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Программы софт-каталога ProtoPlex (2012-05-12 06:02:01)

Всего программ в каталоге: 9287
Размер каталога: 113684.98 Мб
Бесплатных программ: 4111
Новинок: 3833

ReliefJet Essentials for Outlook 2.4.0 (shareware $29; 7366 Кб)
Relief Software

Большой и простой в использовании набор утилит для каждого пользователя Microsoft Outlook. В составе продукта содержится расширение для Outlook, отдельное приложение и утилита командной строки Windows. Запуск утилит можно производить в ручном и автоматическом режимах, а также по расписанию.
Импорт и экспорт сообщений и других элементов Outlook с использованием форматов EML, MSG, TXT и MBOX. Конвертеры между EML и MSG. Экспорт, разбиение и слияние PST файлов, хранилищ и папок Outlook. Импорт и экспорт категорий Outlook. Удаление, перемещение и пометка дубликатов. Сохранение, добавление и удаление вложений. Замена вложений на ссылки и ссылок на вложения. Упаковка и распаковка вложений. Извлечение адресов электронной почты и интернет-ссылок из текстов и заголовков сообщений. Персонифицированная рассылка сообщений. Назначение и снятие категорий с множества элементов. Сохранение и удаление заголовков, установка их значений. Очистка тем сообщений от RE:, FW: и прочего мусора. ! Поиск и удаление пустых папок Outlook. Работа с контактами,
Многочисленные отчеты и статистика могут оказаться незаменимыми при решении широкого круга задач. Отчеты по наиболее активным отправителям, получателям, темам и категориям. Самые большие папки и сообщения. Отчеты по структуре и содержимому хранилищ и папок Outlook. Статистика сообщений по дням, неделям и месяцам за различные периоды. И масса других интересных отчетов для всех.
С помощью расширения Outlook можно настроить быстрый запуск утилит как с панели инструментов, так и из контекстных меню папок и сообщений. Тесная интеграция с правилами Outlook позволяет встраивать утилиты в процесс обработки почты. Отдельное приложение дает возможность быстро запускать утилиты без необходимости открывать Outlook. Поддержка командной строки обеспечивает возможность исполнения утилит из пакетных файлов, сценариев и других средств автоматизации, включая планировщик Windows.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/11168.html ]

Groboid 2.5 (freeware; 11374 Кб)
Falco Software Company

Динамичная и весёлая аркада с заводной музыкой. В этой игре вам предстоит управлять огромным червём - существом движимым одним чувством голода. Отправляйтесь на охоту, выпрыгивая из земли, поедайте паникующий народ. Но не всё так просто - спустя некоторое время на место "обеда" приедут танки и вертолёты, чтобы разобраться с вами. Впрочем и с ними будет короткий разговор, червь может сбивать всю вражескую технику, кидая в неё камни, лежащие на земле. К несчастью рано или поздно червя всё же убьют, но количество сожранных людишек можно увековечить в он-лайн таблице рекордов.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10996.html ]

1st Security Agent 9.801 (shareware $69; 1923 Кб)
Ixis Ltd

1st Security Agent - превосходная защищенная паролем программа безопасности для защиты компьютеров на основе Windows. Она работает на любой платформе Windows и предлагает административную поддержку для управления доступа к вашему компьютеру и уровню доступа, который каждый пользователь может иметь. С помощью данной программы можно ограничить доступ пользователя к панели управления, настройке монитора, установке-удалению программ скрыть локальный или сетевой диск, запретить редактировать реестр, а также еще куча возможностей по администрированию. Для каждого пользователя можно задавать индивидуальные уровни доступа. Может вести логи запуска программ на компьютере.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/4832.html ]

Falco Auto Image 6.8 (freeware; 23896 Кб)
Falco Software Company

Позволяет манипулировать изображение.
1. Загрузка BMP, GIF(Анимированные), PNG, JPG, PSD, TIF, TGA, PCD, AVI файлы.
2. Сохранение в JPG, GIF(Анимированные), PNG, BMP, TIF, TGA, AVI.
3. Работа с Веб Камерой и Сканером.
4. Эффекты - Contrast, Brightness, Invert Colors, Blur, GrayScale, HSB Adjustment, Sharpen, Emboss, Crop, Lightings, Resize.
5. Сохранение настроек и загрузка.
6. Добавление текста, времени и даты.
7. Повороты, Флипы, Обмены цветов.
8. Загрузка предыдущего и последующего файлов.
9. Печать и просмотр печати.
10. Маска и Бордюр включены.
11. Файлы различных расширений могут загружаться автоматически.
12. AVI процессинг поддержка.
13. AVI2GIF, GIF2AVI конверсия.
14. Выгрузка на внешний сервер.
15. Установка перспективы.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9487.html ]

Adventures Fish Coche 2.1 (freeware; 12895 Кб)
Falco Software Company

Однажды Коч вместе со своей стаей отправляется в дальнее плавание.
Спустя сезон, вернувшись домой, Коч обнаруживает, что над их рифом зависла муть.
Через мгновение Коч обнаруживает лишь пустынное дно и взбаламученный ил, на месте их бывших домов и то, что на их риф в поисках пищи напали пауки.
У Коча и рыб из стаи появилась цель - во что бы то ни стало, изгнать незваных гостей из их домов, изгнать с рифа!
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/11710.html ]

LS · Книга доходов и расходов 2.00 от 07.05.2012 (freeware; 7468 Кб)

Учет доходов и расходов для УСН организации или индивидуального предпринимателя.
Осуществляется ввод доходов и расходов, расходов на ОС и НМА, а также убытков предыдущих лет. В наличии печать книги доходов и расходов для объектов налогообложения:
- доходы;
- доходы, уменьшенные на величину расходов;
- доходы на основе патента.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8874.html ]

LS · 2-НДФЛ_АДВ-6-2_РСВ-1 2.00 от 06.05.2012 (freeware; 8310 Кб)

Подготовка и формирование сведений в электронном виде по формам 2-НДФЛ, АДВ-6-4, СЗВ-6-3, АДВ-6-2, СЗВ-6-1, СЗВ-6-2 и РСВ-1.
Осуществляется ввод справок о доходах физических лиц, сведений персонифицированного учета и расчетов по начисленным и уплаченным страховым взносам, а так же формирование файлов для передачи налоговыми агентами и плательщиками страховых взносов сведений в ИФНС и ПФР. В наличии печать отчетов.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/12025.html ]

LS · Счет-фактура 2.00 от 21.03.2012 (freeware; 7911 Кб)

Учет выставленных и полученных счетов-фактур организации или индивидуального предпринимателя.
Осуществляется выписка счетов-фактур, ведение книги покупок и книги продаж, а также выписка корректировочных счетов-фактур и ведение дополнительных листов книги покупок и книги продаж. Учтены изменения в соответствии с Постановлением Правительства РФ от 26.12.2011 г. № 1137.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8214.html ]

LS · Банк 2.00 от 27.09.2011 (freeware; 7698 Кб)

Учет операций по банку организации или индивидуального предпринимателя. Осуществляется выписка платежных поручений и требований, а также ввод выписок по банку с одновременной разноской по корр.счетам. В наличии печать ведомостей расшифровки по дням и клиентам, оборотная ведомость и ведомость операций.

