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музыкальные новости и тексты песен
выпуск 84 ( 2002-06-03 )

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Сегодня в выпуске:
HIM "Join me (in death)"
Ian Van Dahl "Castles In The Sky"
London Boys "Requiem"
Nightwish "Dead Boy's Poem"
Rammstein "Asche Zu Asche"


Новости Lyrics.Ru: К обществу американских защитников окружающей среды PETA примкнула Пинк (Pink). Певица присоединилась к нью-йоркскому клубу знаменитостей Centro-Fly, члены которого проповедуют отказ от ношения мехов.
Победа Марии Наумовой на "Евровидении-2002" дало Латвии право в будущем году провести конкурс песни на своей территории. Право, но не обязанность. 10 июня республика должна будет или отказаться от этой чести, или подтвердить свое согласие.
Бритни Спирс (Britney Spears) настойчиво продолжает свою карьеру актрисы. Поп-принцесса примет участие в съемках шести эпизодов известного сериала "Баффи", в которых ей предстоит сыграть роль вампирши.

По итогам голосования за период 20.05 - 02.06 группа Linkin Park заняла первое место в All Music Top 10, составленном по итогам голосования среди подписчиков. Полный список результатов этого голосования можно посмотреть по адресу http://music.r2.ru/top10/
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Дни рождения: 3 июня
Dan Hill (1954)
Billy Powell (Lynyrd Skynyrd) (1952)
Deniece Williams (1951)
Suzi Quatro (1950)

Artist:   HIM
Title:     Join me (in death)
Album:   Unknown

Baby join me in death
Baby join me in death
Baby join me in death

We are so young
Our lifes have just begun
But already we are considering
Escape from this world
And we've waited for so long
For this moment to come
We are so anxious to be together
Together in death

Won't you die tonight for love
Baby join me in death
Won't you die
Baby join me in death
Won't you die tonight for love
Baby join me in death

This world is a cruel place
And we are here only to lose
So before life tears us apart
Let death bless me with you

Won't you die tonight for love
Baby join me in death
So will you die
Baby join me in death
Won't you die tonight for love
Baby join me in death
Join me in death


This life ain't worth living
This life ain't worth living
Join me, join me
This life ain't worth living
Join me, join me
Join me, join me
This life ain't worth living

Won't you die tonight for love
Baby join me in death
So will you die
Baby join me in death
Won't you die tonight for love
Baby join me in death
Baby join me in death

Artist:   Ian Van Dahl
Title:     Castles In The Sky
Album:   Ian Van Dahl

Do you ever question your life?
Do you ever wonder why?
Do you ever see in your dreams
All the castles in the sky?

Oh tell me why
Do we build castles in the sky?
Oh tell me why
All the castles where you're by
Please tell me why
Do we build castles in the sky?
Oh tell me why
All the castles where you're by

Do you ever question your life?
Do you ever wonder why?
Do you ever see in your dreams
All the castles in the sky?

Oh tell me why
Do we build castles in the sky?
Oh tell me why
All the castles where you're by
Please tell me why
Do we build castles in the sky?
Oh tell me why
All the castles where you're by

Artist:   London Boys
Title:     Requiem
Album:   The Twelve Commandments Of Dance (1988)

(Never gonna get enough, never gonna get enough)
(Never gonna get enough, never gonna get enough)
(Never gonna get enough, never gonna get enough)
(Never gonna get enough, never gonna get enough)
(I love you, I, I-I, I, I-I, I love you, I, I-I, I, I-I)

Eat, kiss, cry a lot (never gonna get enough)
And the whole world's living in a parking lot (never gonna get enough)
Because you know I'd be (never gonna get enough)
The guardian angel of our destiny (never gonna get enough)
It says: Hip man, rise up (never gonna get enough)
And the rain was falling in a papercup (never gonna get enough)
Because you, girl, and me (never gonna get enough)
We'll climb the mountain of eternity (never gonna get enough)
'Cause I love you (I, I-I, I, I-I) I love you (I, I-I, I, I-I)

