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Код-ревью для тестировщиков

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Код-ревью для тестировщиков
2018-05-03 11:11

Оригинальная публикация: http://testdetective.com/code-reviews-for-testers/


Перевод: Анна Радионова


Код-ревью очень важное явление в процессе разработки ПО. Ставшее популярным, благодаря сообществу разработчиков ПО с открытым исходным кодом, оно сейчас является стандартом для любой команды девелоперов. Если оно выполняется правильно, то польза заключается не только в уменьшении количества багов и лучшем качестве кода, но и в обучающем эффекте для программиста.


И хотя код-ревью и запросы на включение кода (pull requests) хорошо известны разработчикам, эти понятия все еще остаются не до конца понятны тестировщикам. В большинстве scrum команд, в которых мне приходилось работать, инженеры-тестировщики по умолчанию не принимали участия в процессе просмотра запросов на изменение кода. Самое время изменить подобное мышление тестировщиков (и команд!). В этой статье я бы хотел рассмотреть код-ревью с позиции тестировщика и обозначить его преимущества для тестировщиков и scrum команд.


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Консоль браузера Chrome и Xpath запрос к элементу
2018-05-03 20:28

Всем привет! 
Столкнулся с такой проблемой. 
Допустим, я в консоли браузера набираю запрос $x("//*[.="Цена"]") 
Результатом получаю КОЛЕКЦИЮ элементов. 
Пускай мне нужен 3-ий элемент. Как мне прододжить xpath запрос в 3-ем элементе? 
Ну, допустим я хочу узнать его родительский элемент не суть. Главное ка кпродожит ьв консоли запрос к уже конкретно 3-му элемету?

Детальный обзор. Katalon Studio — надежная альтернатива оупен-сорс сис
2018-05-04 06:57


Katalon Studio  is a set of tools for automated testing of web and mobile applications. It includes a full package of powerful tools that solve common problems when automating UI tests, such as pop-up, iFrame, and wait-time. This flexible and convenient solution helps testers to test better, run faster and run high-quality software through the intelligence with which it provides the entire process of test automation.

Katalon Studio is available for all testers for free and can be downloaded at  https://www.katalon.com .

Key features of Katalon Studio:
  • Simple deployment:  One comprehensive deployment package contains everything you need to deploy a powerful test automation tool
  • Quick and easy setup.  Katalon Studio is not only easy to install, but also has a simple setup of the testing environment. Testers can run their first test script fairly quickly, using pre-created templates and test scripts such as object repositories and keyword libraries
  • The results are faster and better:  embedded templates with clear tutorials help testers quickly create and run scripts. They can perform each step quickly and efficiently, be it setting up a project, creating and running tests, or creating reports
  • Flexible modes:  new testers can use recording and keywords to create automated tests, while the more experienced have access to a full IDE for creating advanced scripts
  • Ease of use:  even a manual tester with minimal programming experience can easily take advantage of Katalon Studio
  • Cross-browser application:  Katalon Studio supports various platforms: Windows 32 and 64 (7, 8 and 10) and OS X 10.5+
Read more about Katalon Studio

Katalon Studio  is an easy-to-use automation solution that is simple and fast. It is quite convenient for the automation team to apply as little effort as possible to create a new project, to run tests and monitor the results. Each workflow provides many options and customizations to simplify maintenance and scale up the project:

  • Pre-defined structure of artifacts: test cases, test suites, test objects and reports. Testers no longer need to spend hours creating and maintaining them
  • Custom keywords provide the flexibility to add additional keywords for effective testing of AUT for specific and complex testing purposes
  • Support for basic testing needs: Web, Mobile and API
  • Perform several test-suites with the test-suite collection
  • Expand the current CI process using the console mode without unnecessary effort. The command line can be launched quickly using the "Generate Command Line for console mode"
  • Easily track the results of execution in the form of a table or "tree" both at runtime and after.
  • A detailed report of the Test Suite shortens the analysis time of the results. You can export it to various formats, such as CSV, PDF, HTML and save it for later use
Navigate through a linear, orderly workflow with Katalon Studio:


  • Embedded project templates: offering built-in templates for organizing test cases, object repositories and keywords Katalon Studio greatly simplifies the testing process
  • Multifunctionality: Fully supports Web, Android, iOS and API testing on all operating systems.
  • Seamless integration of the tool: easily integrated with Jenkins, GIT and native JIRA plug-ins.