[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/7549.html ]

1st Evidence Remover 2.771 (shareware $59; 933 Кб)
Ixis Ltd

1st Evidence Remover - когда вы работаете с различными программами, используете интернет и онлайн банкинг для доступа к вашим счетам, то вся информация сохраняется в разных файлах и реесте. Это может принести вам ущерб. Когда вы удаляете ваши файлы используя команду Удалить, Windows не удаляет файлы, а помещает их в скрытую папку RECYCLER folder, и даже если вы используете команду очистки корзины, то некоторые файлы в этой папке не могут быть удалены Windows. Программа 1st Evidence Remover - это утилита, которая обеспечивает вам безопасность удаляя следы вашей работы на PC в соответствии с пользовательским расписанием или с каждой перегрузкой PC.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/4829.html ]

Менеджер Курьерских Доставок 2.1 (shareware $2000; 108769 Кб)
Донских Сергей

"Менеджер Курьерских Доставок" - программа для курьерской компании. Располагает всем необходимым инструментарием для успешной деятельности. Простой интуитивно понятный интерфейс сочетает в себе функциональность, так необходимую для быстрой работы в курьерской компании.

Курьерская программа позволяет вести базу заказов, клиентов, сотрудников, делать расчет зарплаты, как агентам, так и курьерам, настраивать тарифы для заказов, курьеров, агентов. Позволяет печатать и экспортировать во многие форматы все печатные формы, как заданные по умолчанию, так и созданные Вами. Для удобства использования, между курьерскими компаниями создан удобный экспорт и импорт манифестов и подтверждения о доставках, которые позволяют избавиться от ручного ввода данных в программу. Во всех таблицах с данными существуют контекстные меню, позволяющие убирать столбцы, добавлять скрытые, группировать, а так же фильтровать по необходимым столбцам. В меню для быстрого доступа вынесены наиболее часто! используемые пункты меню, такие как: тарифный калькулятор, который позволяет сразу же добавить заказ с добавлением уже внесенных данных, календарь, который позволяет добавить напоминание, а также панель детализации данных, которая позволяет выбирать данные за необходимый промежуток времени. Для уменьшения времени добавления заказа создана возможность автоматического заполнения необходимых граф в карточке заказа, тем самым позволяя добавлять заказ за пару секунд.

Большой набор тем и визуальных стилей позволяет каждому пользователю наиболее удобно настроить программу под себя. Отчетность в программе имеет 2 типа: простая и сложная, но обе настраиваются. В простой отчетности (быстрый экспорт/печать) можно настроить порядок и набор столбцов для вывода на печать или экспорта. В сложной отчетности существует возможность подводить итоги, суммировать данные, группировать и создавать разнообразные отчеты в конструкторе отчетов.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10315.html ]

DeGo Free Video to iPod Converter 2.4.2 (freeware; 11518 Кб)
Nicholas Whaley

DeGo Video To iPod Converter - это программа для конвертации и создания видео для любых моделей iPod / iTouch / iPhone / iPad / iTunes-а. Она поможет вам сконвертировать видео из любого формата, включая DVD/VOB, HD-video (H264/AVC, MTS/M2TS/AVCHD, MOD/TOD и TS), AVI, WMV/ASF, MPEG/MPG, QuickTime Video (QT, MOV, MP4 и M4V), Real Video (RM и RMVB), Matroska Video (MKV video), DivX, 3GP и 3G2 и др. в формат iPod-а. Вы сможете сами создать видео, необходимого вам качества и размера, благодаря развитой системе профилей.

Программа содержит встроенный редактор, при помощи которого вы сможете отредактировать ваше видео. Редактор обладает следующими основными возможностями: удаление ненужных фрагментов, склейка нескольких видео файлов в один, разбивка одного файл на несколько частей и прочее. Также имеет полноценный видео плеере, при помощи которого вы сможете просматривать видео в полноэкранном режиме.

И наконец, вы сможете скачивать видео из Интернета с различных! сайтов, например с сайта YouTube (в том числе в HD-качестве) и затем сконвертировать его для вашей модели iPod-а.

Итак основные особенности нашего продукта:
1. Поддержка всех ключевых видео форматов и моделей iPod / iTouch / iPhone / iPad / iTunes.
2. Встроенный видео плеер и наличие видео редактора.
3. Возможность скачивания видео с различных сайтов.
4. Возможность конвертации нескольких файлов за раз.
5. Высокая скорость конвертации за счет использования аппаратного ускорения и многопроцессорности.
6. Высокая качество конвертации.
7. Простота освоения программы.
8. Поддержка скинов.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10311.html ]

MIE Quote IT PRO Estimating Software 2011 (shareware $1000; 90328 Кб)
John Kubit

Proper sales management is paramount for every commercial organization, which is why every company out there focuses on increasing the sales level. When the sales volume increases, sales managers find it increasingly difficult to deal with the large number of orders. As the sales volume grows, so does the workload of every salesperson in your team, as it becomes necessary to organize and analyze large amounts of sales-specific information also requiring reports that are more intricate. When the sales tasks become too much to handle, entrepreneurs should consider using a powerful sales management solution such as QuoteIT Pro by MIE Solutions.

QuoteIT Pro is a complete server-based sales management solution that allows you to configure, price, quote, propose and market your products and/or services across multiple sales and distribution channels, anytime, anywhere. A leading supply chain management software tool developed to meet the unique quoting needs of organizati! ons, manufacturers, job shops, fabricators and companies in almost every industry, QuoteIT Pro is easy to set-up, maintain and integrate within any organizational environment.

QuoteIT Pro considerably simplifies and improves the generation of professional quotes and proposals, giving your management team complete visibility and control of the process. Additionally, QuoteIT Pro integrates CRM functionality in the form of action alerts, task management, follow up records, pipeline and reporting. Implementing QuoteIT Pro helps to increase productivity and supports the closing of sales by simplifying and speeding up the price estimating processes.

QuoteIT Pro brings together modules for Estimating, Quoting, CRM, Work Order, Solid Works/AutoCAD/Solid edge Import, Job Costing and RFQ into a complete unified solution for the industrial business.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10309.html ]

Quote IT Estimating Software 10.6 (shareware $500; 2772 Кб)
John Kubit

Quoting and Estimating software packages have become vital prerequisites for reducing time, costs, and errors at different levels of the production chain. Modern solutions now allow organizations in manufacturing - and not only - to achieve the best prices and quotes possible.

In todays highly competitive market, state-of-the-art Quoting/ Estimating Software modules deliver maximum affordability, functionality, flexibility, and ease of use to a broad scope of users. QuoteIT Cost Estimating Software accommodates the needs of a large spectrum of businesses in various branches of manufacturing that depend on accurate Bills of Materials and detailed reports to streamline their operations. Irrespective of the size of your company, you too can benefit from the significant increase in productivity that QuoteIT provides.

When it comes to powerful and all-embracing Estimating / Quoting Software solutions, MIE Quoting Software is second to none in the specialized mar! ket. Job estimating software is a key factor in creating a profitable company, and QuoteIT is the ideal tool to help achieve that.

MIE QuoteIT is a server-based sales management solution that enables users to configure, price, quote, propose and sell their offerings across multiple sales and distribution channels, anytime, anywhere. Users can keep a close track of operation costs, as well as establish prices, create assemblies, view history, email request for quotes, attach external documents, and calculate costs. The solution is easy to use and simplifies the estimating and quoting process while helping companies reduce errors.

