тестирование веб-сервиса
2012-02-14 12:15
Доброго времени суток.
необходимо протестировать веб-сервис. сделать автоматизацию.
привожу wsdl данного сервиса.
не знаю как написать клиента. в принципе сталкиваюсь первый раз с веб-сервисами. в этом и проблема.
реально ли сгенерировать клиента автоматически в eclipse?
тестирование веб-сервиса
2012-02-14 12:17
Доброго времени суток.
необходимо протестировать веб-сервис. сделать автоматизацию.
привожу wsdl данного сервиса.
не знаю как написать клиента. в принципе сталкиваюсь первый раз с веб-сервисами. в этом и проблема.
реально ли сгенерировать клиента автоматически в eclipse?
<wsdl:operation name="PlanProductRoadMap">
Creates product and delivery items for specific it between planning
date and product milestone date.
Delivery item is the relation
between product and iteration. The duration of
the sprint is 2 weeks.
Starting from planning date this method adds 2 weeks to planning
date, until
it reach milestone date.
<message>Team member cannot be found by alias {?}</message>
<when>Team member with the role PRODUCTOWNER cannot be found.</when>
<message>Team member with alias {?} belongs to {?}
role, but
{PRODUCTOWNER} expected.</message>
<when>Team member has been found, but his role not a PRODUCTOWNER</when>
<message>Road map has been already generated for this
{?} product.</message>
<when>The specific product has already been created.</when>
<message>Planning date cannot be before current date.</message>
<when>Planning date is before current date.</when>
<message>Planning date cannot be after milestone date.</message>
<when>Planning date after milestone date.</when>
<message>Difference between milestone date and planning date
cannot be less than 2 weeks.</message>
<when>Cannot create 2 weeks sprint.</when>
<message>Planning period cannot be more than 1 year.</message>
<when>Too long planning period.</when>
<wsdl:operation name="UpdateSprint">
Updates data of the specific sprint. This sprint will be found by
delivery item data.
<message>Product {?} cannot be found.</message>
<when>Cannot find product by alias given in the delivery item
<message>Sprint with id {?} cannot be found.</message>
<when>Cannot find iteration by given sprint id from delivery item.</when>
<soap12:operation soapAction="" />
<wsdl:operation name="ProcessBatchOfWorkItems">
Creates or updates work items related to specific delivery item.
<message>Invalid work item state {?}. Expected values are {?}.</message>
<when>Cannot find product by alias given in the delivery item
<message>Duplicated work item ids are not allowed. Id {?} occurs
least {?} times among {?} items.</message>
<when>There are duplicated work items in the batch to process.</when>
<message>Team member cannot be found by alias {?}</message>
<when>Assignee cannot be found</when>
<message>Delivery item cannot be found for combination
{ProductAlias, SprintID} = {?, ?}.</message>
<when>There are no any relation between product and sprint.</when>
<message>There is no work item could be found by defined token
<when>Work item id specified. This work item would be updated, but
if it is found by sprint id.</when>
<message>Illegal state value.</message>
<when>When the new state cannot be assigned.</when>
<soap12:operation soapAction="" />
<wsdl:operation name="GetBacklog">
Retrieves filtered by state and sorted by points work items with all
its data related to
specific delivery item.
<message>Delivery item cannot be found for combination
{ProductAlias, SprintID} = {?, ?}.</message>
<when>There are no any relation between product and sprint.</when>
<soap12:operation soapAction="" />
<wsdl:operation name="OrganizeScrumTeam">
Creates team and all associated with it team members.
<message>Scrum team has been already organized according to this
{?} alias.</message>
<when>The team with such alias, has been already created.</when>
<soap12:operation soapAction="" />
<wsdl:operation name="GetTeamMembers">
Retrieves team members of the specific team.
<message>There are no teams could be found with alias {?}.</message>
<when>The team with such alias, has been already created.</when>
<soap12:operation soapAction="" />
<wsdl:operation name="GetProductRoadMap">
Retrieves all sprints for the specific product.
<message>Product {?} cannot be found.</message>
<when>Unregistered product passes to request.</when>
<message>Road map for product {?} was not generated.</message>
<when>Unregistered product passes to request.</when>
<soap12:operation soapAction="" />
<wsdl:operation name="GetTeams">
Retrieves the list of team aliases found by area
<soap12:operation soapAction="" />
Международная IT компания, Microsoft Gold Certified Partner, Oracle QuickStart Plus Partner, успешно работающая на рынке IT c 1995 года, входящая в список The Global Outsourcing 100, приглашает на постоянную работу Senior/Lead QA engineer.
Описание проекта:
Целью проекта является разработка ядра популярной коммерческой CRM системы совместно с Американской командой разработчиков.
2-3 years of experience in Quality Control
Good knowledge of test methodology and experience in black box testing
Experience in test-cases development, manual testing execution and reporting
Knowledge of issue tracking tools and version control tools
Experience in setting up systems from scratch such as installing Linux, Windows, Apache, IIS servers, MySql, MSSQL, and Oracle databases.
Experience in automated testing
Experience in perfomance testing (SoapUI, JMeter)
Experience in web-services testing (SoapUI)
Experience in SQL - Good Knowledge of HTML, XML
Detail oriented, communicative, efficient and organized
В том числе новый тренинг для продвинутых тестировщиков Как искать и находить баги?.
В этом тренинге Алексей Баранцев по согласованию с Майклом Болтоном использует методику и упражнения из всемирно известного тренинга Rapid Software Testing. Для подготовки к тренингу Алексей трижды провел совместные с Майклом тренинги в качестве ассистента и второго тренера и, спустя год готов представить тренинг русскоязычным тестировщикам.
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