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A hedge fund that hedges, with a low minimum investment

Dear readers,

The summer is almost gone. So be prepared to go back to work. Please take a look at my article about hedge fund with 5% yield. You may find an interesting article about a job for people with Civil Engineer profession. You can read a small post why people need life insurance and enjoy a funny video. Here are a few words about critical illness insurance to help you relax and be ready coming rainy days. Other insurance news can be found on Twitter(@arbetovinc).

A hedge fund that hedges, with a low minimum investment

For my clients only

As part of the effort to put together a complete portfolio that best meets your specific needs, I am constantly searching for products that can help you realize your investment goals.  The most important aspect of any investment  made on your behalf is ensuring I understand what the product is designed to do. Once that is established, I analyze the investment’s historical performance, get to know the portfolio manager and become familiar with his or her investment process.

One investment that I have been following for the past several years is hedge fund Dynamic Alpha Performance Fund. The concept of a hedge fund dates back more than 60 years; the original intention of such funds was to take on long exposure in the market and offset that with short exposure in order to help protect a portfolio during times of market correction.  The ability to maintain both long and short positions in the market grants a fund the potential to reduce total volatility while at the same time remaining focused on long-term growth potential. This is what I mean by a hedge fund that hedges.

With Dynamic Alpha Performance Fund, portfolio manager Noah Blackstein can take long exposure, short exposure and hold high levels of cash. This flexible approach allowed the Fund to not only weather the challenging environment of 2008, but also participate in the recovery of 2009.  In fact, the Fund has posted positive annualized returns for each of the past 1-, 2-, 3-, 5- and 7-year periods. With equity volatility likely to persist for the foreseeable future, we believe an active investment approach is critical and this fund allows the manager to use various tools to exploit both the long and short sides of the market to generate returns.

More on advantages of Dynamic Alpha Performance Fund >>

Michael Arbetov , CFP, FMA
Financial Advisor

Canadian Investment Category Russian Version

British Columbia Labour Market Information: Civil Engineers

As BC Labour market shows opposite to decline in construction jobs, the demand for civil engineers will parallel the growth of all jobs in the economy during the period from 2008 to 2013.

This dichotomy can be explained by their specialized skills which are in demand; they touch a wide range of government, industry and commercial enterprises.

Obviously, individuals do not choose to pursue engineering lightly since it involves four to five years of intensive, full-time education and great amount of talent in mathematics and the sciences.

A total of 370 new vacancies are expected to be created for engineers between 2008 and 2013. Most of the positions will appear due to result of people retiring.

The demand for civil engineers will be prompted by a number of factors: in the past few years the Province of BC has launched plans to billions of dollars on constructing hospitals, community facilities, highways and bridges.

The remarkable point about civil engineers is that while there will not be a decline in positions in any part of BC., in five regions there will be no growth at all.

The greatest growth will occur in the Lower Mainland where the demand for civil engineers is expected to top 1.3%

(According to materials BC Labour Market Report, 2010)

Detailed information on growth rate for civil engineers labour market, expected number of workers per region, etc. >>

BC labour market: Civil Engineers. Russian translation

Ekaterina Potekhina
Certified Employment Counselor
Member of Career Development Association of BC
Member of BC Translators and Interpreters Society

More info on British Columbia Labour Market:
Arbetov.ca: Canada Job Search
British Columbia Labour Market Information: Truck Drivers
BC Labour Market Information: Hotel Managers
Professionals in Environmental Sector – FYI

Gold & Silver in Canada

ItemBuys atSells at
1 OZ GOLD BAR 1299.00 1336.00
5 OZ GOLD BAR 6485.00 6655.00
10 OZ GOLD BAR 12960.00 13290.00
1 OZ GOLD MAPLE LEAF 1310.00 1369.00
1/2 OZ GOLD MAPLE LEAF 665.00 707.00
1/4 OZ GOLD MAPLE LEAF 336.00 360.00
1/10 OZ GOLD MAPLE LEAF 137.00 151.00
1/20 OZ GOLD MAPLE LEAF 68.00 88.00
1 OZ SILVER MAPLE LEAF 21.05 23.11
1 OZ SILVER MAPLE LEAF (50+ COINS) 21.05 22.42
1 OZ SILVER MAPLE LEAF (500+ COINS) 21.05 22.31
1 OZ SILVER BAR / ROUND 19.99 22.31
10 OZ SILVER BAR 205.00 221.00
50 OZ SILVER BAR 1000.00 1066.00
100 OZ SILVER BAR 1999.00 2120.00
1 OZ PLATINUM BAR 1580.00 1680.00
1 OZ PLATINUM MAPLE LEAF 1641.00 1741.00

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Publisher ARM Marketing Services Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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