Here are some of the features and benefits of using QuoteIT:
Prompt and Accurate Responses to RFQs
Fully Customizable Reports
Multiple Divisions
Multiple Quotes Per Item
Powerful Searching Capabilities
Unlimited Variables in Formulas
Quote Letters
Single or Multi-User Modes
Exploded Bills of Mate! rials
Handles over 20,000 Piece Assemblies
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10308.html ]

MIE Quote IT CadSolid Software 2010-2 (shareware $500; 2772 Кб)
David Ferguson

MIE Quote IT CadSolid Software is a quoting and estimating package that helps companies prepare estimates consistently regardless of who is estimating with the use of tables and formulas. MIE QuoteIt is a multi-user package which can handle 100В’s of concurrent users. MIE QuoteIt gives the user the ability to create formulas for each operation so that as long as the estimators can read a drawing and have basic knowledge of manufacturing the estimators should be within pennies of each other on the per part price. MIE QuoteIt gives the ability to have multiple quotes per item to really evaluate different manufacturing methods and their costs in order to come up with the best price for the customer. In MIE QuoteIt just enter the labor operations and bill of material and a true cost and price are readily available quick and easy. MIE QuoteIt uses the latest technology from a DOT Net GUI through to a SQL Server backend database to handle your enterprise requirements. Finally, abi! lity to take Cad data imports into the calucations speeds up the quoting process and creates more accuarte quotes.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10307.html ]

MIE Trak PRO ERP Software 1 (shareware $2000; 111498 Кб)
John Kubit

Now more than ever, organizations in various branches of manufacturing depend on automation to smooth out operations, optimize business processes and improve profitability. The manufacturing process is becoming increasingly complex, and so is the sales sector, requiring adept management and advanced systems to centralize and handle all the business-specific data properly.

In todays rapidly evolving industry environment, modern manufacturing businesses are seeking to strengthen all the vital areas - at both shop floor and office level - with software designed to address their exact requirements and needs. For the growing manufacturing business concerned with streamlining operations, improving efficiency and boosting profits, the answer comes in the shape of an all-embracing and powerful software tool such as MIE Trak Pro.

MIE Trak Pro by MIE Solutions stands out as the complete software solution for the Manufacturing Industry, whose unique design aims to in! tegrate and streamline your operation across all the sales, manufacturing, engineering and accounting functions to provide maximum efficiency and immediate ROI. The leading software tool in its class, MIE Trak Pro is easy to install, learn and implement, and includes advanced features such as Cost Control, MRP, Scheduling, Reporting, Quoting, Job Costing, Inventory Control and Real Time Tracking.

Coupled with MIE Trak ERP SQL Software - a fully integrated business software solution for optimizing the manufacturing process from front to back - MIE Trak Pro becomes a valuable tool for the modern organization. MIE Trak ERP SQL modules include Quoting, Order Entry, Purchasing, Scheduling, Data Collection, Routing, Work Orders, Accounting, QuickBooks Integration, Inventory Control, BOMs, and Invoicing.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10306.html ]

MIE Trak Shop Software 10.6 (shareware $2000; 2772 Кб)
John Kubit

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is a critical function for custom manufacturers, made-to-order manufacturers and custom manufacturers, one that needs to be supported by a powerful and complete software solution. Modern ERP manufacturing software helps simplify data exchange between all business functions within the different departments of the organization, and helps manage the connections to external clients and stakeholders.

If you are looking for a reliable and complete MRP & ERP software solution that uses the latest technology to provide maximum efficiency, then you should definitely turn your attention to MIE Trak ERP Shop Software - a revolutionary production control and job-tracking system developed and marketed by established provider MIE Solutions.

The ideal ERP & MRP solution for Machine Shops, Fabricators and Manufacturers, MIE Trak is an easy to use production control and job tracking software system designed to help manufacturing ! businesses increase operating profits while eliminating the risk of an increased overhead as a side-effect. MIE Trak tightly integrates all aspects of the fabrication business process to provide vital management information when you need it.

MIE Trak tightly integrates and streamlines your operation across all the sales, manufacturing, engineering and accounting functions. MIE Trak is easy to install, learn and implement, resulting in improved efficiency and immediate ROI. MIE Trak is ideal for manufacturers seeking to improve their bottom line with one complete and cost-effective software solution.

MIETrak ERP Shop Software presents users with an extensive array of features: Quoting, Order Entry, Quote Letter, Router, Work Order, Costing, Purchasing, Receiving, Raw Materials, Inventory, Shipping, Invoicing, and Finished Goods, Inventory Scheduling, Tracking, Accounting, EDI Module, Shop Overview, Shipping and Invoicing Reports, as well as integration into! many external accounts packages.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10305.html ]

MIE Tasks Project Management Software 1 (shareware $10; 30351 Кб)
John Kubit

These days, proper resource management plays a crucial role in streamlining business processes and improving efficiencies. While business dimensions such as materials and costs are easier to manage, managing human resources can be a lot more challenging than that. Thankfully, with the help of advanced resource management software, project managers can now make well-informed decisions when allocating human resources so that the right people will work on the right tasks and follow a real-time project timeline.

In todays global economical climate, when projects are spread out across multiple regions or even countries, entrepreneurs need to be able to form cohesive project teams locally using the right resources, as well as share and reallocate resources quickly as needed. For that, project managers often rely on project planning tools capable of managing multiple projects with shared resources. Advanced project planning tools such as MIE Task Project Management Softw! are offer a clear overview of resource availability and utilization throughout a company, even across multiple projects.

MIE Task Project Management Software is a powerful project planning tool for the enterprise thats capable of managing multiple projects simultaneously with shared resources. Besides ample capabilities in terms of scheduling, costing, budgeting, controlling, management and communication, MIE Task Project Management Software also serves as a complete solution for resource management, covering all types of resources, including human, equipment, materials and costs.

MIE Tasks displays your current tasks, assigned tasks and completed tasks. The software gives a quick overview of all your activities where you can also click on tasks to add, modify and complete tasks. The Tasks widget has four different options that show up - they are My Tasks, Completed Tasks, Created Tasks, and Completed Created Tasks.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10304.html ]

MIE Maintenance CMMS Software 2 (shareware $100; 2772 Кб)
John Kubit

MIE Maintenance is a revolutionary Machine & Equipment maintenance and preventive maintenance application designed for use in all sorts of enterprises and organizations, from sheet metal shops to property management companies, from machine shops to hospitals and educational institutions.

MIE Maintenance handles both maintenance requests and predefined maintenance tasks in the aim of notifying your maintenance teams to accept, approve and perform work. Depending on the situation, users can either deny or approve maintenance requests. Upon approval of a maintenance request, a work order is created to perform the work. Subsequently, all the work can be logged into MIE Maintenance for historical reporting and fixed asset reporting.

Preventive maintenance, asset management and inventory control are fundamental aspects of plant maintenance software. Preventive plant maintenance software keeps track of preventive maintenance inspections and includes systemati! c instructions, checklists, lists of required materials, and other details that are important for preventive maintenance. MIE Maintenance is designed to assist plant maintenance workers by tracking equipment, property specifications, warranty information, repair information, service contracts, spare parts, purchase dates and expected service life.
MIE Maintenance™ Features and Benefits
" Create preventive maintenance work orders to keep your assets functioning under optimum parameters
" Unplanned maintenance requests can be approved or cancelled
" Classify and group assets by category, department and work center
" Store, manage and access pictures of assets
" Straight Line Depreciation
" Multiple Divisions
" Drag and Drop Calendar
" Work Order with Bills Of Material Requirements
" Accumulate Costs into Assets
" Fleet Management
" Email Integration
" Spare Part Inventory
" Purchasing
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10303.html ]

MIE Kiosk Data Collection Software 1 (shareware $2000; 111498 Кб)
John Kubit

MIE Kiosk Data Collection and Whiteboard Scheduling Software is a fully integrated data collection and time clock software solution that uses production scheduling to enable a paperless environment in the aim of reducing costs and improving efficiency across all levels of the manufacturing business. The advanced software solution offers an extended array of features, including Employee Time Clock, Scheduling Work and Employees, Shipping, White Board Scheduling, Employee Tracking Software, Data Collection, Packing Slips and Cad File Viewer.

MIE Kiosk Data Collection and Whiteboard Scheduling Software relies on barcode technology to capture and measure employee work data in an effective and very accurate manner. MIE Kiosk Data Collection and Whiteboard Scheduling Software comes with an intuitive user interface and enables employees to clock in/out for the day, in/out of jobs, as well as issue bills of materials for subsequent job costing.

