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Контактная импровизация

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Новости контактного движения, Москва::Фестиваль


Дорогие друзья!

Подготовка к фестивалю 2007 идет полным ходом. Уже определены новые даты - с 8 по 16 июля и учителя интенсивов: Стив Баттс, Алишия Грэйсон, Кэрол Сванн, Йорг Хассман. Все изменения отражаются на нашем сайте www.contactfestival.ru.

Команда Фестиваля.

А пока нас приглашает Израиль! Фестиваль в 3-х частях:

 The greenhouse: 19-23 December

The greenhouse is moving to a new location! We will have better dance facilities,
more comfortable sleeping spaces, and use of a heated swimming pool!
You can still join 90 Israelis and 50 internationals for these magical 5 days.
There are about 15 places left in the greenhouse!
Click here for details

Contact in the City: 26-30 December
Starting right after Christmas, this week offers 4 intensive workshops:
Adalisa Menghini –
CI and performance.
Joerg Hassman –
Momentum and Slow-motion
Andrew Harwood –
CI and Instantaneous Composition.
Stephanie Maher -
Release based technique.
In addition there will be a rich program of 9 evening classes, 3 jams, 2 performances
and a day-long gathering of celebration on the last day of this week.
Click here for details

The Contact Tour: 1-5 January 2007
A voyage that combines visits to ancient, holy places with breathtaking scenes of natural beauty, and various movement and awareness sessions in-doors and out-doors.
The tour will go through
Jerusalem and head south to the Dead Sea,
the southern desert and the
Dolphin Reef in the Red Sea (Eylat).
Click here for details

For more information please contact us:

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