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Получить последнее письмо в ящике

Software-Testing.Ru - портал тестировщиков  

Новые темы форума тестировщиков

Получить последнее письмо в ящике
2016-10-27 10:02

Добрый день.


В плане тестирования есть необходимость проверять ссылку из письма которое отправляется пользователю.

Для получения писем из почты использую Mail Reader Sampler. Все настроил и все работает.

Но проблема в том что если запрашивать всю почту, то это довольно долго. А если указать количество писем, например 5, то я получаю 5 первых писем, а не последних.

Если кто-то работал с этим и сталкивался, подскажите можно ли получить последнее письмо (самое свежее) из почтового ящика использую Mail Reader Sampler? Если нет, то что можно для этого использовать?


Почту получаю из GMail.


Заранее спасибо.

Тестировщики игр должны гордиться своей работой!
2016-10-27 10:55

Автор: Мэтью Бреттен (Matthew Bretten)

Оригинал статьи: http://bestofthetest.blogspot.ru/2016/08/games-testers-should-be-proud-of-their.html

Перевод: Ольга Алифанова


Несколько месяцев назад я собеседовал кандидата на должность тестировщика и спросил про его имеющийся опыт. Ответ кандидата прозвучал в духе "ну, это, конечно, ни о чем, но я участвовал в бета-тестировании видеоигр". Неделей позже я наткнулся на дискуссию в Slack-чате Ministry of Testing, где народ обсуждал, кто как попал в тестирование. Несколько человек упомянули, что считают очень полезным начинать с тестирования игр, но, по их мнению, тестировщиков игр зачастую презирают. Это побудило меня подключиться к обсуждению и поделиться своей историей, потому что я обожаю игры! На самом деле именно эта страсть определила мою карьеру после университета.


Читать статью полностью...

CSS локатор не работает. Подскажите в чем дело
2016-10-27 12:29

Здравствуйте, коллеги!


Вот такой локатор css=table#s_4_l td#1Product_Name


Все проверил, все значения точны, но почему-то локатор не находит эелемент. 


Подскажите пожалуйста, в чем может быть дело? Может css запрос не работает с двумя айдишниками?

Вопрос по установке php webdriver на vps
2016-10-27 12:59
Здравствуйте, кто может помочь мне с установкой php webdriver на vps? Может есть тема с пошаговой инструкцией?

Какую полезную для тестирования информацию о пользователе стоит собира
2016-10-27 14:36

Добрый день. Я задумал начать собирать некую информацию о пользователях нашей системы (CRM-ка), которая будет полезна для тестировщиков. До чего я пока додумался:

  1. Разрешение экрана
  2. Ось
  3. Браузер
  4. Browser extensions?(пока не уверен, возможно ли это)

Так же задумываюсь о внедрении boomerang


Буду благодарен, если кто нибудь может подкинуть еще интересных идей или поделиться своим опытом. Спасибо

Senior Quality Analyst (Москва / Королёв)
2016-10-27 16:09
В российский офис компании Wiley (крупная американская издательская компания, www.wiley.com) приглашается специалист на позицию Senior Quality Analyst

Responsibilities and skills:
∙ Analyze requirements/use cases and determine test cases needed.
∙ Analyze integration points and determine integration testing needs.
∙ Prepare and maintain all test deliverables including but not limited to test plans, test scenarios, and test cases.
∙ Testing approach and activities should comply with the selected flavor of iterative and incremental software development process.
∙ Detect and report a large variety of issues to ensure smooth and quick resolution through the development lifecycle.
∙ Perform all testing activities on complex web and mobile architectures.
∙ Provide proper level of communicating up accomplishments, issues, and suggested ways of resolving these issues.
∙ Knowledge of and experience with tool sets necessary for requirements management, test management, and issues tracking.
∙ Mentoring Team Members.
∙ Experience with multiple test case management tools (RQM, HP, Jira Plugins).
∙ Experience with requirements and defect management test tools (JIRA).
∙ Experience with agile and other software development methodologies.
∙ English (reading, writing and oral).


Automation skills:
∙ Analyze test cases and determine test cases applicable for automation.
∙ Develop and maintain automation test scripts.
∙ Perform automation testing activities on complex web architectures.
∙ Knowledge of and experience with tool sets necessary for automation test development, requirements management, test management, and issues tracking.
∙ Experience of 2-3 automation toolsets like HP UFT, QTP, Rational Test Workbench, JUNIT, CA Lisa, Selenium.
∙ Experience of at least one programing language i.e. java, javascript, C/C++
∙ Experience in SQL, ability to write SQL queriesto extract/transform/load/verify.
∙ NoSQL (i.e. Marklogic) skills are a plus.


Major Problems and Challenges:
This position will face issues associated with:
∙ Getting properly developed functional requirements.
∙ Getting sufficient number and quality of testing environments.
∙ Getting properly scheduled timeframe for execution of test.
∙ Challenges with regards to:

  • timelines;
  • criticality of issues;
  • pressure from business and project management in favor of time-to-market at the expense of test coverage and quality of testing.


