Всего программ в каталоге: 9089
Размер каталога: 138655.82 Мб
Бесплатных программ: 3989
Новинок: 3863
NetWorx 5.1.7 (freeware; 1400 Кб) the Icon
NetWorx - бесплатная программа для учета интернет-трафика и мониторинга скорости интернет-подключения на вашем компьютере.
Программа работает с любым кабельным или беспроводным подключением, а также модемом, предоставляя удобную статистику, отчеты и графики.
С помощью NetWorx Вы сможете измерить реальную скорость и загрузку вашего интернет-подключения, просматривать ежедневные, недельные и месячные отчеты и получать уведомления о перерасходе трафика.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/11607.html ]
Real Player (freeware; 10110 Кб) Дима Дмитриевич
Замечательная программа!!! Мало того что открывает все популярные форматы видео и аудио в ней ещё есть одна убойная штука возможность скачивать видео с сайтов таких как youtube и вобще любого сайта, действуя по технологии буфирезации.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/11335.html ]
Новая версия Mazilla. Firefox 5.0 это скорость, надёжность, удобный интерфейс, отличная руссификация и красивое стеклянное оформления для всеми полюбившимся Windows 7.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/11414.html ]
Daemon tools 4.41.0315 Pro (freeware; 11990 Кб) Дима Дмитриевич
Программа для работы с образами, сюда входит создание, запуск образов, запись а также запись на болванки. Программа максимально поняьна запутатся невозможно, главное что нет ничего лишнего. Программа на русском языке распростроняется бесплатно!!!
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/11307.html ]
Adobe Flash Player RU, Adobe Shockwave Player (freeware; 18700 Кб) Дима Дмитриевич
Дополнения на основе Flash, программы позволяют отображать контент на сайтах стильный интерфейс просмотр видео роликов всё это входит в данные дополнения. Рано или поздно вам придётся их установить так что зачем тянуть с установкой!!!
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/11306.html ]
Daemon Tools Lite 4.40.2 (freeware; 11193 Кб) the Icon
Daemon Tools после своей инсталляции помещается в трей, откуда и осуществляется всё управление. Программа позволяет взять образ диска, образ может быть сделан во многих программах, предназначенных для работы с CD/DVD дисками (Clone CD, Nero, Instant CD/DVD и т.д.) и на основе этого образа диска создать виртуальный CD/DVD привод. Поддерживается работа со следующими видами образов: cue/bin, iso, ccd (CloneCD), bwt (Blindwrite), mds (Media Descriptor File), cdi (Discjuggler), nrg (Nero), pdi (Instant CD/DVD), b5t
(BlindWrite 5). Одновременно можно эмулировать до четырёх CD/DVD-дисководов. Предусмотрена возможность работы с защищёнными от копирования дисками (режимы SafeDisc (C-Dilla), Securom и Laserlock). Daemon Tools для честного и некоммерческого использования распространяется бесплатно, однако, эта версия оснащена рекламными баннерами. Чтобы избежать установки рекламных баннеров, нужно при установке утилиты отказаться от модуля Daemon Tools SEARCH BAR (убрать соответствующу!
ю галочку при инсталляции).
В этой версии:. ∙ Обновлены языковые пакеты.
Исправленные ошибки:
∙ Исправлена проблема с появлением BSOD при отключенной функции Advanced Emulation; ∙ Исправлена ошибка 1500: проблема инициализации драйвера при загрузке системы.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/11605.html ]
PhotoFiltre (freeware; 3750 Кб) the Icon
Мощный графический редактор, заточенный под обработку цифровых фотографий. Эдакий «Фотошоп» в миниатюре: применение различных художественных фильтров, регулировка яркости, контрастности и насыщенности, коррекция цветовой гаммы, клонирование определенных участков изображения, размытие выделенных областей, удаление фона и т.п. Не хватает разве что возможности работать со слоями. Функционал программы может быть расширен за счет плагинов.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/11604.html ]
Auslogics BoostSpeed (freeware; 6220 Кб) the Icon
Неплохой «ускоритель» системы. Помимо привычных утилит для чистки реестра, удаления мусорных файлов и редактирования списка автозагрузки, Auslogics BoostSpeed умеет оптимизировать интернет-соединения, дефрагментировать жесткие диски и даже защищать личные данные. В общем, все удовольствия в одном флаконе. Главная же изюминка Auslogics BoostSpeed — инструмент One Button Checkup. Всего лишь одно нажатие кнопки — и программа самостоятельно настраивает Windows на максимальную производительность.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/11603.html ]
Обновлённый Download Master. Download Master это надёжный загрузчик файлов. Обрыв соединения и падение скорости можете об этом забыть! Download Master входит в разряд обязательных программ на обновление так что смело качаем.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/11413.html ]
K-Lite Codec Pack Update 7.2.0 Новое обновление, для всех типов Lite, Basic, Standard, Full и Mega. Присутсвуют все новейшие декодеры и изменения ставить как всегда обязательно !!!
