little somethin like this
Yo turn that click off, alright :

(*beat to Eminem, Obie Trice & 50 Cent's "Love Me" starts*)
Look ..

My music is soothin but it's also been proven
That it can put you in the mood to jump outta ya car while it's movin
You've been waitin on this moment, my sermon
is like a omen, I'm servin, I'm Erick Sermon
I saw the window was open and I jumped through it
My shit if you don't get pumped to it
I quit, here's my rhyme book go head and thumb through it
And pick what you want from it, rummage ya find somethin
You can use to jump someone and roll up bumpin
I'm constantly coppin over you, squatin, shit is gotten
to the point, where I'm ain't even writin no more I'm just jottin
This is chicken scratch
Shit is sickin, I've been kickin ass off bullshit, throw away rhymes, pick a batch
I live for the love of rap
You crazy? I've made beats for Jay-Z for free
Page me, you need a beat
You Canibus? then it's Dre's beat
You Kay Slay? the fee's waived
I stay beefin with JD to the day Dre two-ways me
That it's ok to stop blazin him
Oops I put it out I apologize now is too late G
It's on tape and the tape leaked
"Say what you say" motherfucker
Drama King, Kay Slay motherfucker
We dictate these mixtapes motherfucker
Xzibit blaze this little gay midget cocksucker

Artist:   Manu Chao
Title:     La vie à deux
Album:  Unknown

Donnes moi de quoi tenir tenir
Je ne veux pas dormir dormir
Laisses moi venir le jour...
Notre via à deux s'arrête donc là
Dans les grandes plaines des peines à jouir
D'une vie qui ne veut plus rein dire
J'espère ne plus jamais faire souffrir quelqu'un
comme je t'ai fait souffrir...
Je n'étais qu'un mauvais présage
On s'est aimé
Puis vint l'orage
Moi qui aimais tellement ton sourire...
J'espère ne plus jamais faire souffrir quelqu'un
comme je t'ai fait souffrir...
Pourquoi pourquoi même quand les gens s'aiment
Il y a, il y a toujours des problèmes?
Fallait pas qu'on se connaisse
Fallait pas qu'ion soit deux
Fallait pas s'rencontrer et puis tomber amoureux
Notre vie à deux s'arête donc là
Là où les dieux ne s'aventurent pas
Moi qui aimais tellement ton sourire...
Pourquoi pourquoi même quand les gens s'aiment
Il y a, il y a toujours des problèmes?
Moi qui aimais tellement ton sourire
Je n'entends plus que tes soupirs
J'espère ne plus jamais faire souffrir quelqu'un
comme je t'ai fait souffrir...
Moi qui aimais tellement ton sourire
Je n'entends plus que tes soupirs
Donnes moi de quoi tenir tenir
Je ne veux pas dormir dormir
Laisses moi venir le jour...
Il est minuit à Tokyo
Il est cinq heures au Mali
Quelle heure est-il au paradis?

Artist:  Slayer
Title:     Bloodline
Album:   God Hates Us All

Eternal the kiss I breath
Siphon your blood to me
Feel my wounds of your god
Forever rape mortality
I smell of death
I reek of hate
I will live forever
Lost child pay the dead
Bleeding screams of silence
In my veins your eternity

I'll kill you and your dreams tonight
Begin new life
Bleed your death upon me
Let your bloodline feed my youth

First breath born come alive learn to kill
Bloodfest awaits to feed your hunger
Dark side has no rival test your faith in blood
Night hides the hunting packs a feeding frenzy

I'll kill you and your dreams tonight
Begin new life
Bleed your death upon me
Let your bloodline feed my youth

I am the first not the last
Condemned by a single kiss
Betrayed eternally I'll rip inside your soul
Contaminating the world
Defying god and son
Black heart that brings your death
Living in infamy

Drink the flesh of life itself
Prepare to reign a thousand years

I'll kill you and your dreams tonight
Begin new life
Bleed your death upon me
Let your bloodline feed my youth

Blame god chosen children
As you die I'm immortal
Faithless no religion
Stalking prey is my confession
Captive blood enslavement
Pain and hunger drives your madness
Drink flesh life itself
Prepare to reign a thousand years 

Artist:    Юлия Савичева
Title:     Believe me
Album:  Unknown

Believe me, I just don't care
If you look away or stare,
If you choose to go or stay
Don't believe me, I pray

In my head - every day, everywhere - oh, no
You and I can talk, and I sound colder
In my heart, though I say I don't care
I just cry and cry on your big shoulder

Believe me, I just don't care
If you look away or stare,
If you choose to go or stay
Don't believe me, I pray

Believe me, I just don't care
If you look away or stare,
If you choose to go or stay
Don't believe me, I pray

Far away, like the man in the moon, my dear
You just wave to me, you're always lying
Every face, every voice, every tune
Brings you back to me, and I start crying

Believe me, I just don't care
If you look away or stare,
If you choose to go or stay
Don't believe me, I pray

Believe me, I just don't care
If you look away or stare,
If you choose to go or stay
Don't believe me, I pray

Believe me, I just don't care

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Авторы рассылки: Kim Remaire, Scarlett Geller
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