The thing that rend! ers MIE Kiosk Data Collection and Scheduling Software unique in its class is the capability to integrate with other scheduling software, which makes it much easier to identify, arrange, keep track of and manage all the jobs an employee is assigned to work on at different points of the production chain. MIE Kiosk Data Collection and Scheduling Software also enables employees to digitally generate, display and view drawings, models, and blueprints, thereby supporting the business in its efforts to go paperless.

The leading provider of production control software for the manufacturing sector, MIE Solutions provides a common environment for integrating multiple different functionalities into one unified module set up based on a companys unique needs. Examples include document management capability with MIE Docs and integration into MIE Exchange B2B supply chain software application.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10302.html ]

MIE Journal Software 2 (freeware; 30351 Кб)
John Kubit

Journal software systems are designed to solve the typical problems associated with secure documents along with file and document management. MIE Journal Software is a great tool for tracking documents, information and data. It is a highly advanced system designed for single users up to organizations of hundreds of users.
MIE Journal Software is a revolutionary business management and collaboration tool designed for capturing information quickly and easily without the hassle of haphazard file creation. The tool is intuitive and flexible, and primarily aims to improve information sharing, collaboration, file & document management, task management, chat and other essential business tasks. MIE Journal Software is ideal for businesses whose employees want to share information, collaborate, chat, and manage tasks, documents and files. Creating journals is easy, and they can be nested as deep as you wish while holding as much information as you require. Notable benefits of! MIE Journal Software are:
" Similitude with standard word processors
" Unlimited notes
" Possibility to paste pictures easily
" Automatic saving for increased ease of use
MIE Journal Software makes it possible for anyone to input and maintain any type of electronic information in an easy-to-use hierarchically arranged interface. Users can share journals between them and, for increased data protection, they can assign a password to each journal. In effect, journals represent user-defined databases that can store any type of information necessary.

MIE Journal Software also comes with a fully integrated workflow system for tasks and document management so you can handle the hundreds of thousands of documents under your management in a non-demanding, effective and organized manner. Tasks also have a workflow, where tasks can be forwarded automatically to the next recipient as steps are being completed.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10301.html ]

MIE Exchange B2B Portal Software 2 (freeware; 2772 Кб)
John Kubit

MIE Exchange by MIE Solutions is an advanced system that intelligently connects buyers with suppliers, providing the custom manufacturing industry with a fast, efficient network of sourcing and supply opportunities. MIE Exchange enables buyers and suppliers to communicate through communities, which then allow Request for Quotes (RFQ), Bids, Bid Management, Purchase Orders, Catalog Management, Document Management and Inventory Management.

MIE Exchange is a web-based service that allows buyers and suppliers to communicate quickly and efficiently in a secure online environment. MIE-Solutions Supplier Community helps companies automate their business processes and provide a powerful tool like MIE Exchange to improve the communication between buyers and suppliers in many efficient ways.

MIE Exchange requires no software installation-all you need to do is register your organization and MIE Exchange will take it from there, working to streamline your business proc! ess. RFQ creation is extremely easy, and upon receipt, suppliers can respond to RFQs as bids using the intuitive user interface provided.

Buyers and suppliers often end up entering the same information into their systems multiple times when they do not connect. MIE Exchange provides ways to streamline the data entry process through an open application program interface (API). Buyers can submit purchase orders into MIE Exchange as a distribution point to their suppliers. Suppliers can also submit requests for quotes and purchase orders into their own ERP system using MIE Exchange API.

MIE-Solutions provides expert technical support, which allows buyers and suppliers to start with MIE Exchange and grow as they continually make use of more features. Notable benefits of MIE Exchange include:

- Lowered costs by removing manual spreadsheets and duplicate data entry
- Quicker RFQ creation by eliminating faxing and emails
- Ability to respond quic! kly to RFQs through the integrated bid management program
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10300.html ]

MIE Docs File Managent Software 2 (freeware; 30351 Кб)
John Kubit

MIE Docs File and Document Management Software is an application designed for use in small-to-large organizations and by single users that want to be able to manage their daily business activities in an easy and effective manner. MIE Docs helps solve many of the problems typically associated with storing, managing, finding and tracking files used throughout an organization. MIE Docs File Management centralizes the storage of files into an easy to use virtual drive, lowers the costs of handling and storing your documents and saves staff time by providing both instant access to your documents and business process automation.

Organizations with hundreds of thousands of files lose files each day when files are stored on multiple computers, hard drives and backups. Business document management systems seek to eliminate this risk by replacing paper files with their electronic equivalents. MIE Docs File and Document Management Software offers a competitive advantage by in! troducing users to the tools necessary for managing and protecting business specific data, facilitating collaborations and streamlining operations. MIE Docs can help you:
1. Cut down filing and distribution costs. Digital documents are easier to file and access than their paper equivalents, and besides, emailing documents is cheaper than printing and faxing them.
2. Ensure a better level of protection for important corporate data. The ability to control access to digital files and to maintain a history of who reads which documents, coupled with advanced encryption options for email and stored files, renders MIE Docs a great tool for ensuring data protection.
3. Improve access to company data by enabling your staff to share digital files promptly and efficiently.
4. Bring consistency to business specific processes. MIE Docs is a great tool for enforcing naming conventions, for instance, or for ensuring that employees follow strict approval processes.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10299.html ]

MIE Dashboard Collaboration Software 2 (freeware; 30351 Кб)
John Kubit

File management can be a challenging task, especially in large organizations that work with huge volumes of files on a daily basis. Organizations with hundreds of thousands of files lose files each day when files are stored on multiple computers, hard drives and backups.

For businesses looking to solve the problems typically associated with storing, managing, finding and tracking corporate files, the answer comes in the form of a competitive file management system that relies on automation to prevent data loss and improve access to business specific information. MIE Dashboard is such a file management system, and not just any kind - it is a leading automated solution in its class designed for small-to-large-sized organizations looking to strengthen their management sector.

Designed to meet the needs of single users and various-sized organizations alike, MIE Dashboard is a revolutionary business management and collaboration tool that centralizes the storag! e of business specific files into an easy to use virtual drive. MIE Dashboard™ is the ideal solution for businesses seeking to improve information sharing, collaboration, task management, document management, file management, as well as streamline other business related tasks. In addition, MIE Dashboard lowers the costs of handling and storing your documents while saving staff time by providing both instant access to your documents and business process automation. MIE Dashboard can help you:
1. Cut down filing and distribution costs.
2. Ensure a better level of protection for important corporate data. The ability to control access to digital files and to maintain a history of who reads which documents, coupled with advanced encryption options for email and stored files, renders MIE Dashboard a great tool for ensuring data protection.
3. Improve access to company data by enabling your staff to share digital files promptly and efficiently.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10298.html ]

MIE CRM Software 2 (shareware $50; 2772 Кб)
John Kubit

MIE CRM Software delivers Customer Relationship Management across the sales, service, and marketing functions. This easy-to-use, full featured solution primarily aims to strengthen the sales sector and the customer support department of a commercial business.

MIE CRM is ideal for businesses whose employees want to share sales information, contacts, chat, as well as manage files and other business related tasks in a simple and effective manner. MIE CRM can serve various-sized organizations in a wide range of industries that seek an easy way to manage their daily business activities.

With the integration of additional modules, MIE CRM Software sees well beyond the Customer Relationship Management - it becomes a multifaceted tool with ample capabilities in terms of business communication and management. Recommended expansion modules include:

MIE Docs - a revolutionary file management system designed for single users and broad organizations alike. It ! effectively solves the problems associated with storing, managing, finding and tracking files used throughout an organization.