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/11330.html ]
Eyes Keeper 1.1 (freeware; 2814 Кб) Falco Software Company
Программа для людей, которые долго работают за компьютером и хотят сберечь свои глаза. Вы указываете интервал времени, по которому программа будет предупреждать вас, что нужно сделать перерыв. Так же программа имеет несколько скинов в аниме стиле, которые вы сможете настроить по своему вкусу.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/11606.html ]
HTTrack 3.43-9 (freeware; 3750 Кб) the Icon
HTTrack позволяет выкачивать из интернета целые сайты со всей внутренней структурой для дальнейшего их просмотра в офлайновом режиме. Главный козырь программы — гибкая система настроек. Можно установить максимально допустимую скорость загрузки, сформировать список исключаемых файлов или, наоборот, страниц, которые ни в коем случае не следует обходить стороной, выбрать «глубину проникновения» (насколько далеко уходить по найденным ссылкам) и много чего еще. Из других особенностей HTTrack — многопоточная загрузка,
поддержка прокси-серверов, возможность докачки страниц и файлов после разрыва связи, многоязычный интерфейс.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/11602.html ]
С Auslogics BoostSpeed чистка компьютора становится приятной. Понятный и лёгкий интерфейс на русском справится любой пользователь, скорость феноменально быстрая, с работой программа справляется превосходно. После недели похода в интернете очищяя данной программой реально можно освободить гигабайт памяти на жёском диске что очень значительно.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/11293.html ]
(KIS) Kaspersky Internet Security 2012 v20.15.6.41 Rus (freeware; 64640 Кб) Дима Дмитриевич
Kaspersky Internet Security 2012 версии под номером 20, самая свежая на данный момент. KIS это надёжная защита вашего компьютора от вирусов и шпионов. Кроме того нетребуется активация.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/11601.html ]
Антивирус Касперского (freeware; 110270 Кб) the Icon
Антивирус Касперского 2011 — один из лучших антивирусов на сегодняшний день, сочетающий в себе высокую надежность и удобство пользования. База вирусов AVP обновляется ежедневно. Полнофункциональная версия антивируса сроком действия один месяц — как раз до выхода нового номера — обязательно присутствует на нашем DVD. Таким образом, вы получаете постоянную и надежную защиту от всех существующих вирусов.
Установка Лицензия на 30 дней, как раз до выхода следующего номера журнала, уже вшита в дистрибутив
программы. Для активации нужно: 1. Удалить старую версию антивируса. 2. Установить новую с нашего диска. 3. Во время установки выбрать пункт «Установить пробную версию».
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/11598.html ]
Aston 2.0.3 (freeware; 15600 Кб) the Icon
Aston2 пригодится тем, кому надоел стандартный вид Windows. Меняются звуки, добавляется приятная анимация, фирменные виджеты и панели. При этом ресурсов отъедается совсем немного — обычный игровой компьютер потерь даже не заметит.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/11597.html ]
Flaming Splinter 1.0 (freeware; 9317 Кб) Falco Software Company
Flaming Splinter - ремейк классической игры Bomberman. Вы управляете подрывником из специального отряда. Расставляя на поле бомбы, вам предстоит очистить всю территорию от препятствий и враждебных монстров. В вашем распоряжение будет несколько типов бомб, получаемых в виде бонусов, так же некоторые бонусы будут улучшать способности подрывника. А в финале игры предстоит сразиться с сильным боссом.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/11596.html ]
MIE Maintenance CMMS Software 2010-2 (freeware; 2772 Кб) David Ferguson
MIE Maintenance is a revolutionary Machine and Equipment maintenance and preventive maintenance application. This software helps companies in asset intensive industries maintain their investments by managing these assets. MIE Maintenance handles both maintenance requests and predefined maintenance tasks to notify your maintenance teams to perform work. Maintenance requests can be denied or approved. Once a maintenance request is approved a work order is created to perform the work. All the work can be
logged into MIE Maintenance for historical reporting and fixed asset reporting.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10303.html ]
MIE Kiosk Data Collection Software 2010-2 (shareware; 2772 Кб) David Ferguson
MIE Kiosk Data Collection and Whiteboard Scheduling Software is a fully integrated data collection and time clock software solution. Features include Employee Time Clock, Packing Slips, View Cad Files,Scheduling, etc.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10302.html ]
MIE Journal 2010-2 (freeware; 2772 Кб) David Ferguson
MIE Journal Software is a revolutionary business management and collaboration tool. MIE Journal Software is intended for businesses whose employees want to share information, collaborate, chat, manage tasks, manage documents and files and other business related tasks. MIE Journal Software can be used in organizations with 1000s of users who want to easily manage their daily business activities. Document management system designed for a single user up to an organization of 1000s of users. File management systems
are designed to solve the problems associated with storing, managing, finding and tracking files used throughout an organization. Organizations with hundreds of thousands of files lose files each day when files are stored on multiple computers, hard drives and backups.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10301.html ]
MIE Exhange B2B Software 2010-2 (freeware; 2772 Кб) David Ferguson
MIE Exchange enables buyers and suppliers to communicate through communities which then allows Request For Quotes (RFQ), Bids, Bid Management, Purchase Orders, Catalog Management, Document Management and Inventory Management.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10300.html ]
MIE Docs can be used in organizations with 1000s of users who want to easily manage their daily business activities. Document management system designed for a single user up to an organization of 1000s of users. File management systems are designed to solve the problems associated with storing, managing, finding and tracking files used throughout an organization. Organizations with hundreds of thousands of files lose files each day when files are stored on multiple computers, hard drives and backups. MIE Docs
File Management lowers the costs of handling and storing your documents and saves staff time by providing both instant access to your documents and business process automation. MIE Docs centralizes the storage of files into an easy to use virtual drive.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10299.html ]
MIE Dashboard Collaboration Software 2010-2 (freeware; 2772 Кб) David Ferguson
MIE Dashboard Workgroup Collaboration Software is a revolutionary business management and collaboration tool. MIE Dashboard is intended for businesses whose employees want to share information, collaborate, chat, manage tasks, manage documents and files and other business related tasks. MIE Dashboard can be used in organizations with 1000s of users who want to easily manage their daily business activities. Document management system designed for a single user up to an organization of 1000s of users. File
management systems are designed to solve the problems associated with storing, managing, finding and tracking files used throughout an organization. Organizations with hundreds of thousands of files lose files each day when files are stored on multiple computers, hard drives and backups. MIE Docs File Management lowers the costs of handling and storing your documents and saves staff time by providing both instant access to your documents and business process automation. M!