Types of decisions made with complete authority:
∙ Creation of different types of test cases.
∙ Deepness of regression testing during different phases of life cycle.
∙ Acceptance of functional requirements.


Types of decisions made with others and/or for which approval is required:
∙ Project scope changes.
∙ Project timeline changes.


Corporate benefits:
∙ Opportunities for professional and career growth.
∙ Compliance with Russian labor Law.
∙ Corporate medical insurance.
∙ Sports activities and corporate events.
∙ Technical and business related trainings.
∙ Friendly atmosphere.
∙ English classes.
∙ Salary will be discussed individually with the successful candidate.


Office location: Moscow region, Korolev


Quality Analyst (Junior / Middle), Москва / Королёв
2016-10-27 16:11
В российский офис компании Wiley (крупная американская издательская компания, www.wiley.com) приглашаются специалисты на позицию Quality Analyst (Junior / Middle)

Responsibilities and skills:

  • Analyze requirements/use cases and determine test cases needed.
  • Prepare and maintain all test deliverables including but not limited to test plans, test scenarios, and test cases.
  • Testing approach and activities should comply with the selected flavor of iterative and incremental software development process.
  • Detect and report a large variety of issues to ensure smooth and quick resolution through the development lifecycle.
  • Perform all testing activities on complex web and mobile architectures.
  • Provide proper level of communicating up accomplishments, issues, and suggested ways of resolving these issues.
  • Knowledge of and experience with tool sets necessary for requirements management, test management, and issues tracking.
  • Experience with multiple test case management tools (RQM, HP, Jira Plugins).
  • Experience with requirements and defect management test tools (JIRA).
  • Experience with agile and other software development methodologies.
  • English (reading &writing).

Major Problems and Challenges:

This position will face issues associated with:

  • Introduction and implementation of structured risk-based testing.
  • Introduction of testing within iterative and incremental process.
  • Challenges with regards to:
    • timelines;
    • criticality of issues;
    • pressure from business and project management in favor of time-to-market at the expense of test coverage and quality of testing.


Types of decisions made with complete authority:

  • Creation of different types of test cases.
  • Deepness of regression testing during different phases of life cycle.
  • Acceptance of functional requirements.


Types of decisions made with others and/or for which approval is required:

  • Project scope changes.
  • Project timeline changes.


Corporate benefits:

  • Opportunities for professional and career growth.
  • Compliance with Russian labor Law.
  • Corporate medical insurance.
  • Sports activities and corporate events.
  • Technical and business related trainings.
  • Friendly atmosphere.
  • English classes.
  • Salary will be discussed individually with the successful candidate.


Office location: Moscow region, Korolev

Quality Engineer (Middle / Senior), Москва / Королёв
2016-10-27 16:13
В российский офис компании Wiley (крупная американская издательская компания, www.wiley.com) приглашаются специалисты на позицию Quality Engineer (Middle / Senior)

Responsibilities and skills:

  • Analyze requirements/use cases and determine test cases needed.
  • Prepare and maintain all test deliverables including but not limited to test plans, test scenarios, and test cases.
  • Testing approach and activities should comply with the selected flavor of iterative and incremental software development process.
  • Detect and report a large variety of issues to ensure smooth and quick resolution through the development lifecycle.
  • Perform all testing activities on complex web and mobile architectures.
  • Provide proper level of communicating up accomplishments, issues, and suggested ways of resolving these issues.
  • Knowledge of and experience with tool sets necessary for requirements management, test management, and issues tracking.
  • Experience with of the test case management tools (RQM, HP, Jira Plugins).
  • Experience with requirements and defect management test tools (JIRA).
  • Experience with agile and other software development methodologies.
  • English (reading & writing).

Automation skills:

  • Analyze test cases and determine test cases applicable for automation.
  • Develop and maintain automation test scripts.
  • Perform automation testing activities on complex web architectures.
  • Knowledge of and experience with tool sets necessary for automation test development, requirements management, test management, and issues tracking.
  • Knowledge automation toolsets like JUNIT, Selenium, TEST NG.
  • Knowledge of at least one programing language i.e. java, javascript, C/C++
  • Knowledge in SQL, ability to write SQL queries to extract/transform/load/verify.

Major Problems and Challenges:

  • This position will faces issues associated with:
    • Implementation of automation scripts meeting the following criteria:
      • stability;
      • cross-platform and cross-browser;
      • performance of test script runs;
      • easily maintainable.
      • Introduction and implementation of structured risk-based testing
      • Introduction of testing within iterative and incremental process
    • Challenges with regards to:
      • timelines;
      • criticality of issues;
      • pressure from business and project management in favor of time-to-market at the expense of test coverage and quality of testing.

Types of decisions made with complete authority:

  • Creation of different types of test cases.
  • Deepness of regression testing during different phases of life cycle.
  • Acceptance of functional requirements.
  • Creation of different types of automation test scripts.
  • Execution of automation test scripts.