Internal Company Chat - offers the ability to chat with any business associates without worrying about users chatting outside the companys walls.

Tasks Module, which comes with four different options - My Tasks, Completed Tasks, Created Tasks and Completed Created Tasks - enables you to add notes to tasks as they are being completed and allow other people to check on the progress of the task.

Fully integrated Workflow System for tasks and document management. With the addition of a user definable workflow capability, your document management system becomes much more effective at handling large volumes of company documents. Tasks also have a workflow, which allows tasks to be forwarded automatically to the next recipient as steps are being completed.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10297.html ]

MIE Chat Software 2 (freeware; 30351 Кб)
John Kubit

Used across commercial businesses, specialized chat software provides instant access to employees and clients from all around the world. This way, small-to-large businesses in various fields of activity can hold business meetings, interact with their clientele and strengthen communication throughout the company.

Among other benefits, business-oriented chat software can reduce telephone bills, since it utilizes either a private local network or an Internet connection to connect two or more parties. Such software can serve as a means for holding business meetings, engaging in business proposals with partners and clients, as well as respond to customer questions in a time-efficient manner.

Business chat software can be set up on company computers or directly on a business website. In what concerns internal company communication and collaboration, computer-installed chat software can link a group of computers together for meetings and discussions. Deploying b! usiness chat software directly onto a website provides clients and prospects an effective way to communicate quickly with company representatives to answer products, billing or other inquiries.

In order to support communication and collaboration within small-to-large commercial businesses across the globe, MIE-Solutions has developed MIE Chat & Collaboration Software - an easy to use and cost-effective software tool with manifold benefits.
MIE Chat & Collaboration Software is a revolutionary internal company chat software and collaboration tool that offers the ability to chat with any number of business associates without worrying about users chatting outside the company walls. The chat tool is deployed on your companys file server, and gives you the ability to associate chats to business tasks and files in a quick and easy manner. MIE Chat Software is designed to solve the common problems associated with securing documents as part of file and docu! ment management.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10296.html ]

MIE Calendar Software 2 (shareware $10; 30351 Кб)
John Kubit

MIE Calendar Software is a revolutionary calendar and collaboration tool designed to meet the needs of small-to-large companies in various fields of activity, but also of single users seeking a compact and easy-to-use calendar tool. MIE Calendar Software is the ideal solution for businesses whose employees seek the ability to share calendars, information and tasks internally, across different departments of the company, as well as externally.

Calendar Software systems aim to solve the typical problems associated with scheduling, planning and controlling business tasks throughout a company. Effective Calendar Tools are very helpful in managing projects, processes, information and data.

MIE Calendar Software gives the entire company a clear view of various scheduled events. You have the option to add reminders to the calendar and, depending on your needs, you can either share your calendar with others or make it private. Scheduled tasks - which can be any sor! t of information you want to assign to yourself or someone else - can be sorted and managed based on deadline dates, names, priority, and various other criteria. Once you create a task, you can easily reassign it to a colleague, as well as attach notes and chat logs to it. You can start out a chat directly from a task and save all chat responses under the Notes/Chat Logs tab.

In order to make it easier for others to view and modify the Journal notes you submit and store, you also have the option to attach MIE Docs files to each individual note. This enables users to make changes to documents without the need to save and edit the attachment first and then reattach the document to an email.

MIE Calendar Software also comes with a fully integrated workflow system for tasks and document management so you can handle the hundreds of thousands of documents under your management in a non-demanding, effective and organized manner.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10295.html ]

iPod Rip (shareware $25.95; 21547 Кб)
tunny Inc.

As all-around iPod rip software, iPod Rip supports transferring music, videos and photos among iPod, iPhone and PC, and importing files from iPhone to iTunes. It helps you easily create, edit and delete iPod playlists and manage multiple iPods at the same time. You can manage your photos and use iPhone like a portable hard disk under its assistance. High ripping speed and concise interface design make iPod/iPhone content management on your computer simple and convenient. All types of iPod and iPhone are supported. It is the only iPod/iPhone transfer that supports iPhone OS 3.1.3 and iTunes 9.0.3. New features: 1.Supports iPhone 4 2.Switches to QT platform Key Features: 1. Transfer iPod/iPhone music, video and photo to your PC at high speed. 2. Add and Transfer music or movies on your iPod/iPhone to iTunes library. 3. Feature friendly interface and easy-to-handle process. 4. Allow you to create, rename and delete a playlist on iPod/iPhone. 5. Support drag-and-drop. 6. Support! all types of iPod and iPhone,including iPod nano5 and iPhone 4. 7. Manage your iPod on any computer- Once you install iPod Rip, you can use the software to manage your iPod on any computer. 8. Filter and quick search - Find what you want as quickly and easily as iTunes. 9. Device information display-All info about your iPod, e.g. type, capacity, version number, etc. will be shown on the main interface. 10. Two modes for viewing music, movies and photos- thumbnails and list. iPod Rip provides an ideal solution for you to manage, rip, backup, restore your iPod/ iPhone on personal computer. Corporation focuses on the users experience all along, offering the most easy-to-use software and consummate service.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10288.html ]

Floppy Disk Data Recovery 5.0.1 (shareware $30.00; 1800 Кб)
Floppy Repair Tools

Floppy data recovery tool recover data from floppy disks and user can rescues various deleted files. Floppy Recovery tool can recover data from formatted floppy disks. Rescue damaged file from floppy disk utility is compatible with all Windows Operating System Technical and non technical users both are easily operate it without having the knowledge of data recovery. Data recovery software for floppies user can recover accidentally deleted files on floppy disk. Recover inaccessible data on floppy disk and rescue lost files from floppy disk. Inaccessible floppy disk data recovery restores floppy disk deleted files and recovers quick formatted floppy disk data.
Floppy Disk Recovery Software Features
Floppy recovery tool recover floppy disk data and files recovers corrupt or lost data from floppy disks.
Floppy disk data retrieval rescues various corrupt files from a inaccessible floppy disk.
Recover data from floppy disks that Microsoft Windows identifies as "not! formatted", "not accessible", or prompts you to format.
Recover Data Corrupted and unopenable files on floppy disk.
Floppy Disk Recovery works under all Windows family operating systems including Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows XP.
Floppy disk undeletes recover accidentally deleted files on floppy disk

[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10271.html ]

MSSQL to MS Access DB Converter 5.0.1 (shareware $45.00; 828 Кб)
Database Converter Tools

MSSQL to MS Access Database converter convert SQL Server database into MS Access Database. Database converter tool supports Microsoft SQL Server 2000/2005 support. MSSQL database file converter software runs easily on all windows Operating Systems including Windows 98, Windows 98 (SE), Windows ME, Windows 2000, Windows NT, Windows 2003 Server, Windows XP and Windows VISTA. Software convert individual tables and easy-to-use wizard-style interface with full install/uninstall support. MSSQL to MS access database conversion tool application support Unicode architecture and maintains database integrity.
MS Access File Repair Features
Microsoft SQL Server to MS Access database converter tool converts its tables into MS Access database table.
MSSQL to MS Access database conversion utility supports all versions of Microsoft SQL Server including SQL Server 2000/ 2005 and Microsoft Access.
Converts attributes, primary key, unique key constraints, not null constraint! s, index files and all other properties of MS SQL database.
Convert MS SQL to MS Access database utility supports windows operating system like windows 98, windows 2000, 2003, 2003 server, NT, NT Server, NT workstation, XP home edition, Windows XP Media centre edition 2005, Me, windows pro edition, and Vista.

