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All Music (новости и тексты песен) #68

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All Music
музыкальные новости и тексты песен
выпуск 68 ( 2002-01-17 )

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Сегодня в выпуске:
Alsou "Teardrops"
Blackmore's Night "Wish You Were Here"
Celine Dion "Think Twice"
Gilbert Becaud "Nathalie"
Leftfield "Dusted"


Недавно вышел совместный сингл Gorillaz и D-12, а также Terry Hall под названием "911". Её можно найти на сайте http://www.gorillaz.com/ или http://www.d12online.com/.
Тема песни перекликается с событиями 11 сентября в Америке. Сам Эминем не принимал участия в исполнении песни.
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All Music Top 10.

Дни рождения: 17 января
Kid Rock (1971)
Shabba Ranks (1966)
Susanna Hoffs (The Bangles) (1957)
John Crawford (Berlin) (1957)
Paul Young (1956)
Steve Earle (1955)
Mick Taylor (Rolling Stones) (1948)

Artist:   Alsou
Title:     Teardrops
Album:   Alsou

As I close my eyes I realize
It's for you I breathe and stay alive
And a halt I'm asking for more
Is a chance to feel you once more
Is a chance to love you once more

You are in my heart
You are in my mind
Everywhere I go
Every face I see
The air I breathe
The ground I stand on
You are in every smile
Every teardrop

I can feel your warm and suppleless soul
Just a thought of you
Makes me carry on
Every night I'll pray that you
Will come back and love me too
Will come back
My dream come true

You are in my heart
You are in my mind
Everywhere I go
Every face I see
The air I breathe
The ground I stand on
You are in every smile
Every teardrop

A way that your heart
Feel in me is
Too much
I can't see
I can't breathe
All I need is
You near

You are in my heart
You are in my mind
Everywhere I go
Every face I see
The air I breathe
The ground I stand on
You are in every smile
Every teardrop

Artist:   Blackmore's Night
Title:     Wish You Were Here
Album:   Shadow

Wish You Were Here...
Me, oh, my country man,
Wish You Were Here...
I Wish You Were Here...
Don't you know, the snow is getting colder,
And I miss you like hell,
And I'm feeling blue...
I've got feelings for you,
Do you still feel the same?
From the first time I laid my eyes on you,
I felt joy of living,
I saw heaven in your eyes...
In yor eyes...
Wish you were here...
Me, oh, my country man,
Wish You Were Here...
I Wish You Were Here...
Don't you know the snow is getting colder,
And I miss you like hell...
And I'm feeling blue...
I miss your laugh, I miss your smile,
I miss everything about you...
Every second's like a minute,
Every minute's like a day
When you're far away...
The snow is getting colder, baby,
I Wish You Were Here...
A battlefield of love and fear,
And I Wish You Were Here...
I've got feelings for you,
From the first time I laid my eyes on you...

Artist:   Celine Dion
Title:     Think Twice
Album:   Unknown

Don't think I can't feel there's something wrong
You've been the sweetest part of my life so long
I look in your eyes, there's a distant light
And you and I know there'll be a storm tonight
This is getting serious
Are you thinking 'bout you or us

Don't say what you're about to say
Look back before you leave my life
Be sure before you close that door
Before you roll those dice
Baby think twice

Baby think twice for the sake of our love, for the memory
For the fire and the faith that was you and me
Babe I know it ain't easy when your soul cries out for higher ground
cos when you're halfway up, you're always halfway down
But baby this is serious
Are you thinking 'bout you or us

[Repeat chorus]

Baby this is serious
Are you thinking 'bout you or us

Don't say what you're about to say
Look back before you leave my life
Be sure before you close that door
Before you roll those dice

Don't do what you're about to do
My everything depends on you
And whatever it takes, I'll sacrifice
Before you roll those dice
Baby think twice

Artist:   Gilbert Bécaud
Title:     Nathalie
Album:   Unknown

La place Rouge йtait vide
Devant moi marchait Nathalie
Il avait un joli nom, mon guide

La place Rouge йtait blanche
La neige faisait un tapis
Et je suivais par ce froid dimanche

Elle parlait en phrases sobres
De la rйvolution d'octobre
Je pensais dйjа
Qu'aprиs le tombeau de Lйnine
On irait au cafe Pouchkine
Boire un chocolat

La place Rouge йtait vide
J'ai pris son bras, elle a souri
Il avait des cheveux blonds, mon guide
Nathalie, Nathalie...