IE Docs centralizes the storage of files into an easy to use virtual drive.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10298.html ]
MIE CRM Software 2010-2 (freeware; 2772 Кб) David Ferguson
MIE Chat 2010-2 (freeware; 2772 Кб) David Ferguson
MIE Chat Software Collabration Software is a revolutionary chat software and collaboration tool. The chatting system is for intercompany chatting where users do not have access to chat outside the company. Its small chat server runs on your file server and each client now has the ability to chat, attach chats to files or tasks.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10296.html ]
MIE Calendar 2010-2 (freeware; 2772 Кб) David Ferguson
MIE Calendar Software is a revolutionary calendar and collaboration tool. MIE Calendar is intended for businesses whose employees want to share calendars, information and tasks.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10295.html ]
iPod Rip (shareware $25.95; 21547 Кб) tunny Inc.
As all-around iPod rip software, iPod Rip supports transferring music, videos and photos among iPod, iPhone and PC, and importing files from iPhone to iTunes. It helps you easily create, edit and delete iPod playlists and manage multiple iPods at the same time. You can manage your photos and use iPhone like a portable hard disk under its assistance. High ripping speed and concise interface design make iPod/iPhone content management on your computer simple and convenient. All types of iPod and iPhone are supported.
It is the only iPod/iPhone transfer that supports iPhone OS 3.1.3 and iTunes 9.0.3. New features: 1.Supports iPhone 4 2.Switches to QT platform Key Features: 1. Transfer iPod/iPhone music, video and photo to your PC at high speed. 2. Add and Transfer music or movies on your iPod/iPhone to iTunes library. 3. Feature friendly interface and easy-to-handle process. 4. Allow you to create, rename and delete a playlist on iPod/iPhone. 5. Support drag-and-drop. 6. Support!
all types of iPod and iPhone,including iPod nano5 and iPhone 4. 7. Manage your iPod on any computer- Once you install iPod Rip, you can use the software to manage your iPod on any computer. 8. Filter and quick search - Find what you want as quickly and easily as iTunes. 9. Device information display-All info about your iPod, e.g. type, capacity, version number, etc. will be shown on the main interface. 10. Two modes for viewing music, movies and photos- thumbnails and list. iPod Rip provides an ideal solution
for you to manage, rip, backup, restore your iPod/ iPhone on personal computer. Corporation focuses on the users experience all along, offering the most easy-to-use software and consummate service.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10288.html ]
Repair ZIP files Tool 6.0.1 (shareware $30.00; 8570 Кб) zip recovery freeware Tool
Zip repair recovery software repairs and recovers corrupted .zip files and restores the corrupted zip file. zip repair software extracts files from corrupted Zip archives. Zip Recovery Software or Zip Repair Tool for Windows XP can also repair and restore password protected Zip files WinZip 5.0 to WinZip 8.0. Zip File Recovery tool for Zip recovery to repair corrupt zip file, extract zip files and open zip files. Zip repair software is competent enough to repair corrupt Zip files after almost all corruption
cases like, broken downloads, CRC errors, incomplete download, virus hits, file system damage. ZP File Repair Software Features- password-protected archives recovery Zip recovery software Fix broken zip Files Tool repair corrupted zip archives, repairs corrupt Zip files. Data recovery program for corrupted Zip archives (.ZIP) repairs corrupt .zip files/archives, Repairs .zip files up to 800 MB file size. Download Advanced Archive Repair Tool Repairs and !
restores all sub-types of zip files, which are not password protected, for 8.1 to WinZip 12.1. Corrupt Zip Repair Tool Fix zip software recover Zip files compatible with Windows 7, Vista, 2003, XP, and 2000. Free ZIP Repair zip repair software provide complete install and uninstall support. Zip recovery application repair winzip archive provides preview of all repairable zip file(s) displaying the extractable files. Zip Recovery extracts files from corrupted Zip archives (.zip). Data recovery
software for corrupted Zip archives highly interactive user-interface recovers data from corrupt or damaged Zip. zip file recovery tool easily work with all Microsoft operating system like 98, 2000, 2003 server, NT, ME, XP professional and all editions of Vista.