  • Automatic creation of tests. Records actions and automatically generates scripts using built-in keywords.
  • High-end scripting: allows you to create complex test scripts or customizable keywords with ease and efficiency.
  • Smart object capture: an improved recorder effectively determines the properties of an object in order to maximize recognition.


  • The test execution became more powerful: it launches test cases or test suites using a variety of configurations and data sets.
  • Versatility in execution: provides a CI integration console with various parameters for remote execution. Performs tests on multiple browsers and operating systems locally, as well as on Sauce Labs and BrowserStack.
  • Flexible failure processing and automatic re-execution. Includes execution rules for automatic processing of complex flows.
  • Receive reports
  • Reports are available in several formats: with advanced logging, debugging data and screenshots
  • Order completion reports: integrated with the notification process.
  • Advanced logs Selenium and Appium: c the possibilities of more in-depth analysis to improve the automation strategy.


  • Intelligent support for test objects: automatically updates all test cases and sets associated with this when the objects are changed.
  • Effective organization of testing. Allows you to easily manage and maintain tests, data and keywords.
  • Simplified interaction within teams: Integrates with GIT so that team members can easily share artifacts and workloads.

Why Katalon Studio instead of Selenium?

  • Katalon Studio hides all technical difficulties and provides a user-friendly interface with manual mode (the user can drag and drop, select keywords and test objects to form test stages), but at the same time preserves the necessary tools for more technically savvy users who can dig deeper into the coding with Using a scripting mode that fully supports development features such as syntax highlighting, code suggestion and debugging

  • With Selenium, users should study the technical guidelines for their API and integrate them with the IDE and the chosen programming language. In turn, Katalon Studio is built as a single package, which includes almost all the necessary things, such as Java, Android SDK, Web-drivers for managing browsers and other required dependencies. All you need to do is download and install it on your computer.

  • While Selenium / Appium requires users to create common and reusable actions on their own, Katalon Studio contains predefined sets of frequently used keywords or actions. They are enough to start the implementation of most test cases, but if this is not enough, users still have the option of creating custom keywords for their projects. Custom keywords are an extension of built-in keywords.

Can Katalon Studio be a viable alternative to expensive commercial tools?

Katalon Studio is good enough compared to commercial testing automation tools, such as UFT and Test Complete for several reasons. It is a viable, practically free option for such tools available in the market:

Katalon Studio

  • No licensing and maintenance costs
  • Free Upgrade
  • Cross-platform solution

UFT / Test Complete

  • Licensing and maintenance fees are quite high
  • High fees for upgrades and add-ons
  • Only under Windows

Katalon Studio was recently published, but has received wide recognition among the QA community. It provides an easier and faster way to test for test teams. With simple deployment, a wide range of functions, ease of use and a large number of support resources, Katalon Studio opens up new horizons in the field of test automation.
Download and test the solution for free at  https://www.katalon.com/

Additional features in the latest version 4.6.0 Katalon Studio

See the official  Katalon Studio 4.6.0 release notes

  • The download size is reduced: the Katalon Studio package for various OS has decreased by almost 25%
  • Recording and playback for mobile devices: the recording utility supports Android and iOS and is able to quickly generate a test case with the same UI as for web testing
  • Parameterization of test objects. One of the most popular features for Katalon Studio, users can use the new function for dynamic object management. For more information, see  This Guide
  • Network settings: version 4.6 introduces the ability to bypass certificate verification, as well as  proxy server settings that allow users with limited networks to configure Katalon Studio accordingly
  • Keywords for Angular / jQuery pages: this version includes additional keywords to help users cope with loading problems using JS technologies
  • Improved Kobiton integration: Kobiton users can run their tests using the ID of the application created by Kobiton

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