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Thursday, 2002




  * Hello!   [ 1 comments ]
I see that people start complaining that news are delayed. I usually update the site between 15:00 and 18:00 Moscow time, so don't blame me for neglecting the site (:. By the way, I need your links!

  * Football game.   [ 1 comments ]
As I said yesterday, I am not a football fan, but since the World Cup 2002 is at its height from time to time I watch football on TV (have to as my small brother and my father are genuine football fans). The match between Belgium and Japan was really great. 2 teams have scored very cool goals! Viva Russia! So, { this }═ game is for footbal fans.

  * Isometric Flash   [ 0 comments ]
{ Experiments }═with isometric perspective in Flash. Btw, there was a great site, com-ebusiness.de with great flash physics engine. Who knows where I can view it again?

  * Discreet ships Plasma   [ 0 comments ]
{ Plazma } is 3Ds MAX with limited features, but it can output to flash format directly.══
[ Thanx to FlashGuru ]

  * WOW! Great interface!   [ 0 comments ]
WOW! Great { interface } for a site with flash games! Games are nice too, btw. The X-box { trailer } is also cool.═══
[ Thanx to [max] ]

  * Great tutorials   [ 0 comments ]
{Here } are great tutorials about Flash games.═
[ Thanx to FlashGuru ]

  * Cool site from 2Advanced   [ 0 comments ]
Cool { site } from { 2advanced }Great combination of Flash and HTML.═══

  * LPFlashEx   [ 0 comments ]
{ LPFlashEx }═ is an utility for adding more functions to Flash Projectors. I basically don't use projectors, so I haven't read the text on the site attentively.═

  * The new flash community.   [ 0 comments ]
Welcome { flashdevils.com }, the new flash community. Many Flash professionals will answer all your questions there, hurry up while it is not so big like { FlashKit }, which has turned to the rubbish heap.═

  * Nice and stylish   [ 0 comments ]
Nice and stylish { site }

  * HOT Flash MX stuff!   [ 0 comments ]
WOW! HOT Flash MX stuff is on { illogicz.com }. { Rich Text Editor } rocks! { 3D Engine } is very-very cool too!════

  * Do come again!   [ 0 comments ]
Do come again and send me your links and suggesions! I don't see comments on English, don't be shy!═

Link to this page: http://www.valyard.ru/index.val?date=2002-06-06&lang=en

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Ведущий рассылки Виктор Дорофеев

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