Zip File Repair Software 6.0.1 (shareware $30.00; 8576 Кб) Zip File Repair Software Tool
Zip repair recovery software repairs and recovers corrupted .zip files and restores the corrupted zip file. Corrupt Zip Repair Software 7-Zip compressed archive File Recovery utility fixes and repair corrupt damaged and broken zip files. FIX Broken ZIP File Software can repair corrupted ZIP files which showing error like "Cannot open file:not a valid archive". No extra technical skills are required by the user to use the software. Zip repair utility or Free Zip Repair Tool easily recover images, pictures, music
files, document files etc from corrupt Zip Archives or compressed files corrupted due to CRC errors in downloaded zip, Virus Corruption, Broken downloads etc. Fix zip file vista freeware support all formats of ZIP files such as spanned ZIP files and split ZIP files. Zip Recovery Software tool can recover corrupt zip files of any size. Zip file repair software recover all Zip file items having CRC errors, Virus Corruption, Broken downloads.
Zip Recovery Softwa!
re Features- Repair and Recover Files from Corrupt ZIP Corrupted ZIP Archive Repair software Zip Recovery Tool extracts files from corrupted ZIP archives. Zip Repair Tool for Windows 7 compatible with Windows 2000, XP, 2003, Vista and Windows 7. Tool recovers files from ZIP archives recovers data from corrupted damaged ZIP files created using WinZip, WinRar or other utility Archives. Repair ZIP File Utility Zip Recovery Software repairs all .zip files that can be password protected, from WinZip
5.0 to WinZip 8.0 (Zip 2.0 Compatible encryption. Free Broken ZIP Repairer Software repairs corrupt .zip files archives tool repairs all sub-types of zip files created in WinZip 5.0 to WinZip 12.1.
Windows Vista Mail password recovery utility 5.0.1 (shareware $30.00; 1400 Кб) Windows Mail Passwords Recovery Tools
Windows Mail password revealer application email password recovery tools can extract the password and display it in plain text. Windows Mail password viewer tool recovers all types of Windows Mail and Windows Live Mail saved passwords including POP3, IMAP, SMTP, NNTP and LDAP accounts. Windows Vista Mail password recovery utility decrypt Windows Mail account passwords directly from Windows registry files. Advanced Mail password restoration program can recover local Vista Windows Mail e-mails and news accounts
data and passwords Windows Mail Password Recovery Features Windows live mail password finder recovers all types of Windows Mail and Windows Live Mail saved passwords: POP3, IMAP, SMTP, NNTP and LDAP accounts. Windows Mail Password Recovery decrypt windows mail account passwords directly from Windows registry files. Windows Mail Password Recovery Tools will help you to recover your lost Windows Mail / Windows Live Mail logins and passwords. Windows !
live mail passwords unlocker support multilingual passwords with full install/uninstall support. Windows (Live) Mail password recovery utility Demo Version of Windows Mail Password Recovery shows only first 2 characters of the decrypted passwords.
Disk Data Wiping Tool 5.0.1 (shareware $45.00; 1400 Кб) Disk Wipe Tools
Data Wiper removes completely all deleted confidential files folders from your hard drive and USB drives. Generally when a user delete a file from hard disk, deleted data can be recovered by data recovery softwares. Data wiping tool easley wipe data and no data recovery software will recover your data after wiping. Data erasure utility supports both FAT and NTFS file system and runs under all major windows operating systems including Windows XP, Win 2000, Windows 98, Win ME and Vista. It can wipe system files
like clipboard contents, administrator s temporary files, recent folder, system registry traces, recycle bin, recent documents. It removes data permanently from hard drive that can never be recovered by any data recovery tools. Data wiping utility is able to permanently remove files and folders from hard drives, USB Removable Storage media, memory cards, compact flash cards, SD cards, and other flash drives. Data wiper software features - Erasing and destroying all !
the deleted files wipes all the activity Data wiper tool easily wipes free unused memory space clean all online-offline activities, auto complete forms, recently opened documents. Software smothery runs on all Windows operating systems like windows 98 ME XP 2000 and Vista operating system. Data eraser software permanently delete temporary files folders remove internet history web address bar URL records from hard disk and other removal medias. Powerful security application which ensures better
system performance by completely erasing and destroying all the deleted files and folders from your PC or laptops. Software completely wipes out unused space on the hard disk and destroy all online/offline activities, internet files, history details, cookies, opened document list, recently visited websites and typed URLs, temporary files, recycle bin, clipboard content. Laptop hard disk data wiper is a SAFE data remover.
