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Tailor-made hiking trips.

Tailor-made hiking trips.
2013-03-19 14:05
if you want to go to a separate group, but "their" If the schedule is not that you require dates if you need a special route if you are in the mountains of corporate venturing we can arrange for you tailor-made hiking trips. In general, the minimum group size for an individual trip is 5 participants. But this depends...

Âèäåî èç ïîõîäà ïî ×åðíîãîðèè
2013-03-30 12:08
Âèäåî èç íàøåãî ïåðâîãî ýêñïåðèìåíòàëüíîãî ïîõîäà ïî ×åðíîãîðèè â êîíöå ëåòà 2011 ãîäà. Ðàçâåäûâàòü íîâûé ìàðøðóò ìû îòïðàâèëèñü ìàëåíüêîé ãðóïïîé - âòðîåì. Çàòî ó âñåõ áûëè òåëüíÿøêè è ïàíàìêè ñ íà÷åñîì :) Ýòî ïîìîãëî íàì ñïðàâèòüñÿ ñ íàõëûíóâøèì ïîòîêîì âïå÷àòëåíèé, ïåðåæèòü çíàêîìñòâî ñ íåðåàëüíîé êðàñîòîé ïðèðîäû ×åðíîãîðèè, ñîõðàíèòü ðàññóäîê è òâåðäóþ ïàìÿòü :) Èìåííî òàê ïîÿâèëñÿ íà ñâåò ìàðøðóò "Ïðîêëåòüå Äóðìèòîðà" (http://www.outdoorukraine.com/content/view/976/272/)

How to narrow the eyes and extend the worldview
2013-04-01 01:39
Travel to China Jade Dragon in November 2012 Author: Stas Nikulin. Rating: 5 -I believe that the services OutdoorUkraine fully justify the costs. Well, judge for yourself, first of all, it's just meganasyschennaya program, and secondly you literally "lead by the hand," not in the sense that the drag, which does not want to, but in the sense that nothing soared where to go, what transportation to order, where to stay, etc. Me to remember all the place names that I have mentioned, I had to rewrite our route, otherwise I would have forgotten. The main thing is not the name of the place and the feeling of it. Here. Come to China!

Hooray, the New Year?
2013-04-02 01:27
Review of the campaign in the Crimea The northernmost Demerdzhi New Year 2013. Author: Vladimir Lukyanov. Rating: 4 At 12 o'clock we reached the southern slope Demerdzhi and watched the valley flew up fireworks. Glimpses of outbreaks across the rolling valley and hit a wall of mountains. With our height was even impossible to understand or take off flame erupted from the ground. And we had some vodka to warm, fat and one mandarin. Night. Black Sea coast. Height of 1200m. That's how we met in 2013.

Elbrus from the North
2013-04-04 17:50
Caucasus, 9 days. 2400 hryvnia (7,200 rubles, $ 300), Complexity: very high. [raspisanie: Elbrus North] Experimental campaign, only for experienced hikers with good physical and strong motivation. When voskhodzhenii need to go in tandem, use an ice pick and cats. If you do not already know how, for the acclimatization instructor will teach you the basic techniques, but this does not mean that everything will be easy. Welcome the presence of high-altitude experience (long stay at altitudes above 3000m). Self raising the eastern peak of Elbrus from the north will be held on the normal route, there are no tricks or innovations not. Kislovodsk - Base Camp MOE - Plateau Airfield - Oleynikova Hut - Rocks Lenz - eastern peak of Elbrus (5621 m) - Emmanuel Glade - waterfall Sultan - Kislovodsk

List of equipment and clothing for climbing Elbrus
2013-04-04 18:30

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