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Галерея "Russian Paintings" - живопись

Галерея "Russian Paintings" - живопись - добавлен художник Акопов

The personal page and artworks of Akopov Rafael were added to the Russian Paintings gallery site: http://www.russianpaintings.net/artist.vphp?author=62 To first page of the site Sort artworks by authors Sort artworks by genres Sort artworks by contents With respect, Administration of the Russian Paintings Gallery ...

2006-06-23 13:07:33 + Комментировать

Галерея "Russian Paintings" - живопись новые работы художников Павлова и Клапоуха

The following paintings of Yuri Klapoukh and Peter Pawlov were added to the Russian Paintings gallery site: Peter Pawlov http://www.russianpaintings.net/picture.vphp?id=1562...

2006-06-23 13:07:18 + Комментировать

Галерея "Russian Paintings" - живопись Новые поступления на сайте в разделе картины

Several changes were made on the the Russian Paintings gallery site including addition of the new artists and paintings. - 50 paintings of P.Pawlov added; - 32 paintings of A.Brahinskiy added; - 50 paintings of Kisel Sergey added; - Personal page of Dmitriew George with more then 100 artworks added; More detailed information can be always found here: http://www.russianpaintings.net/news.vphp To first page of the site Sort artworks by authors Sort artworks by genres Sort artworks by contents With respect, A...

2006-06-23 12:56:31 + Комментировать