Floppy Disk Data Recovery 5.0.1 (shareware $30.00; 1800 Кб) Floppy Repair Tools
Floppy data recovery tool recover data from floppy disks and user can rescues various deleted files. Floppy Recovery tool can recover data from formatted floppy disks. Rescue damaged file from floppy disk utility is compatible with all Windows Operating System Technical and non technical users both are easily operate it without having the knowledge of data recovery. Data recovery software for floppies user can recover accidentally deleted files on floppy disk. Recover inaccessible data on floppy disk and rescue
lost files from floppy disk. Inaccessible floppy disk data recovery restores floppy disk deleted files and recovers quick formatted floppy disk data. Floppy Disk Recovery Software Features Floppy recovery tool recover floppy disk data and files recovers corrupt or lost data from floppy disks. Floppy disk data retrieval rescues various corrupt files from a inaccessible floppy disk. Recover data from floppy disks that Microsoft Windows identifies as "not!
formatted", "not accessible", or prompts you to format. Recover Data Corrupted and unopenable files on floppy disk. Floppy Disk Recovery works under all Windows family operating systems including Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows XP. Floppy disk undeletes recover accidentally deleted files on floppy disk
MSSQL to MS Access DB Converter 5.0.1 (shareware $45.00; 828 Кб) Database Converter Tools
MSSQL to MS Access Database converter convert SQL Server database into MS Access Database. Database converter tool supports Microsoft SQL Server 2000/2005 support. MSSQL database file converter software runs easily on all windows Operating Systems including Windows 98, Windows 98 (SE), Windows ME, Windows 2000, Windows NT, Windows 2003 Server, Windows XP and Windows VISTA. Software convert individual tables and easy-to-use wizard-style interface with full install/uninstall support. MSSQL to MS access database
conversion tool application support Unicode architecture and maintains database integrity. MS Access File Repair Features Microsoft SQL Server to MS Access database converter tool converts its tables into MS Access database table. MSSQL to MS Access database conversion utility supports all versions of Microsoft SQL Server including SQL Server 2000/ 2005 and Microsoft Access. Converts attributes, primary key, unique key constraints, not null constraint!
s, index files and all other properties of MS SQL database. Convert MS SQL to MS Access database utility supports windows operating system like windows 98, windows 2000, 2003, 2003 server, NT, NT Server, NT workstation, XP home edition, Windows XP Media centre edition 2005, Me, windows pro edition, and Vista.
MySQL to MS Access DB Converter 5.0.1 (shareware $45.00; 885 Кб) DB Converter Tools
MySQL to MS Access Database Conversion Tool convert entire or selected data base rows or columns of MySQL database to Microsoft Access database. MySQL to MS Access database conversion tool support all major MS access database datatype attributes, default value and Unicode architecture for better database conversion results. Software support all major MS Access database data type and attributes with support all major version of MySQL and MS Access database server. MySQL to MS Access Database Converter Features
MySQL to MS Access database converter software converts MySQL database records into MS Access database records. MySQL Server to Microsoft MS Access database migration software support all Windows operating systems like windows 98 ME XP 2000 and Vista operating system. Converts selected individual tables or entire database records. Freeware MySQL server to Microsoft MS Access database migration software has full install/uninstall support.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10269.html ]
MSSQL to MySQL DB Converter 5.0.1 (shareware $45.00; 824 Кб) DB Converter MSSQL-MySQL Tools
MSSQL to MySQL Database Converter Software converts database records created in MSSQL server to MySQL server database record format. MSSQL to MySQL database converter is compatible with all windows based operating system including windows XP, Windows vista starter, vista home basic, vista home premium, vista business, vista enterprise and vista ultimate, Win 98, Win 2000, Win ME, NT, 2003 server. Free MySQL to MS SQL database converter can converts individual tables or more than one table depending on user selection
and work with all major versions of MS SQL Server. MSSQL to MySQL Database Converter Features MSSQL to MySQL database conversion tool supports all data types, constraints, keys and other attributes used in MySQL server. MSSQL to MySQL database migration software support all Windows operating systems like windows 98 ME XP 2000 and Vista operating system. Convert MySQL to MS Sql Server Utility converts table, fields, indexes, rows and column fro!
m source database (MSSQL) to destination database (MySQL). MSSQL to MySQL converter software provides highly interactive easy to use wizard style graphical user interface.
Yahoo messenger archive recovery software recover chat messages like instant messages, conferences and mobile SMS messages read and recover data from archive .dat files. Retrieve chat conversations data. Yahoo Messenger Chat Recovery Program recovers all chat conversations data that are stored on your personal computer, Laptop, Notebook. You can decodes all your private chat messages like instant messages conferences and mobile SMS messages and saves it in RTF rich text format file. Yahoo messenger chat message
archive decoder can easily monitor all versions of Yahoo Messengers incoming and outgoing chat text messages. Monitor yahoo chat history of your kids, friends, family members, husband, wife, girlfriend and boyfriend or, view yahoo chat conversations of your employees, spouse. Yahoo Messenger Chat Recovery Features Yahoo Messenger Archive Reader Tool Read your Yahoo messenger archives .dat files. Yahoo messenger archive recovery software Decrypt yahoo me!
ssenger chat conversations and decode archive .dat files. Yahoo chat files (.dat files) software works with ANY version of Yahoo! Instant Messenger!. Yahoo chat .dat reader decrypts yahoo chatting read chat history and you can take backup all yahoo chat archive messages without login to yahoo account. Deleted SMS Reader recovers deleted sms from phone and user can view deleted SMS. Yahoo chat decryption tool provide user friendly GUI interface with full Install/Uninstall features. Yahoo
archive reader tool smothery runs on all Windows operating systems like windows 98 ME XP 2000 and Vista operating system.
word recovery 5.0.1 (shareware $69.00; 1400 Кб) Repair Word Files Tools
Word File Recovery Software Extracts all the text from the corrupt word document. Professional word document repair software recovers restore and repair corrupted word doc document files created using MS Word 2000, MS Word XP, Word 2000, Word 97, Word 95, Word 200 3, Word 2007 fails to open due to virus attacks, unexpected system shutdown etc. Word repair tool can fix damaged docx and recover documents of different formats including (*.doc, *.docx, and *.rtf) and extract the data and fix docx file from any
removable media. Free Microsoft Word Recovery Software can restores damaged Word files after instances of virus attacks, unexpected system shutdown, media read error. Word Repair Features - Data recovery program for Microsoft Word documents Word recovery software tool corrupt word recovery and damaged doc repair tool fix repairs corrupt Word document files Advanced Word Repair Software smothery runs on all Windows operating systems like windows 98 ME XP 200!