[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10270.html ]

MySQL to MS Access DB Converter 5.0.1 (shareware $45.00; 885 Кб)
DB Converter Tools

MySQL to MS Access Database Conversion Tool convert entire or selected data base rows or columns of MySQL database to Microsoft Access database. MySQL to MS Access database conversion tool support all major MS access database datatype attributes, default value and Unicode architecture for better database conversion results. Software support all major MS Access database data type and attributes with support all major version of MySQL and MS Access database server.
MySQL to MS Access Database Converter Features
MySQL to MS Access database converter software converts MySQL database records into MS Access database records.
MySQL Server to Microsoft MS Access database migration software support all Windows operating systems like windows 98 ME XP 2000 and Vista operating system.
Converts selected individual tables or entire database records.
Freeware MySQL server to Microsoft MS Access database migration software has full install/uninstall support.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10269.html ]

Yahoo Archive Decoder Tool 5.0.1 (shareware $30.00; 1500 Кб)
Yahoo archive .DAT log file decoder Tools

Yahoo messenger archive recovery software recover chat messages like instant messages, conferences and mobile SMS messages read and recover data from archive .dat files. Retrieve chat conversations data. Yahoo Messenger Chat Recovery Program recovers all chat conversations data that are stored on your personal computer, Laptop, Notebook. You can decodes all your private chat messages like instant messages conferences and mobile SMS messages and saves it in RTF rich text format file. Yahoo messenger chat message archive decoder can easily monitor all versions of Yahoo Messengers incoming and outgoing chat text messages. Monitor yahoo chat history of your kids, friends, family members, husband, wife, girlfriend and boyfriend or, view yahoo chat conversations of your employees, spouse.
Yahoo Messenger Chat Recovery Features
Yahoo Messenger Archive Reader Tool Read your Yahoo messenger archives .dat files.
Yahoo messenger archive recovery software Decrypt yahoo me! ssenger chat conversations and decode archive .dat files.
Yahoo chat files (.dat files) software works with ANY version of Yahoo! Instant Messenger!.
Yahoo chat .dat reader decrypts yahoo chatting read chat history and you can take backup all yahoo chat archive messages without login to yahoo account.
Deleted SMS Reader recovers deleted sms from phone and user can view deleted SMS.
Yahoo chat decryption tool provide user friendly GUI interface with full Install/Uninstall features.
Yahoo archive reader tool smothery runs on all Windows operating systems like windows 98 ME XP 2000 and Vista operating system.

[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10266.html ]

word recovery 5.0.1 (shareware $69.00; 1400 Кб)
Repair Word Files Tools

Word File Recovery Software Extracts all the text from the corrupt word document. Professional word document repair software recovers restore and repair corrupted word doc document files created using MS Word 2000, MS Word XP, Word 2000, Word 97, Word 95, Word 200 3, Word 2007 fails to open due to virus attacks, unexpected system shutdown etc. Word repair tool can fix damaged docx and recover documents of different formats including (*.doc, *.docx, and *.rtf) and extract the data and fix docx file from any removable media. Free Microsoft Word Recovery Software can restores damaged Word files after instances of virus attacks, unexpected system shutdown, media read error.
Word Repair Features - Data recovery program for Microsoft Word documents
Word recovery software tool corrupt word recovery and damaged doc repair tool fix repairs corrupt Word document files
Advanced Word Repair Software smothery runs on all Windows operating systems like windows 98 ME XP 200! 0 and Vista operating system.
Extracts text even from heavily damaged *.doc files and recovered documents text can be saved as Word *.doc or plain-text *.txt files.
Restore and restore headers and footnotes
Software is useful in following cases: Word Cannot open the document, Instance of virus attack, unexpected system shutdown.
It can open the corrupt word file, preview the recoverable text in the preview window and save this text to a new error free word file.
Recovers embedded images including jpg, jpeg, gif.
Doc restore tool will repair Microsoft Word 6.0, Word 95, Word 97, Word 2000, Word XP, and Word 2003, Word 2007 for Windows and supports Rich Text Format (RTF), DOCX, DOC.

[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10264.html ]

Mobile phone sim card SMS recovery 5.0.1 (shareware $65.00; 1600 Кб)
Mobile SIM Card Data Recovery Tools

Sim Card Recovery software recovers all deleted lost text SMS messages and lost data from your mobile phones sim card. USB sim card reader can easily recover your lost and deleted cell phone sim card SMS messages. Mobile phone data recovery software SIM card is compatible with all Windows Operating System such as Windows 98/ME, Windows XP/2000, XP Professional and Vista Operating systems. Simcard SMS recovery software restore accidentally deleted data like phone text SMS from your mobile phone. Please use any USB SIM Card reader (Phoenix Standards based Reader) to use our software to recover data from sim card.
Deleted SMS Recovery Features
Sim Card Lost SMS Recovery Tool restore deleted text sms messages restore lost contact address.
Sim Card Deleted SMS Recovery utility recover accidentally erased unread inaccessible text messages from inbox outbox sent items.
Deleted SMS Reader recovers deleted sms from phone and user can view deleted SMS.
SIM car! d files rescue software provide user friendly GUI interface with full Install/Uninstall features.
Mobile phone sim card SMS recovery software smothery runs on all Windows operating systems like windows 98 ME XP 2000 and Vista operating system.

[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10263.html ]

NTFS Data Recovery 5.0.1 (shareware $69.00; 1600 Кб)
NTFS Data Recovery Tools

[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10257.html ]

Data recovery tool 5.0.1 (shareware $69.00; 1400 Кб)
Data Recovery Tool

Hard drive data recovery software restore retrieve recover windows Partition formatted deleted FAT NTFS partition data. Free data recovery software retrieves and restores all deleted, corrupted and damaged files. Recover deleted hard drive tool is compatible with all Windows Operating System such as Windows 98/ME, Windows XP/2000, XP Professional and Vista Operating systems. Technical and non technical users both are easily operate this software without having the knowledge of data recovery.
Hard Disk Data Recovery Features - Software Screenshot Product Help
File recovery software supports file recovery from FAT16, FAT32, FAT12, NTFS file systems.
Retrieve and restore all deleted formatted data from hard disk drive.
NTFS hard drive recovery software provides user friendly interface GUI and recover all deleted data from hard disk.
File recovery software smothery runs on all Windows operating systems like windows 98 ME XP 2000 and Vista operating syste! m.
Windows data recovery software can restore data even when Recycle bin is emptied or Shift+Del keys are pressed.
Windows Recovery Software support IDE, SATA, ATA, EIDE and SCSI disk devices.

[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10252.html ]

FAT data recovery 5.0.1 (shareware $69.00; 1500 Кб)
FAT data recovery Tools

[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10245.html ]

Floppy data recovery tool 5.0.1 (shareware $30.00; 1400 Кб)
Floppy data recovery Tool

Data recovery software for floppy disk recovers files deleted or formatted from floppy disks. Floppy data recovery supports recovering all types of files like documents (including Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint files), applications, videos, music files, images, etc. easy-to-use tool to rescue corrupt file from Floppy disk. Defective Floppy data recovery especially effective for image files MPEG, JPEG etc, and for damaged document and text files. Data recovery software for Floppy Disks recovers files from a floppy that generates Drive A: is not accessible or The disk in drive A: is not formatted error in WINDOWS.
Floppy Disk Data Recovery Software Features
Floppy disk recovery software can effectively recover and rescue corrupted or lost data from damaged, unreadable or defective floppy disks.
Recover Floppy Disk files Fixed Floppy Disk data recovery utility for recovering files when FAT or Boot Sector (floppy only) are damaged.
Fixed Floppy Disk Tool re! covers files from reformatted floppy disks.
Floppy Disk File Recovery works with Microsoft Windows 95/98/2000/NT/ME/XP/2003/Vista.
Floppy Recovery will help you to restore data residing on floppy disks (diskettes) formatted in the following file systems like FAT12.
Damaged floppy disk repair tool can recover deleted formatted corrupted damaged data image, photos, files, from floppy disks.