Types of decisions made with others and/or for which approval is required:

  • Project scope changes.
  • Project timeline changes.

Corporate benefits:

  • Opportunities for professional and career growth.
  • Compliance with Russian labor Law.
  • Corporate medical insurance.
  • Sports activities and corporate events.
  • Technical and business related trainings.
  • Friendly atmosphere.
  • English classes.
  • Salary will be discussed individually with the successful candidate.

Office location: Moscow region, Korolev.


Quality Analyst (Junior / Middle), Нижний Новгород
2016-10-27 16:14

В российский офис компании Wiley (крупная американская издательская компания, www.wiley.com) приглашаются специалисты на позицию Quality Analyst (Junior / Middle)


Responsibilities and skills

  • Analyze requirements/use cases and determine test cases needed.
  • Prepare and maintain all test deliverables including but not limited to test plans, test scenarios, and test cases.
  • Testing approach and activities should comply with the selected flavor of iterative and incremental software development process.
  • Detect and report a large variety of issues to ensure smooth and quick resolution through the development lifecycle.
  • Perform all testing activities on complex web and mobile architectures.
  • Provide proper level of communicating up accomplishments, issues, and suggested ways of resolving these issues.
  • Knowledge of and experience with tool sets necessary for requirements management, test management, and issues tracking.
  • Experience with multiple test case management tools (RQM, HP, Jira Plugins).
  • Experience with requirements and defect management test tools (JIRA).
  • Experience with agile and other software development methodologies.
  • English (reading &writing).

Major Problems and Challenges
This position will face issues associated with:

  • Introduction and implementation of structured risk-based testing.
  • Introduction of testing within iterative and incremental process.
  • Challenges with regards to:
    • timelines;
    • criticality of issues;
    • pressure from business and project management in favor of time-to-market at the expense of test coverage and quality of testing.


Types of decisions made with complete authority

  • Creation of different types of test cases.
  • Deepness of regression testing during different phases of life cycle.
  • Acceptance of functional requirements.


Types of decisions made with others and/or for which approval is required

  • Project scope changes.
  • Project timeline changes.


Corporate benefits

  • Opportunities for professional and career growth.
  • Compliance with Russian labor Law.
  • Corporate medical insurance.
  • Sports activities and corporate events.
  • Technical and business related trainings.
  • Friendly atmosphere.
  • English classes.
  • Salary will be discussed individually with the successful candidate.

Senior Quality Analyst (Нижний Новгород)
2016-10-27 16:15

Responsibilities and skills
∙ Analyze requirements/use cases and determine test cases needed.
∙ Analyze integration points and determine integration testing needs.
∙ Prepare and maintain all test deliverables including but not limited to test plans, test scenarios, and test cases.
∙ Testing approach and activities should comply with the selected flavor of iterative and incremental software development process.
∙ Detect and report a large variety of issues to ensure smooth and quick resolution through the development lifecycle.
∙ Perform all testing activities on complex web and mobile architectures.
∙ Provide proper level of communicating up accomplishments, issues, and suggested ways of resolving these issues.
∙ Knowledge of and experience with tool sets necessary for requirements management, test management, and issues tracking.
∙ Mentoring Team Members.
∙ Experience with multiple test case management tools (RQM, HP, Jira Plugins).
∙ Experience with requirements and defect management test tools (JIRA).
∙ Experience with agile and other software development methodologies.
∙ English (reading, writing and oral).


Automation skills
∙ Analyze test cases and determine test cases applicable for automation.
∙ Develop and maintain automation test scripts.
∙ Perform automation testing activities on complex web architectures.
∙ Knowledge of and experience with tool sets necessary for automation test development, requirements management, test management, and issues tracking.
∙ Experience of 2-3 automation toolsets like HP UFT, QTP, Rational Test Workbench, JUNIT, CA Lisa, Selenium.
∙ Experience of at least one programing language i.e. java, javascript, C/C++
∙ Experience in SQL, ability to write SQL queriesto extract/transform/load/verify.
∙ NoSQL (i.e. Marklogic) skills are a plus.


Major Problems and Challenges
This position will face issues associated with:
∙ Getting properly developed functional requirements.
∙ Getting sufficient number and quality of testing environments.
∙ Getting properly scheduled timeframe for execution of test.
∙ Challenges with regards to:

  • timelines;
  • criticality of issues;
  • pressure from business and project management in favor of time-to-market at the expense of test coverage and quality of testing.


Types of decisions made with complete authority
∙ Creation of different types of test cases.
∙ Deepness of regression testing during different phases of life cycle.
∙ Acceptance of functional requirements.


Types of decisions made with others and/or for which approval is required
∙ Project scope changes.
∙ Project timeline changes.


Corporate benefits
∙ Opportunities for professional and career growth.
∙ Compliance with Russian labor Law.
∙ Corporate medical insurance.
∙ Sports activities and corporate events.
∙ Technical and business related trainings.
∙ Friendly atmosphere.
∙ English classes.
∙ Salary will be discussed individually with the successful candidate.

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