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All Music (новости и тексты песен) #77

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All Music
музыкальные новости и тексты песен
выпуск 77 ( 2002-02-20 )

Приветствуем вас в очередном выпуске рассылки "All Music". Сегодняшний выпуск полностью составлен по заявкам. Вниманию подписчиков: в конце выпуска обратите внимание на рубрику "Заявки, выполненные в предыдущих выпусках". Многие из заказанных вами текстов уже были опубликованы в нашей рассылке. Ссылки относятся к выпускам из архива, в которых был опубликован текст песни.

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Сегодня в выпуске:
Britney Spears "I'm Not A Girl, Not Yet A Woman"
Kylie Minogue "Spinning Around"
Eros Ramazzotti "Fuoco nel fuoco"
Lionel Richie "Climbing"
Marilyn Manson "Irresponsible Hate Anthem"


По итогам прошедшей недели композиция Depeche Mode "Freelove" вновь заняла первое место в All Music Weekly Top 10, составленном по итогам голосования среди подписчиков. Полный список результатов этого голосования можно посмотреть по адресу http://music.r2.ru/top10/
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Дни рождения: 20 февраля
Brian Littrell (Backstreet Boys) (27)
Ian Brown (Stone Roses) (39)
Jon Brant (Cheap Trick) (48)
Walter Becker (Steely Dan) (52)
Jerome Geils (The J. Geils Band) (56)
Lew Soloff (Blood, Sweat & Tears) (58)

Artist:   Britney Spears
Title:     I'm Not A Girl, Not Yet A Woman
Album:   Britney

I used to think I had the answers to everything
But now I know
That life doesn't always go my way
Feels like I'm caught in the middle
That's when I realize

I'm not a girl, not yet a woman
All I need is time, a moment that is mine
While I'm in between
I'm not a girl

There is no need to protect me
It's time that I
Learn to face up to this on my own
I've seen so much more than you know now
So don't tell me to shut my eyes

[Chorus repeat]

But if you look at me closely
You will see it in my eyes
This girl will always find her way


(I'm not a girl) I'm not a girl, don't tell me what to believe
(Not yet a woman) I'm just trying to find the woman in me, yeah
(All I need is time) Oh, all I need is time
(A moment that is mine) That's mine
While I'm in between
I'm not a girl, not yet a woman, no no
All I need is time, a moment that is mine
While I'm in between
I'm not a girl, ooh
Not yet a woman

Artist:   Kylie Minogue
Title:     Spinning Around
Album:   Light Years

Clearin' this house out of joy
that I borrowed
From back in the day
Threw away my old clothes
Got myself a better wardrobe
I got something to say
I'm through with the past
Ain't no point in looking back
The future will be
And did I forget to mention that
I found a new direction
And it leads back to me

I'm spinning around
Move out of my way
I know you're feelin' me 'cuz you like
it like this
I'm breakin' it down
I'm not the same
I know you're feelin' me 'cuz you like it
Mistakes that I made givin' me
the strength
To really believe
And no matter how I take it
There's no way i'm gonna fake it
'cuz it's gotta be real
I've got nothin' left to hide
No reason left to fight
'Cuz the truth's given me a new
freedom inside
Gettin' rid of my desire
Do you like what you see?

I'm spinning around
Move out of my way
I know you're feelin' me 'cuz you like
it like this
I'm breakin' it down
I'm not the same
I know you're feelin' me 'cuz you like
it like this

Ooh-oh baby, baby, baby
You know you like it like this
Ooh-oh baby, baby, baby
You know you like it like this
Ooh-oh baby, baby, baby

Artist:   Eros Ramazzotti
Title:     Fuoco nel fuoco
Album:   Stilelibero

Fuoco nel fuoco
sono gli occhi tuoi dentro ai miei
ne basta poco
ed ho gia' capito chi sei
che cosa cerchi tu da me
che cosa vuoi di piu' da me
tu vuoi quel graffio al cuore che anch'io
fortemente vorrei...

Vorrei morire
sulle labbra rosse che hai
vorrei sentire
i tuoi seni accendersi poi
come due piccoli vulcani
sentirli sotto le mie mani
e scivolare poi sul pendio
quello dolce che hai... e' un incontro d'anime...