Dans sa chambre а l'universitй
Une bande d'йtudiants
L'attendait impatiemment
On a ri, on a beaucoup parlй
Ils voulaient tout savoir
Nathalie traduisait

Moscou, les plaines d'Ukraine
Et les Champs-Йlysйes
On а tout melangй
Et l'on а chantй

Et puis ils ont dйbouchй
En riant а l'avance
Du champagne de France
Et l'on а dansй

Et quand la chambre fut vide
Tous les amis etaient partis
Je suis restй seul avec mon guide

Plus question de phrases sobres
Ni de rйvolution d'octobre
On n'en йtait plus lа
Fini le tombeau de Lenine
Le chocolat de chez рouchkine
C'est, c'йtait loin dйjа

Que ma vie me semble vide
Mais je sais qu'un jour а Paris
C'est moi qui lui servirai de guide
Nathalie, Nathalie

Artist:   Leftfield
Title:     Dusted
Album:   Rhythm and Stealth

A million guys they want free style
There will be no blows not freestyle
This style is not free
This style is expensive, alright
Old type jokes

Love me self I possessed
More like to death
Yigga yaw
Yes sir mister upfront crutch
My level is seldom seen
Few and far between
Dem folks they couldn't douse my cane
Learn to the mean
For brad pick 'e had
Slapped in the face
Strapped down
I get sunset to sunset
With no sweat yet
Cooin' our fret
By the doves them hold me
I'm picky with precision
I've made my decision then
Death itself can't hold us down
But the seeds of progress them done get sow My talk back
Broke the cane in four
Face flat to the floor
But then from the stress
To commence with a brand new sense o' sell You old Zulu
Comin' to
Tokyo train stop
Hipper to the crew

Down right crim and we dusted
Down right crim and we dusted

Tougher than my cuts
And my baby like flex

But I won't waste my breath
I let action speak
Though this beat stands taller
Than the peak of Everest
I visualize and breach the progress
Then high pork chest
A bit right to it
The choice is there is no choice
But to pursue it
Soul undermine
Mind on the sole
My struggle remains
But my insight grows

Down right crim and we dusted
Down right crim and we dusted
Down right crim and we dusted
Down right crim and we dusted

Against the grain
We shall remain

Huh yeah steamin' on
Soon become a new boss
Lord know the sun ain't cut
Gain enough glove
Gain enough crowd
Move in tight
Belly white fright
In the sight set
To step to the height
Left in the field now
Lookin' good
Went to this wayward bounce
'Bout to renounce
Some steadfast
Lookin' my way
I heed not my hearsay
I put my trust in my
Own possessions of knowledge itself

Down right crim and we dusted
Down right crim and we dusted
Down right crim and we dusted
Down right crim and we dusted

Get yourself into hard love
The power of the inner eye
Leds the strength of we
Bounce to the next round

Motion splendid
It bring quality
Now I'm on four sides, see
We dump club a tip
Motion splendid
It bring quality
Now I'm on four sides, see
We dump club a tip

Four sides
Four sides
Four sides

С 64-го выпуска каждую неделю наши подписчики и все желающие смогут принять участие в составлении All Music Weekly Top 10. Выберите одну песню из списка и нажмите кнопку "Проголосовать". Если вы хотите добавить в следующее голосование песню, которой нет в списке, сообщите нам о одному из адресов или оставьте её название в разделе "Comments" ("Post your topic"). Если голосование не работает в рассылке, вы можете проголосовать по адресу http://vote.sparklit.com/web_poll.spark/585438.
All Music Weekly Top 10 Voting [14-20 января]

Текущие результаты

Вы можете можете заказать песню, которая вам нравится, и в следующих выпусках мы её опубликуем. Заполните форму следующим образом: в поле 'Name' впишите своё имя (ник), в поле 'E-mail' можете вписать свой e-mail, в поле 'Artist' впишите имя исполнителя или название группы, в поле 'Title' впишите название песни. Поле 'Album' можно не заполнять.
Заявки, уже выполненные в предыдущих выпусках:
Destiny's Child "Survivor"
Depeche Mode "I Feel Loved"
Elton John "I want love"
Geri Halliwell "It's raining men"
Geri Halliwell "Calling"
Linkin' Park "In The End"
Linkin' Park "Crawlin'"
Nazareth "Love Hurts"
N'evergreen "Every time (I see your smile)"
Britney Spears "Im A Slave For You"
Eminem "The Real Slim Shady"

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Author: Scarlett Raglend, raglend@rambler.ru
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