0 and Vista operating system. Extracts text even from heavily damaged *.doc files and recovered documents text can be saved as Word *.doc or plain-text *.txt files. Restore and restore headers and footnotes Software is useful in following cases: Word Cannot open the document, Instance of virus attack, unexpected system shutdown. It can open the corrupt word file, preview the recoverable text in the preview window and save this text to a new error free word file. Recovers embedded images including
jpg, jpeg, gif. Doc restore tool will repair Microsoft Word 6.0, Word 95, Word 97, Word 2000, Word XP, and Word 2003, Word 2007 for Windows and supports Rich Text Format (RTF), DOCX, DOC.
Mobile phone sim card SMS recovery 5.0.1 (shareware $65.00; 1600 Кб) Mobile SIM Card Data Recovery Tools
Sim Card Recovery software recovers all deleted lost text SMS messages and lost data from your mobile phones sim card. USB sim card reader can easily recover your lost and deleted cell phone sim card SMS messages. Mobile phone data recovery software SIM card is compatible with all Windows Operating System such as Windows 98/ME, Windows XP/2000, XP Professional and Vista Operating systems. Simcard SMS recovery software restore accidentally deleted data like phone text SMS from your mobile phone. Please use
any USB SIM Card reader (Phoenix Standards based Reader) to use our software to recover data from sim card. Deleted SMS Recovery Features Sim Card Lost SMS Recovery Tool restore deleted text sms messages restore lost contact address. Sim Card Deleted SMS Recovery utility recover accidentally erased unread inaccessible text messages from inbox outbox sent items. Deleted SMS Reader recovers deleted sms from phone and user can view deleted SMS. SIM car!
d files rescue software provide user friendly GUI interface with full Install/Uninstall features. Mobile phone sim card SMS recovery software smothery runs on all Windows operating systems like windows 98 ME XP 2000 and Vista operating system.
MS Outlook Password Retrieval 5.0.1 (shareware $30.00; 624 Кб) MS Outlook password recovery Tools
Outlook express password recovery software recovers all types of Outlook saved passwords. Password recovery tool is compatible with all Windows Operating System such as Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows XP, Windows 2000, XP Professional and Vista Operating systems. Outlook password Recovery utility shows only first 2 character of the decrypted passwords. Recover outlook password decrypts outlook account passwords directly from windows registry files. Outlook password recovery tool recover forgotten or lost passwords
to e-mail accounts. Advanced Outlook Password Recovery Program helps the user display logins and passwords for all e-mail accounts. Password Retrieval Features Outlook and Outlook Express Password Retrieval Software Recover forgotten or lost password of Microsoft Outlook mail account. Outlook and Outlook express email password recovery software tool for restoring lost or forgotten passwords of Microsoft Outlook. Decrypt Outlook account passwords !
directly from Windows registry files with multilingual passwords support. Microsoft Outlook mail account passwords recovery has full Install/uninstall support. Outlook and Outlook express password recovery software provide user friendly GUI interface with full Install/Uninstall features. MS Outlook Password Recovery Tool smothery runs on all Windows operating systems like windows 98 ME XP 2000 and Vista operating system.
Mobile phones data recovery 5.0.1 (shareware $69.00; 1400 Кб) Mobile phone data recovery Tools
Memory card data recovery software recover restore rescue deleted formatted flash memory card mmc, sD, xD, Memory stick, Micro drive data. Memory card files recovery tool support all brands of memory cards like Samsung, sony, Olympus etc. Free Memory Card data recovery is compatible with all Windows Operating System such as Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows XP, XP Professional, Windows 2000 and Vista Operating systems. Technical and non technical users both are easily operate this software without having the
knowledge of data recovery. Flash memory card data recovery software is useful for home users as and IT professionals. Try our demo version software before purchasing it. Software has simple GUI interface with full install/uninstall support. Recover MMC SD flash cards easily restore accidentally deleted formatted corrupted pictures images photos audio video files folders. Restore Memory Card Data Features Memory cards data recovery utility recover restore retriev!
e DELETED DATA from SD compact flash multimedia mmc card, scandisk memory card, XD Card, SD Card, Flash card. Memory card files backup utility data recovery software supports all kind of memory cards. Undelete deleted pictures retrieval program has easy installation process. Flash Memory Card data retrieval software recover and restore lost accidentally deleted formatted corrupted pictures images photos audio video files folders. Digital Flash Card Restore Software smothery runs on all Windows
operating systems like windows 98 ME XP 2000 and Vista operating system.
