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Propellerhead Reason v5.0.1 WinAll-AIR Portable (виртуальная студия)

Propellerhead Reason v5.0.1 WinAll-AIR Portable (виртуальная студия)

Propellerhead Reason v5.0.1 WinAll-AIR Portable (виртуальная студия) - это полноценная профессиональная виртуальная студия специально для создания вами вашей неповторимой музыки на компьютере, эта портативная версия позволит вам запускать эту уникальную программу непосредственно с любого съёмного носителя вашего пк без инсталляции и установки, сохраняя и используя при этом ранее установленные настройки.

Оригинальное описание/PORTABLE DETAILS:
1. Portable is "Thinstalled"!:
means -> wrotes NOTHING in your registry or system files\folders (all goes in the insided "ReasonFiles" folder )

2. How to run Reason 5.0.1 Portable ?!:
Just run Reason (withouth install anything) on your HD or USB with the "Reason.exe" - (Win7 with Adminrights!)

At the first start use this Serial(from "Team AIR"):
That's it! (btw. "ReFillPacker" is also included, just go to the dir. and click the "ReFillPacker.exe" if needed)

3. It's only 710,5 MB, whats ripped ?!:
(you have the option to make it easy full-portable, just read the following and the last Point, 4.):

The manuals are ripped and ONLY the Original (1,5 GB) "Factory Sound Bank" is near to a "Dummy-File" here, exactly: i made a Extreme-Rip. It Contains only the follow Complete Patches (!Without! asking you everytime to Insert the original DVD at Prog-Start *Standalone*):

- Malstrom Patches
- ReGroove Patches
- RV7000 Patches
- Scream 4 Patches
- Subtractor Patches
- Thor Patches

You be able to work with this Patches, or just your own rexfiles on the samplers etc.! to work a bit more with this ripped-portable, the 557 MB "Orkester" Bank is complete embedded and i have added 4 third-party Re-fills with many more Patches inside:

- Pantheon III
- Vengeance THOR Soundset
- VST Patches Reloaded v2 Phatt Analog Noize
- VST Patches Reloaded v4 Solid Synth Bass

You found this Re-Fill's (and see whats in there...) in the Reason "Song Browser" by clicking -> "Reason Folder"

4. You want work\upgrade to the FULL "Factory Sound Bank"?!:
You (as Reason-Fan) have to take your 1,5 GB Factory Bank from your Reason 5.0.1 Disc or from 5.0.1 ISO-Releases around the Web, and replace (copy\overwrite) the Bank with the one in this Portable-Release! You found the portable Factory Bank in this Folder:

\Reason 5.0.1-Portable\ReasonFiles\MODIFIED\@PROGRAMFILESX86@\Propellerhead\Reason\Factory Sound Bank.rfl

Now, after you replace the bank, you have the Full & Complete (except the manuals, if ya need - send me a pm) Version of Reason 5.0.1 (still as portable...)

For the first time, Reason (5.0.1) can directly sample audio with any of its sample-playing instruments such as the Redrum, the NN-19, the NN-XT, and the Kong Drum Designer. The Dr. Rex loop player has been given an overhaul and is now called "Dr. Octo Rex" and can play up to eight sample loops (one at a time), and includes many new features for editing the loops and individual clips. New to the program is the "Kong Drum Designer," a 16-pad device that can create drum and percussion sounds using various sound production techniques, including physical modeling, sample playback (the "NN-Nano" module), and virtual analog synthesis. Signature Patches created by well known Reason users have been added, including patches made by Two Lone Swordsmen, Vengeance and Richard Barbieri. Finally, a new pattern editing tool called "Blocks" has been created for easier song arrangement and mixing.

Just run with the "Reason.exe" (!Win7 users with Adminrights!)
At the first start take this Serial (from "Team AIR"):

That's it!
(btw. "ReFillPacker" is also included, just go to the dir. and click the "ReFillPacker.exe" if needed)

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