[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10238.html ]

Hard Disk Data Recovery Tool 5.0.1 (shareware $69.00; 1400 Кб)
Hard Disk Data Recovery Tool

Windows Data Recovery Tool recover, retrieve, restore, rescue, salvage, undelete and formatted data. Partition Recovery utility for NTFS and FAT file systems that provides windows partition recovery from damaged and corrupted hard drive or lost partition. Windows Data Recovery Software is compatible with all major hard disk drive manufactures including Western digital, Quantum, IBM, Seagate, Toshiba etc. Windows FAT NTFS data retrieval software can recover deleted files lost after accidental deletion, formatted HDD, corrupted file system, virus infected drive and other common data loss reasons and works with all major hard disk standards including SATA, SCSI, ATA, IDE, EIDE, PATA etc. Windows partition data undelete software has attractive and interactive Software GUI interface.
Windows data recovery software Features:-
Data Recovery Software recovers deleted data lost due to damaged or corrupted partitions in all logical crash.
Windows hard disk data recovery so! ftware is compatible with all versions of Windows operating system including Windows 2000, Windows XP, 2003 and Vista.
Windows Vista file restoration tool recovers deleted files and folders even after emptied recycle bin folder or Shift +Del keys used to delete data.
Windows FAT NTFS data recovery utility restore data after drive is accidentally formatted or re-formatted.
Window Vista partition rescue tool recovers deleted data from Windows FAT12, FAT16, FAT32, NTFS partitions.
Windows hard disk NTFS data recovery software works with all major hard disk including SATA, SCSI, ATA, IDE, EIDE, PATA etc.

[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10230.html ]

Microsoft Word 2007 recovery 5.0.1 (shareware $69.00; 1400 Кб)
Microsoft Word 2007 recovery Tools

MS Word Recovery software corrupt damaged doc repair tool fix and repair corrupt Word document files quickly. MS word recovery utility repairs single and multiple files. It can recover data from damaged documents Microsoft Word documents located on damaged removable media like CDs, floppy disks, DVDs, flash drives, etc. It will repair Microsoft Word 95, Word 97, Word 2000, Word XP, Word 2003 and word 2007 for Windows. Recovered documents can be saved as Word *.doc or plain-text *.txt files. Download Microsoft Word Document files recovery and undelete software and try the free evaluation version to Word file recovery software. rebuild damaged *.doc files and easily restore lost MS Word documents and runs easily on all Windows Operating System including Win98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, 2003, Vista. Word recovery freeware instantly recovers texts, images, hyperlinks, paragraph and page formatting.
Repair Microsoft Word Files Features
Word Recovery Software repairs and restores! corrupted Microsoft Word document (*.doc and *.docx) file.
Microsoft Word Document Recovery software Recovers data from any Microsoft Word file that shows errors when opening.
Extracts text even from heavily damaged *.doc files
Docx recovery recovers and reconstructs damaged Microsoft Word documents and extracts text from heavily damaged *.doc files.
Free Word Recovery Software Recovers damaged Microsoft Word documents is designed to recover text from damaged/corrupt Word files (.doc, .docx, .rtf files) that will not open normally.
Microsoft Word recovery is compatible with Windows 98/NT/ ME/ 2000/ 2003/ XP/VISTA.
Word File Recovery Software Recover Word files corrupted due to unexpected shutdown, Virus attack, Low system resources etc.

[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10229.html ]

NTFS Data Recovery Utility 5.0.1 (shareware $69.00; 1400 Кб)
NTFS Data Recovery Tools

NTFS Data Recovery Software recovers deleted data from damaged or formatted NTFS hard disk drives having Windows NT/ME/XP/2000/2003 and Windows Vista OS. NTFS data recovery software can recover your lost data using our data recovery software after disk, formatting your drive, power failure, virus attack, software failure, or after deleting files, folders or partitions. NTFS recovery tool provides easy to use Graphical user interface. NTFS formatted partition recovery tool does not require any special training to work with it. NTFS file recovery tool recovers lost or deleted files on NTFS file system.
NTFS Data Recovery Software Features- Undelete Data Recovery Software
Deleted File Recovery Tool can recover deleted NTFS files from formatted, corrupted NTFS and NTFS5 partitions based Windows OS.
NTFS undelete utility has full install/uninstall support.
Windows NTFS Partition data recovery software support all type of storage devices such as IDE, EIDE, SCSI ! and SATA, PAN and ZIP drives.
Windows NTFS Data Recovery Software recover deleted files from deleted corrupted or formatted partitions created using windows Operating System including Windows NT, ME, XP, 2000, 2003.

[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10224.html ]

FAT Data Recovery Software 5.0.1 (shareware $69.00; 1400 Кб)
FAT data recovery Tools

FAT recovery software for Windows operating system recover deleted formated data from the FAT 12/16/32 file system. It easily recovers data from hard disks, digital cameras, and any type of storage media including flash drives, USB drives, memory stick, PC card, multimedia card, secure digital card etc. FAT Recovery can recover any deleted files, including MS Office files, photos, mp3, and zip files. Fat File System Data Recovery Utility recovers files if the hard disk drives partition table or root directory have been damaged by a virus attack, unexpected system shutdown or power failure etc. FAT Data Recovery. Recover deleted data files from corrupt or damaged Windows OS.
FAT Data Recovery Features
FAT Data Recovery Software recovers data from formatted Windows FAT partitions.
FAT File System Data Recovery Software Recovers lost inaccessible or deleted file and folders.
Data Recovery Tools Recovers data from SCSI IDE, EIDE and SATA, PAN, ZIP and USB driv! es.
File Recovery and Data Recovery Software Recovers your deleted files/folders even after recycle bin has been emptied or use of Shift+Del keys.
Windows data recovery software supports Windows FAT16, FAT32 file systems with full install/uninstall support.

[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10223.html ]

yahoo archive reader 5.0.1 (shareware $30.00; 1400 Кб)
yahoo archive reader Tools

Yahoo messenger chat recovery software or Archive chat decoder tool easily recovers instant messages, conferences and mobile SMS messages all accounts of Yahoo! Messenger. You can import any external yahoo archive file and decode it when it is not in yahoo directory. Yahoo archive decryption software easily decodes yahoo archive files and saves retrieve chat conversations data in RTF or plain text format. No passwords or login required decoding archives or program allows you to view all the chat conversation without knowing the password. You can view all chat conversation of your employees, your spouse, your kids, your friends, your husband, your wife, your girlfriend without knowing their password.
Yahoo messengers archive decoder
Yahoo Messenger Archive Reader Read your Yahoo messenger archives and fully works on Windows XP, Win 98, Win ME, Window 2000/2003 and Vista operating system.
Yahoo messenger archive recovery software can decodes and view not only you! rs, but also other conversations, while offline, without their password.
Yahoo Messenger Archive Reader recovers all SMS messages that are sends from yahoo messenger to any mobile phone and works with all versions of Yahoo! instant messenger.
Yahoo Archive Reader Supports multi language chats and does not requires extra technical skills to handle the software.

[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10222.html ]

MS excel file repair 5.0.1 (shareware $69.00; 1400 Кб)
MS excel file repair Tools

Excel File repair recovers corrupted or damaged Microsoft excel files and restore xls files that show error unable to open or read xls file, file is not in a recognizable format. Excel File Repair Software repairs corrupt and damaged excel files created in all versions of Excel including Excel 95, Excel 97, Excel 2000, Excel 2002 and Excel XP. Users can reconstruct damaged *.xls files and restore corrupt excel files quickly and easily. Excel Recovery Software Program quickly restores headers and footnotes.