Data recovery tool 5.0.1 (shareware $69.00; 1400 Кб) Data Recovery Tool
Hard drive data recovery software restore retrieve recover windows Partition formatted deleted FAT NTFS partition data. Free data recovery software retrieves and restores all deleted, corrupted and damaged files. Recover deleted hard drive tool is compatible with all Windows Operating System such as Windows 98/ME, Windows XP/2000, XP Professional and Vista Operating systems. Technical and non technical users both are easily operate this software without having the knowledge of data recovery. Hard Disk Data
Recovery Features - Software Screenshot Product Help File recovery software supports file recovery from FAT16, FAT32, FAT12, NTFS file systems. Retrieve and restore all deleted formatted data from hard disk drive. NTFS hard drive recovery software provides user friendly interface GUI and recover all deleted data from hard disk. File recovery software smothery runs on all Windows operating systems like windows 98 ME XP 2000 and Vista operating syste!
m. Windows data recovery software can restore data even when Recycle bin is emptied or Shift+Del keys are pressed. Windows Recovery Software support IDE, SATA, ATA, EIDE and SCSI disk devices.
iPod data recovery software recover and restore deleted mp3 mp4 music video songs. User can recover data from all Apple iPod models and restore all audio, video, image and document files. Ipod data recovery tool is compatible with all Windows Operating System such as Windows 98/ME, Windows XP/2000, XP Professional and Vista Operating systems. Free iPod data recovery software can restore corrupted, damaged iPod files from iPod media damaged or lost due to virus attack. iPod music recovery software can saves recovered
data at user specified location on your storage media. IPod music recovery Features - Software Screenshot Product Help Ipod data recovery software recover deleted music files, videos, songs, mp3, mp4, avi, mid, midi wav files, deleted or corrupted ipod data . Recover Audio, Video, Image Form Inaccessible iPod. Apple iPod recovery retrieves all important lost deleted music files from your iPod digital media players. iPod Data recovery utilit!
ies runs on all Windows operating systems like windows 98 ME XP 2000 and Vista operating system. iPod recovery software support all brand of Ipods models like iPod shuffle, iPod mini, iPod Hi-Fi, iPod nano etc.
Word Repair 5.0.1 (shareware $69.00; 812 Кб) Microsoft Word recovery Tools
Advance word recovery tool repairs word files restore corrupt or damaged MS Word documents. Data recovery tools for word files corrupted by virus restore & repair word files that gets corrupted or damaged due to virus attacks, sudden system shut down, unexpected software shutdown etc. Word repair supports repairing of word document files created in Microsoft Word 95, MS Word 97, Word 2000, Word XP and 2003. Recover corrupt word doc software for virus corrupted file repair can recover text from corrupt word documents
which gets heavily damaged or corrupted. Word Recovery is compatible with Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows XP SP2, Windows 2003, and Windows Vista. Repair Corrupt Word Documents Features Corrupted MS word file recovery software restore and repairs corrupt .doc files data Repair corrupt word file software rescues most unopenable Microsoft Word files, and makes them openable, repair word files corrupted due to virus. Free d!
ameged files repair restore corrupted, damaged, or unopenable Word files. Word repair works for documents created by Microsoft Word 95, 97, 2000, XP, 2003 and Word 2007. Microsoft word document repair tool restore and restore headers and footnotes.
Data recovery software utility that can effectively recover deleted files. Deleted Document File Recovery Software supports windows VISTA, Windows XP, Win 2000, Win 2003 Server Operating Systems and support FAT, FAT16, FAT32, NTFS, file systems. Undelete deleted files utility can recover any deleted file, including documents, photos, mp3 and zip files, or even folders and damaged disks. Program supports any type of storage media including music sticks, cameras, flash drives, USB drives, etc. It is easy to use
and cost effective data recovery software facilitates with highly interactive GUI interface. Deleted file recovery tool can restore lost files from missing, corrupted or deleted partitions. You can recover all your valuable data, files, images, videos, clips, movies, picture, documents, photos, songs & many more. Deleted Document Recovery features - Shift Delete File Recovery, File Recovery After Emptied Recycle Bin Quickly recovering deleted files that were acc!
identally deleted, files deleted by application programs. Recover deleted files utility supports data loss recovery from FAT / FAT / FAT32 and NTFS file systems, Recovering deleted files software smothery runs on all Windows operating systems like windows 98 ME XP 2000 and Vista operating system. NTFS deleted file recovery tool is compatible with Microsoft Windows Vista, 2003, XP and 2000 and recover lost missing or inaccessible Windows files and folders. Deleted file recovery freeware can also
recover files that have been emptied from the Recycle Bin, permanently deleted files within Windows using the Shift + Delete command.
Formatted digital camera images recovery 5.0.1 (shareware $69.00; 1600 Кб) Camera images recovery Tools
Digital camera data recovery software recovers and restores photo pictures images video photos audio voice sound accidentally deleted erased pictures. Deleted pictures photo data recovery recover accidentally deleted photo, images, audio, video files from all major branded of Digital Camera like Sony, Samsung, Kodak, Panasonic, Olympus, Canon and more. Digital Photo Recovery is smoothly run on all Windows Operating System such as Windows 98, Window ME, Windows XP, Win 2000, XP Professional and Vista Operating
systems. Camera Data Recovery supports all type of memory card and memory sticks MMC SD flash cards. Digital Image, Photo, and Data Recovery Software recover all corrupted, deleted or logically crashed camera picture and photos. Pictures recovery software recover deleted digital photo and do not require any technical skills to operate this data recovery software.