You're the love of my life, my life, my life
And I won't let you go now, this is a requiem for
Love, our love, our love is a miracle now, woh oh oh oh
Like a thief in the night, the night, the night
I was begging for love, this is a requiem for
Life has set me free, taking a chance on you and me
This is the story now, the story of our love

(Never gonna get enough, never gonna get enough)
(Never gonna get enough, never gonna get enough)
(Never gonna get enough, never gonna get enough)
(Never gonna get enough, never gonna get enough)
(I love you, I, I-I, I, I-I, I love you, I, I-I, I, I-I)

I said: Three, two, one, go (never gonna get enough)
We'll quit the party, let the fire glow (never gonna get enough)
Because I feel the need (never gonna get enough)
The burning fever that is guaranteed (never gonna get enough)
To make you feel twice as nice (never gonna get enough)
And light the magic on your angel eyes (never gonna get enough)
Just you, girl, and me (never gonna get enough)
The guardian angels of our destiny (never gonna get enough)
And I love you (I, I-I, I, I-I) I love you (I, I-I, I, I-I)


Artist:   Nightwish
Title:     Dead Boy's Poem

Born from silence, silence full of it
A perfect concert my best friend
So much to live for, so much to die for
If only my heart had a home

Sing what you cant say
Forget what you cant play
Hasten to drown into beautiful eyes
Walk within my poetry, this dying music
-My love letter to nobody

Never sigh for better world
Its already composed, played and  told
Every thought the music I write
Everything a wish for the night

Wrote for the eclipse, wrote for the virgin
Died for the beauty the one in the garden
Created a kingdom, reached for the wisdom
Failed in becoming a god

Never sigh...

"If you read this line, remember not the hand that wrote it
Remember only the verse, songmakers cry the one without tears
For Ive given this its strength and it has become my only strength.
Comforting home, mothers lap,  chance for immortality
Where being wanted became a thrill I never knew
The sweet piano writing down my life"

"Teach me passion for I fear its gone
Show me love, hold the lorn
So much more I wanted to give to the ones who love me
Im sorry
Time will tell (this bitter farewell)
I live no more to shame nor me nor you

And you... I wish I didnt feel for you anymore..."

A lonely soul... An ocean soul...

Artist:   Rammstein
Title:     Asche Zu Asche
Album:   Harzeleid

Warmer Körper
heisses Kreuz
falsches Urteil
kaltes Grab

Auf dem Kreuze lieg ich jetzt
sie schlagen mir die Nägel ein
das Feuer wäscht die Seele rein
und übrig bleibt ein Mundvoll

Ich komm wieder
in zehn Tagen
als dein Schatten
und werd dich jagen

Heimlich werd ich auferstehen
und du wirst um Gnade flehen
dann knie ich mich in dein Gesicht
und steck den Finger in die Asche

Asche zu Asche
und Staub zu Staub

=== English translation: Ashes to Ashes ===

Warm body
hot cross
wrong judgment
cold grave

I now lie on the cross
they hammer nails into me
the fire purifies the soul
and remaining is a mouthful of

I will return
in ten days
as your shadow
and I will hunt you down

Secretly I will rise from the dead
and you will plead for mercy
then I will kneel in your face
and stick my finger in the ashes

Ashes to ashes
and dust to dust

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Заявки, уже выполненные в предыдущих выпусках:

Bon Jovi "It's My Life" - выпуск 28 (25 сентября)
Guns N' Roses "Don't Cry" - выпуск 4 (15 августа)
Geri Halliwell "Calling" - выпуск 57 (4 декабря)
Shakira "Whenever, Wherever" - выпуск 59 (10 декабря)
Britney Spears "I'm Not A Girl, Not Yet A Woman" - выпуск 77 (20 февраля)

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