Excel Repair Features

* Excel file repair tool repairs excels files that are damaged or corrupted.
* Excel file repair program repairs single or multiple files at a time.
* Excel Fix Software Restore damaged xls files software support all versions of MS Excel includes Excel XP, Excel 2000, Excel 97, Excel 95 files.
* Microsoft Excel Repair Tools has Full install/uninstall support.
* Repair corru! pt excels file software runs smoothly on Windows Vista/2K/XP/2003.

[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10221.html ]

Repair Damaged MS Word Files 5.0.1 (shareware $69.00; 1400 Кб)
Repair Damaged MS Word Files Tools

Word File Restore Tool repairs corrupt Microsoft word documents or unopenable doc files. Repair word files software repairs corrupt word documents in original format and user can save repaired file on their desired location on disk. Word File Repair Application support Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 98, Windows Vista and Windows ME operating system. MS Word File Recovery Software repairs the damaged word document files which get corrupted due to virus corruption.
Word Repair Feature
Damaged Word Document repairs tool accessing corrupt MS Word documents.
Corrupted ms word documents or DOC files repair tool fixes corruption in ms word documents and repairs corrupt word files and fix Word document or inaccessible .doc files.
Corrupted and Damaged Word .DOC File Repair Software Restore headers and footnotes.
MS Word File Recovery Software Rebuild and repair corrupt word document which gets corrupted due virus attack.
Word files repair software rep! airs damaged Microsoft word files.

[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10220.html ]

Nokia Mobile Phone Sim Card Recovery 5.0.1 (shareware $65.00; 1400 Кб)
Nokia Mobile Phone Sim Card Recovery Tools

SimCard Data Recovery Software- Recover Deleted text messages
Sim card data recovery software recovers and restores deleted SMS messages from your mobile phone sim card memory. Software is compatible with All Windows OS such as Win 98, Win 2000, Win 2003, Win XP, Win NT, Win ME and window VISTA. It can display ICC Mobile Identification number and SIM card Service provider name. Sim Card Deleted SMS Recovery supports all Phoenix standard SIM card reader. Users easily install and uninstall software and does not required any extra technical knowledge to recover deleted SMS from Sim Card
Features Of SimCard Recovery Software
Sim card Data Recovery Software Recover deleted text sms messages and restore lost contact address.
Sim card data rescue software read sim card service provider name and ICC-ID identification number.
Mobile phone SIM card text messages retrieval utility can reads SIM CARD of any country on any network service provider.
SIM card b! ackup recovery software recover deleted SMS messages tool runs on Windows XP, Win 98, Window 2000/2003, Win ME and VISTA operating system.
Mobile phone sim card SMS recovery software provides both installation and uninstallation support.

[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10219.html ]

PowerPoint Recovery Software 5.0.1 (shareware $69.00; 1400 Кб)
PowerPoint Recovery Tools

PowerPoint repair software utility successfully repairs corrupt PPT files of MS PowerPoint 2000, MS PowerPoint 98, PowerPoint 97, and PowerPoint XP. Professional PowerPoint Recovery Software successfully repairs and restore .ppt files that are corrupt due to virus attacks, sudden system shutdown and software corruption. Software runs on all windows operating system such as Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Win NT, Windows 2000, and Window XP. Software retrieve restore corrupt damaged and inaccessible .ppt files and reopen ppt file in readable format.
Repair PowerPoint Files Features
Advance ppt recovery and repair software support all versions of PowerPoint including PowerPoint XP, PowerPoint 2000, PowerPoint 97 files.
PPT Recovery Software Repairs corrupted PowerPoint presentation files corrupted due to virus attacks.
Repairing the corruptions in the corrupted PowerPoint files and restore all corrupted ppt files.
Powerpoint Recovery Software repair! restore rebuild and fix corrupt PPT files.

[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10217.html ]

Outlook Express recovery tool 5.0.1 (shareware $30.00; 1400 Кб)
Outlook Express recovery Tools

Outlook Express Email Recovery Software- Recover deleted lost emails
Recover Deleted Emails tool is designed for recovering accidentally deleted Outlook Express email messages from any .dbx files. Outlook Express recovery software can recover permanent deletion of emails from deleted items folders in Outlook Express. Email Recovery Tool extracts and saves e-mails from .dbx files in which Microsoft Outlook Express stores messages on the local drive. Email recovery program is helpful for Home users and helps to recover accidentally deleted messages from the "Deleted Items" folder in Outlook Express. Outlook Express mail recovery supported *.dbx file formats only. Advanced Outlook Express Recovery tool supports to run on Windows 95, Win Me Window 2000, Window XP and Vista.
Features of Recover Outlook Express email - DBX reader software
MS Outlook Express Email Recovery software recover deleted emails from .DBX.
Outlook Express Email Recovery Recover accidental! ly deleted emails that have been also removed from Deleted Items Folder.
Outlook Express recovery tool recover .dbx mails from Outlook Express.
Professional Email Recovery Software can save recovered deleted emails messages as an .eml format.
Outlook Express Mail Recovery Software has User-friendly interface and very easy to use software.
Outlook Express mail recovery tool support on Windows XP, 2000, 2003, NT and 98.

[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10214.html ]

Disk recovery tool 5.0.1 (shareware $69.00; 1400 Кб)
Disk recovery Tool

Sanmaxi Windows Data Recovery Software will help you when your data seems to be lost. Windows Data Recovery Tools can recovers data from hard drives including IDE, SCSI, SATA), USB drives, (E) SATA drives, partitions, floppy drives. Windows Hard disk drive tool support FAT 12/16/32 and all NTFS file systems and works with Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows ME, and Vista operating systems. Data Recovery Software is used when your data lost due to formatting, repartitioning, accidental deletions, virus, worm attacks, power failures, application errors and more.
Hard Disk Data Recovery Features
Hard disk data recovery tool for formatted windows partition recovers data from hard drives (IDE, SCSI, SATA), partitions, floppy drives.
Windows Data Recovery Tool Recover files that have been accidentally deleted corrupted or lost from hard disk drive formatted on NTFS file system/ FAT File System.
Data Recovery Software Utilities to recover lost data and supports all m! ajor hard disk brands including HP, Samsung, Toshiba.
Windows recovery software successfully recovers deleted partition data that has been deleted even from the Recycle Bin.
Windows Files Restoration Program can recover deleted data from Windows FAT12, FAT16, FAT32, NTFS and NTFS5 partitions.

[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10207.html ]

Floppy Disk Recovery Utility 5.0.1 (shareware $30.00; 1400 Кб)
Floppy Disk Recovery Tools

Damaged floppy disk repair and floppy data recovery tool recover deleted formatted data from formatted floppy disk drives. Floppy Disk Repair recovers files instantly from floppy drives and other types of fixed media. Corrupted floppy disk data recovery software recovers data from FAT12 partition and software runs easily on all windows Operating System Windows 95, 98, ME, XP, 2000, 2003 and Vista OS. undelete floppy disk can quickly and easily recover corrupted, unopenable, or unreadable files from damaged floppy disks.
Floppy Disk Repair and Recovery Features
Floppy Disk Recovery Software recover and restore deleted files from floppy drives restore data from even damaged floppy disks.
Rescuing lost files from a floppy disk with full install/uninstall support.
Recover Data when FAT got completely damaged or disk was accidentally reformatted.
Recovery of corrupted or unreadable files.
Fixed Floppy Disk Tool supports Floppy disk drives formatted wit! h Windows FAT16, FAT32 and FAT12 file systems.
Recovery of files deleted on floppy disks, even quick formatted disks.

[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10205.html ]

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