Digital Camera Data Recovery Features * Compact Flash Memory card data recover tool!
retrieve and restore rescue lost missing photos repair damaged corrupted images. * Digital Camera Files Recovery Software provides user friendly interface GUI and recover all deleted formatted data from digital cameras memory cards. * Data recovery utilities retrieve digital camera pictures images photos deleted formatted memory card data. * Free professional file retrieval program recover deleted photos from your digital cameras memory card multimedia memory card secure
digital card extreme xD card mmc card audio video clips. * Digital camera flash memory card data recovery software support all major digital camera brands including Kingston, Kodak, Konica, Nikon, Olympus, Panasonic, Samsung, Sony, Toshiba etc and you can recover your deleted photos and videos from any brand of digital camera. * Formatted digital camera images pictures data recovery software supports all Windows operating systems like windows!
98 ME XP 2000 and Vista operating system.
Access password recovery tool Recovers lost forgotten ms access databases file passwords. Access Password Recovery Software is compatible with all Windows Operating System such as Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows XP, Windows 2000, XP Professional and Vista Operating systems. Software support access 97, access 98 and access 2000 with full install/Uninstall support. Access Password Recovery Software Unlock MDB Database Tool recover password from password protect *.mdb database file. Access Password Recovery Tool
for MS Access Recover MS Access password can open your Microsoft Access 97, Access 2000, Access XP databases. Access Password Retrieval Features - Software Screenshot Product Help Unlock mdb file software recover access database password unprotect access mdb file. Instant Password Decryption with Unicode support. Free Access Password Recovery Recover MS Access password Unlock MDB files. MDB Password Recovery Recover lost or forgotten MS Access !
Database (*.MDB) File Password. Recover Access Password Software provide user friendly GUI interface with full Install/Uninstall features. Recover Lost MDB Database Password and all passwords are recovered instantly. Microsoft access password recovery tool smothery runs on all Windows operating systems like windows 98 ME XP 2000 and Vista operating system.
Corrupt word files repair software repairs data from corrupt .doc files. Word Recovery Software restores headers and footnotes of MS Word 2003, Word XP, Word 2000, Word 97, Word 95 files which is corrupted due to virus attacks and unexpected system shutdown. Microsoft Word Document Recovery software supports multiple document repairs at a time. Application rebuild and repair corrupt word document which gets corrupted due to virus attacks. MS word file repair software Docx file recovery tool repairs corrupt Docx,
*.rtf, corrupted doc files. Fix Word Files can repair and restore word document files showing following error like ocument fails to open" etc. Doc File Repair Runs smoothly with all version of Windows Operating System like Windows Vista, Windows 2K, Windows XP and Windows 2003. Users can rescue all your corrupt doc, docx, files. Word file recovery software support to repair Microsoft Word 6.0, 95, 97, 2000, XP, 2003 documents also. Repair corrupt or damaged Microsoft!
Word documents (.doc files) and recover your data instantly. Advanced Word Recovery tool can recover text and embedded jpg images in Word documents. MS Word repair software features:- Repair Corrupt Word File created Using MS Word 2007 MS Word Recovery can wipe all type of removable media including Pen drive, Memory card and other USB supported flash drives. Docx recovery tool repair restore and fix corrupt Word 2007 Document File repairs corrupt docx file extract corrupt docx text. Word 2007
Document Recovery or Docx File Repair utility repairs your corrupt docx document files created using MS Word 2007. MS Word Document Recovery Software is designed to repair and recover text from damaged or corrupt Word files (.doc files) that are corrupted damaged by virus. Word Recovery Tool View content of recovered docx file. Word Document Recovery Software is compatible with all versions of Windows operating system including Windows 2000, Windows XP, !
2003 and Vista.
Floppy data recovery tool 5.0.1 (shareware $30.00; 1400 Кб) Floppy data recovery Tool
Data recovery software for floppy disk recovers files deleted or formatted from floppy disks. Floppy data recovery supports recovering all types of files like documents (including Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint files), applications, videos, music files, images, etc. easy-to-use tool to rescue corrupt file from Floppy disk. Defective Floppy data recovery especially effective for image files MPEG, JPEG etc, and for damaged document and text files. Data recovery software for Floppy Disks recovers files from
a floppy that generates Drive A: is not accessible or The disk in drive A: is not formatted error in WINDOWS. Floppy Disk Data Recovery Software Features Floppy disk recovery software can effectively recover and rescue corrupted or lost data from damaged, unreadable or defective floppy disks. Recover Floppy Disk files Fixed Floppy Disk data recovery utility for recovering files when FAT or Boot Sector (floppy only) are damaged. Fixed Floppy Disk Tool re!
covers files from reformatted floppy disks. Floppy Disk File Recovery works with Microsoft Windows 95/98/2000/NT/ME/XP/2003/Vista. Floppy Recovery will help you to restore data residing on floppy disks (diskettes) formatted in the following file systems like FAT12. Damaged floppy disk repair tool can recover deleted formatted corrupted damaged data image, photos, files, from floppy disks.
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