La notte sembra perfetta
per consumare la vita io e te
c'e' un bisogno d'amore sai
che non aspetta...
e' un'emozione diretta se vuoi
ma non sara' infinita perche'
siamo fuoco nel fuoco ormai
bruciamo in fretta noi...

Fuoco nel fuoco
le passioni tue e le mie
e' quasi un gioco sai
mescolare suoni e magie
per far salire l'emozione
salire fino al sole
e ricadere lungo il pendio
quello dolce che hai...
e' un incontro d'anime...

La notte sembra perfetta
per consumare la vita io e te
c'e' un bisogno d'amore sai
che non aspetta...
e' un'emozione diretta se vuoi
ma non sara' infinita perche'
siamo fuoco nel fuoco ormai
bruciamo in fretta noi...

tutta la mia pelle al tuo calor latino
io ti sentiro'... cosi' ti sentiro'...

La storia e' questa
la notte sembra perfetta cosi' per consumare la vita io e te
siamo fuoco nel fuoco ormai
bruciamo in fretta noi...

Siamo fuoco nel fuoco noi
siamo fuoco nel fuoco noi

Artist:   Lionel Richie
Title:     Climbing
Album:   Louder than words [1997]

Climbing to the top
I'll tell you anything you want
We're on this planetary journey to a place beyond
The independent minds will tell you
The colors you should wear
But know the game of life
Is just a game of solitaire

Climbing to the top
The ones you love will come and go
When you lose you sacrifice
Chasing the rainbow
And if you should climb this magic ladder
The story will unfold
Just remember when you reach the top
All that glitters is not gold

Time, just take the time
What you think is what you find
You know the answers
You're no ordinary dancer
Face the changes you go through
Have the faith in what you do
You know the answers
You're no ordinary dancer

Climbing to the top
I'll tell you anything you want
Were on this planetary journey
To a place beyond
You can climb the highest mountain
Swim the deepest seas
The only thing that matters
Is you will find your destiny

You know the answers
You're no ordinary dancer

Climbing to the top
I'll tell you anything you want
You're on an imaginary journey
To a place beyond
You can climb the highest mountain
Swim the deepest seas
The only thing that matters
Is you will find your destiny

Artist:   Marilyn Manson
Title:     Irresponsible Hate Anthem
Album:   Antichrist Superstar [1996]

I am so all-american, I'll sell you suicide
I am totalitarian, I've got abortions in my eyes
I hate the hater, I'd rape the raper
I am not the animal who will not be himself
fuck it
Hey victim, should I black your eyes again?
Hey victim,
you were the one who put the stick in my hand
I am the ism, my hate's a prism
let's jut kill everyone and let your god sort them out
fuck it
Everybody's someone else's nigger/I know you are so am I
I wasn't born with enough middle fingers/
I don't need to choose a side
I better, better, better, better not say this
better, better, better, better not tell
I hate the hater, I'd rape the raper
I am the idiot who will not be himself
fuck it

Вы можете можете заказать песню, которая вам нравится, и в следующих выпусках мы её опубликуем. Заполните форму следующим образом: в поле 'Name' впишите своё имя (ник), в поле 'E-mail' можете вписать свой e-mail, в поле 'Artist' впишите имя исполнителя или название группы, в поле 'Title' впишите название песни. Поле 'Album' можно не заполнять.
Заявки, уже выполненные в предыдущих выпусках:

Geri Halliwell "Calling" - выпуск 57 (4 декабря)
Jennifer Lopez "I'm Real" - выпуск 5 (16 августа)
Linkin' Park "In The End" - выпуск 38 (15 октября)
Nirvana "Smells Like Teen Spirit" - выпуск 3 (14 августа)
Pink "Get The Party Started" - выпуск 61 (29 декабря)
Rammstein "Links 2 3 4" - выпуск 11 (24 августа)
Robbie Williams "The Road To Mandalay" - выпуск 25 (19 сентября)
Alicia Keys "Fallin'" - выпуск 2 (13 августа)
Toni Braxton "Un-break my heart" - выпуск 29 (26 сентября)

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